Go beyond the textbook and experience the complete online program—interactive activities, literacy and assessment tools, all audio and video, and more. Contact your Vista Representative to request your access today: IMPORTANT—Request Trial Access!

Connect is a standards-based literacy program designed for Multilingual learners and striving readers in grades K–6. This powerful print and digital solution develops academic language and literacy skills through authentic texts and content-driven lessons, while addressing the proficiency needs of every student. Take a look inside Grade 3! Grade 3 Sample Book Contents Introduction to Connect ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2 Digital Experience ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4 Scope & Sequence ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 6 Program Components. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14 Walkthrough ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16 Connect to Phonics PLUS ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 22 Program Philosophy & Research �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������24 Differentiated Instruction �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26 Teacher’s Edition Sample Unit �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������28 Instructional Support Resources �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������76 Assessment Sample Unit ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 77 Practice Workbook Unit ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������97 Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT VISTA HIGHER LEARNING 1 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect 1 Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 3 27/11/20 7:51 AM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING k Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT CON22_SE_K_Perfect-Bound.indd 3 27/09/20 8:42 PM Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 2 VISTA HIGHER LEARNING LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect 2 CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 6 27/11/20 7:51 AM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 3 3 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 9 27/11/20 7:51 AM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 4 4 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 12 27/11/20 7:51 AM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 5 5 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 15 27/11/20 7:51 AM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 6 6 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 18 27/11/20 7:52 AM

Welcome to Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT ©2022 | 7 Grades | 8 Units per Grade A NEW PROGRAM FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT For Grades K–6 Connect is a new, comprehensive, standards-based English language development program built to support students who are at risk of falling behind due to language barriers. This powerful print and digital solution focuses on developing communication and literacy skills, as well as academic knowledge in the content areas of math, science, social studies, music, and art. And with the new Assess to Learn system, teachers can assess ongoing learning progress, discover skills gaps, and personalize instruction! Bring English language, literacy, and content to life for young learners.

What to expect with Connect! • Ensures proficiency in vocabulary, reading, listening, speaking, writing, and grammar skills • Promotes academic language development and writing skills • Engages with motivating literary texts and informational texts in science, social studies, math, and the arts • Helps students access grade-level content and prepares them for mainstream classes Print Program Components Big Books (Grade K only) Student Book Practice Book Connect to Phonics PLUS Thematic Readers (2 readers per unit) Decodable Readers (Grade K only) Teacher’s Edition Vocabulary Cards Assessment Program Poster Cutouts (Grade K only) The Connect curriculum is built on specialized knowledge necessary for working with culturally and linguistically diverse learners, the assets they bring into the classroom, and the unique academic challenges they face. 3

Vista is committed to helping you teach languages and literacy with the best digital products and integrations services available. We are proud to have vhlcentral listed as a 1EdTech Certified platform. An unparalleled digital learning experience with integrated content, resources, and tools built exclusively to support young learners as they begin their language and literacy journey. FOR STUDENTS Plenty of Practice and Support Motivate and engage students from start to finish. From the interactive student book and practice activities to phonics and thematic readers, students find exactly what they need when they need it. Safe, Friendly Environment Uncluttered interface, helpful tools, and seamless textbook-technology integration, all in a safe digital space. Engaging Media Engaging videos, audio-sync readings, audio recordings, interactive activities… the Supersite has it all. FOR PARENTS Instant Communication From teacher announcements to student assignments and grades, parents have access to it all—allowing them to play an integral part in their child’s learning. Real-time Progress No need to wait for progress reports or report cards—parents see how their child is performing every step of the way. Support Resources Teachers post letters and other notifications and resources to encourage parental involvement. Experience the Connect DIGITAL EXPERIENCE 4

DIGITAL EXPERIENCE FOR TEACHERS Time-saving tools No need to spend time finding the perfect video, crafting scaffolded activities, creating assessments, or grading lots of homework. We’ve provided everything you need, including: • Online Teacher’s Guide • Assessment Program with Progress Monitoring and Proficiency Assessment • Professional development • School-to-home connection letters with activities in multiple languages Assess to Learn Create a personalized learning path for your multilingual learners and striving readers with standards-based Progress Monitoring and Proficiency Assessments that tell you exactly where each student needs support and point you to the right resources to provide individualized instruction! The Assess to Learn system helps teachers ASSESS ongoing learning progress, DISCOVER skills gaps, and then PERSONALIZE instruction using standards-based lessons and activities. • Assess and Monitor student progress through standards-based progress monitoring and proficiency assessment to check learners’ skills development and “sum” of learning. • Analyze and Discover skills gaps easily with analytics tools that show student progress towards important learning standards. Monitor ongoing student performance at a glance through comprehensive dashboards. • Plan and Personalize instruction by assigning standards-based lessons and activities. Easily search for student and teacher resources to customize instruction. • Teach or Reteach skills and content for practice and reinforcement. Differentiate instruction by assigning activities to the whole class, small groups, or individual students. Enhanced support Get all the guidance you need to use the Supersite to its fullest potential—from face-toface presentations and training webinars by fellow educators to pre-recorded videos on a variety of topics. 5

SCOPE ANDSEQUENCE 3 Unit 1 before you Read Reading after you Read connect to Oral Language connect to Grammar U Back to School page 2 BIG Idea School is a community where we learn and play. pages 4–7 • Use Prior Knowledge • Build Background • READING STRATEGY Summarize • Vocabulary in Context • Develop Vocabulary: Use Visuals pages 8–17 Antonio’s First Day of School by April Pulley • Text Genre: Realistic Fiction pages 18–19 • Apply the Reading Strategy: Summarize • Discuss the Reading pages 20–21 Conversation LISTENING STRATEGY Summarize pages 22–25 • prepositions of location • pronoun agreement Unit 2 before you Read Reading after you Read connect to Oral Language connect to Grammar U The Digital World page 42 BIG Idea There are many things to create and many ways to create them. pages 44–47 • Use Prior Knowledge • Build Background • READING STRATEGY Main Idea and Details • Vocabulary in Context • Develop Vocabulary: Word Web pages 48–59 Gabi’s If/Then Garden by Caroline Karanja Illustrated by Ben Whitehouse • Text Genre: Realistic Fiction pages 60–61 • Apply the Reading Strategy: Main Idea and Details • Discuss the Reading pages 62–63 Follow Instructions LISTENING STRATEGY Listen for Details pages 64–67 • present continuous tense • simple present tense vi SCOPE AND SEQUENCE 6 | SCOPE AND SEQUENCE

connect to Language Arts connect to Science connect to Music connect to Art connect to Writing connect to Media pages 68–71 Description Garden Race: A Game • Text Elements: Text Features • Tools for Writing: Punctuation for Items in a Series • Word Study: Base Words pages 72–73 Engineering Design pages 74–75 Computer Technology Inventors pages 76–77 Multiplication and Division page 78 Listen and Sing My Username Is Mine page 79 Digital Artwork pages 80–82 Informational Text Write a Description WRITING STRATEGY Thinking of Details page 83 Video The Controller connect to Social Studies connect to Language Arts connect to Science connect to Music connect to Art connect to Writing connect to Media pages 26–29 Realistic Fiction The First Violin Class • Text Elements: Characters and Feelings • Tools for Writing: Punctuation for Dialogue • Word Study: Homophones pages 30–31 Motion and Force pages 32–33 Our Community pages 34–35 Solving Problems with Addition and Subtraction page 36 Listen and Sing School Time Rock page 37 Colors pages 38–40 Realistic Fiction Write a Real-Life Story WRITING STRATEGY Organize a Story page 41 Video Bunny New Girl connect to Social Studies connect to Mathematics connect to Mathematics vii SCOPE AND SEQUENCE SCOPE AND SEQUENCE | 7

SCOPE ANDSEQUENCE 3 Unit 3 before you Read Reading after you Read connect to Oral Language connect to Grammar U Health and Wellness page 84 BIG Idea Health and wellness are an important part of everyday life. pages 86–89 • Use Prior Knowledge • Build Background • READING STRATEGY Evaluate Language Choices • Vocabulary in Context • Develop Vocabulary: Personalize Vocabulary pages 90–99 Healthy Choices by Valerie Kelemen • Text Genre: Informational Text/Blog pages 100–101 • Apply the Reading Strategy: Evaluate Language Choices • Discuss the Reading pages 102–103 Description LISTENING STRATEGY Evaluate Language Choices pages 104–107 • comparatives • future tense with be going to Unit 4 before you Read Reading after you Read connect to Oral Language connect to Grammar U My Community page 124 BIG Idea People can work together to help their community. pages 126–129 • Use Prior Knowledge • Build Background • READING STRATEGY Sequence • Vocabulary in Context • Develop Vocabulary: Multiplemeaning Words pages 130–139 The Show Must Go On! by Betsy Tecco • Text Genre: Historical Fiction pages 140–141 • Apply the Reading Strategy: Sequence • Discuss the Reading pages 142–143 Presentation LISTENING STRATEGY Sequence pages 144–147 • singular and plural nouns • adverbs of time viii SCOPE AND SEQUENCE 8 | SCOPE AND SEQUENCE

connect to Language Arts connect to Science connect to Music connect to Art connect to Writing connect to Media pages 108–111 Poetry Pop-Corn by Evaleen Stein • Text Elements: Poetry Elements • Tools for Writing: Expand Noun Phrases • Word Study: Pronoun Reference pages 112–113 Human Adaptation pages 114–115 Economics pages 116–117 Fractions page 118 Listen and Sing Oats, Peas, Beans, and Barley Grow page 119 Painting pages 120–122 How-to Text Write a Recipe WRITING STRATEGY Using Commands for Instructions page 123 Video The Nutrition Song connect to Social Studies connect to Mathematics connect to Language Arts connect to Science connect to Music connect to Art connect to Writing connect to Media pages 148–151 Opinion Article Community Field Trips • Text Elements: Fact and Opinion • Tools for Writing: Proper Nouns • Word Study: Suffixes -ful and -ly pages 152–153 Animal Groups pages 154–155 The Federal Government pages 156–157 Metric Units of Measurement page 158 Listen and Sing In Our Community page 159 Art in the Community pages 160–162 Opinion Text Write About Your Community WRITING STRATEGY Give Reasons for Your Opinion page 163 Video Dust Buddies connect to Social Studies connect to Mathematics ix SCOPE AND SEQUENCE SCOPE AND SEQUENCE | 9

SCOPE ANDSEQUENCE 3 Unit 5 before you Read Reading after you Read connect to Oral Language connect to Grammar U The World Around Us page 164 BIG Idea Stories can explain what we see in the world around us. pages 166–169 • Use Prior Knowledge • Build Background • READING STRATEGY Visualize • Vocabulary in Context • Develop Vocabulary: Idioms in Context pages 170–179 Why Mole Lives Underground Retold by Mario Castro • Text Genre: Drama pages 180–181 • Apply the Reading Strategy: Visualize • Discuss the Reading pages 182–183 Description LISTENING STRATEGY Visualize pages 184–187 • the simple past tense • irregular past tense verbs Unit 6 before you Read Reading after you Read connect to Oral Language connect to Grammar U The Natural World page 204 BIG Idea Humans and the natural world are connected in many ways. pages 206–209 • Use Prior Knowledge • Build Background • READING STRATEGY Cause and Effect • Vocabulary in Context • Develop Vocabulary: Using Context Clues pages 210–219 Why Earthworms Help Farmers Retold by Betsy Tecco • Text Genre: Folktale pages 220–221 • Apply the Reading Strategy: Cause and Effect • Discuss the Reading pages 222–223 Reader’s Theater LISTENING STRATEGY Cause and Effect pages 224–227 • cause and effect sentences with so • compound subjects with and x SCOPE AND SEQUENCE 10 | SCOPE AND SEQUENCE

connect to Language Arts connect to Science connect to Music connect to Art connect to Writing connect to Media pages 188–191 Informational Text Moon Phases • Text Elements: Central Idea and Supporting Evidence • Tools for Writing: Contractions • Word Study: Synonyms pages 192–193 Weather and Climate pages 194–195 Geography pages 196–197 Perimeter and Area page 198 Listen and Sing Down in the Valley page 199 Landscapes pages 200–202 Informational Writing Write an Informational Text WRITING STRATEGY Main Idea and Details page 203 Video The Clever Monkey Rides Again connect to Social Studies connect to Mathematics connect to Language Arts connect to Science connect to Music connect to Art connect to Writing connect to Media pages 228–231 Opinion The Importance of Bees • Text Elements: Identify the Claim • Tools for Writing: Connect Opinion and Reasons • Word Study: Prefixes pages 232–233 Droughts pages 234–235 Natural Resources pages 236–237 Solving Word Problems page 238 Listen and Sing Down by the Bay page 239 Public Art pages 240–242 Opinion Writing Write About an Important Natural Resource WRITING STRATEGY Give an Opinion and Reasons page 243 Video Why Koala Has a Stumpy Tail connect to Social Studies connect to Mathematics xi SCOPE AND SEQUENCE SCOPE AND SEQUENCE | 11

SCOPE ANDSEQUENCE 3 Unit 7 before you Read Reading after you Read connect to Oral Language connect to Grammar U Finding Your Way page 244 BIG Idea People often work hard to achieve a goal. pages 246–249 • Use Prior Knowledge • Build Background • READING STRATEGY Author’s Purpose • Vocabulary in Context • Develop Vocabulary: Use a Dictionary pages 250–259 Ida Lewis to the Rescue by Kathleen Muldoon • Text Genre: Biography pages 260–261 • Apply the Reading Strategy: Author’s Purpose • Discuss the Reading pages 262–263 Lighthouses LISTENING STRATEGY Speaker’s Purpose pages 264–267 • connecting words in compound sentences • possessive adjectives Unit 8 before you Read Reading after you Read connect to Oral Language connect to Grammar U Changes page 284 BIG Idea Everybody experiences change. pages 286–289 • Use Prior Knowledge • Build Background • READING STRATEGY Draw Conclusions • Vocabulary in Context • Develop Vocabulary: Alphabetize pages 290–303 The Upside Down Boy by Juan Herrera Illustrations by Elizabeth Gomez • Text Genre: Memoir pages 304–305 • Apply the Reading Strategy: Draw Conclusions • Discuss the Reading pages 306–307 A Story About Moving LISTENING STRATEGY Make Inferences pages 308–311 • object pronouns • superlative adjectives xii SCOPE AND SEQUENCE 12 | SCOPE AND SEQUENCE

How to Use a Dictionary 000 Picture Dictionary 000 Credits 000 Index 000 connect to Language Arts connect to Science connect to Music connect to Art connect to Writing connect to Media pages 268–271 Fiction Paulo Rescues a Duckling • Text Elements: When Words Make a Familiar Sound • Tools for Writing: Compound Predicates • Word Study: Antonyms pages 272–273 Navigating a Storm pages 274–275 Navigation pages 276–277 Weight page 278 Listen and Sing Row, Row, Row Your Boat page 279 Sculpture pages 280–282 Biography Write a Biography WRITING STRATEGY Sequence Events page 283 Video The Well of Truth connect to Social Studies connect to Mathematics connect to Language Arts connect to Science connect to Music connect to Art connect to Writing connect to Media pages 312–315 Memoir From Caterpillar to Butterfly • Text Elements: Similes • Tools for Writing: Apostrophes in Possessives • Word Study: Using a Dictionary pages 316–317 Plant Life Cycles pages 318–319 The Geography of Building pages 320–321 Solve Word Problems page 322 Listen and Sing The Green Grass Grows All Around page 323 Art About Change pages 324–326 Personal Narrative Write a Personal Narrative WRITING STRATEGY Brainstorm a Topic page 327 Video The Life Cycle Song connect to Social Studies connect to Mathematics xiii SCOPE AND SEQUENCE How to Use a Dictionary 328 Dictionary 330 Credits 354 Index 360 How to Use a Dictionary 000 Picture Dictionary 000 Credits 000 Index 000 connect to Language Arts connect to Science connect to Music connect to Art connect to Writing connect to Media pages 268–271 Fiction Paulo Rescues a Duckling • Text Elements: When Words Make a Familiar Sound • Tools for Writing: Compound Predicates • Word Study: Antonyms pages 272–273 Navigating a Storm pages 274–275 Navigation pages 276–277 Weight page 278 Listen and Sing Row, Row, Row Your Boat page 279 Sculpture pages 280–282 Biography Write a Biography WRITING STRATEGY Sequence Events page 283 Video The Well of Truth connect to Social Studies connect to Mathematics connect to Language Arts connect to Science connect to Music connect to Art connect to Writing connect to Media pages 312–315 Memoir From Caterpillar to Butterfly • Text Elements: Similes • Tools for Writing: Apostrophes in Possessives • Word Study: Using a Dictionary pages 316–317 Plant Life Cycles pages 318–319 The Geography of Building pages 320–321 Solve Word Problems page 322 Listen and Sing The Green Grass Grows All Around page 323 Art About Change pages 324–326 Personal Narrative Write a Personal Narrative WRITING STRATEGY Brainstorm a Topic page 327 Video The Life Cycle Song connect to Social Studies connect to Mathematics xiii SCOPE AND SEQUENCE How to Use a Dictionary 328 Dictionary 330 Credits 354 Index 360 SCOPE AND SEQUENCE | 13

Student Book • Eight thematic units • A variety of literary and informational reading selections across the content areas • Activities designed to develop language, literacy, and content • Includes all four domains: listening, speaking, reading, writing Interactive Student Book, practice activities, and engaging media LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect Program COMPONENTS VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 1 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect 1 CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 3 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING k Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 27/09/20 8:42 PM Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 2 VISTA HIGHER LEARNING LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect 2 CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 6 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 3 C 3 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 9 25/09/20 5:02 PM Conn LANGU 4 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 12 onnect is a new, comprehensive, standards-based Engl ogram designed specifically for elementary English learn nd digital solution develops academic language and liter ontent-driven lessons, while addressing the proficiency ne Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT VISTA HIGHER LEARNING k Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT VISTA HIGHER LEARNING k Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT CON22_SE_K_Perfect-Bound.indd 3 27/09/20 8:42 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 1 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect 1 CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 3 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING k Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT CON22_SE_K_Perfect-Bound.indd 3 27/09/20 8:42 PM Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 2 VISTA HIGHER LEARNING LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect 2 CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 6 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 3 3 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 9 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 4 4 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 12 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 5 5 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 15 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 6 6 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 18 25/09/20 5:02 PM Connect is a new, comprehensive, standards-based English language development program designed specifically for elementary English learners. This powerful print and digital solution develops academic language and literacy skills through content-driven lessons, while addressing the proficiency needs of every student. Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT K k LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_K_Perfect-Bound.indd All Pages 26/10/20 3:16 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING k Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 27/09/20 8:42 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 1 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect 1 CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 3 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING k Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT CON22_SE_K_Perfect-Bound.indd 3 27/09/20 8:42 PM Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 2 VISTA HIGHER LEARNING LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect 2 CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 6 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 3 3 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 9 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 4 4 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 12 25/09/20 5:02 PM C 5 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-b Connect is a new, comprehensive, standards-based English langua program designed specifically for elementary English learners. This and digital solution develops academic language and literacy skills content-driven lessons, while addressing the proficiency needs of ev l Pages VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 27/09/20 8:42 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 1 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect 1 CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 3 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING k Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT CON22_SE_K_Perfect-Bound.indd 3 27/09/20 8:42 PM Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 2 VISTA HIGHER LEARNING LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect 2 CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 6 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 3 3 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 9 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 4 4 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 12 25/09/20 5:02 PM 5 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CO Connect is a new, comprehensive, standards-based English langu program designed specifically for elementary English learners. Thi and digital solution develops academic language and literacy skill content-driven lessons, while addressing the proficiency needs of e All Pages VISTA HIGHER LEARNING onnect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 1 25/09/20 5:02 PM Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 2 VISTA HIGHER LEARNING LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect 2 CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 6 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 3 C 3 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 9 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 4 4 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 12 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 5 5 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 15 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 6 6 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 18 25/09/20 5:02 PM comprehensive, standards-based English language development specifically for elementary English learners. This powerful print develops academic language and literacy skills through ns, while addressing the proficiency needs of every student. LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 1 R_Case-bound.indd 3 25/09/20 5:02 PM Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 2 VISTA HIGHER LEARNING LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect 2 CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 6 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 3 3 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 9 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 4 C 4 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 12 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 5 5 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 15 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 6 6 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 18 25/09/20 5:02 PM w, comprehensive, standards-based English language development d specifically for elementary English learners. This powerful print n develops academic language and literacy skills through sons, while addressing the proficiency needs of every student. LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 1 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect 1 CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 3 25/09/20 5:02 PM Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 2 VISTA HIGHER LEARNING LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect 2 CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 6 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 3 3 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 9 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 4 4 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 12 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 5 5 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 15 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 6 6 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 18 25/09/20 5:02 PM ew, comprehensive, standards-based English language development ed specifically for elementary English learners. This powerful print ion develops academic language and literacy skills through essons, while addressing the proficiency needs of every student. LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 1 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect 1 CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 3 25/09/20 5:02 PM 8:42 PM Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 2 VISTA HIGHER LEARNING LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect 2 CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 6 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 3 3 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 9 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 4 4 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 12 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 5 5 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 15 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 6 6 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 18 25/09/20 5:02 PM new, comprehensive, standards-based English language development gned specifically for elementary English learners. This powerful print ution develops academic language and literacy skills through lessons, while addressing the proficiency needs of every student. LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect A flexible online learning platform supports digital only and hybrid learning models. TRY IT FOR YOURSELF! Kindergarten, Grades 1–6 Language, Literacy, Content is a comprehensive standards-based English language development program designed specifically for elementary English learners . This powerful print and digital solution develops academic language and literacy skills through content-driven lessons, while addressing the proficiency needs of every student . CONNECT Tvii - 14

VISTA HIGHER LEARNING nnect UAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 4 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 5 5 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 15 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 6 6 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 18 25/09/20 5:02 PM lish language development ners. This powerful print racy skills through eeds of every student. k LANGUAGE, Connect VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 5 bound.indd 15 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 6 6 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 18 25/09/20 5:02 PM age development powerful print through very student. LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT nect VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 5 ON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 15 25/09/20 5:02 PM VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 6 6 LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect CON22_SE_ALL_CVR_Case-bound.indd 18 25/09/20 5:02 PM uage development is powerful print ls through every student. LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT Connect Teacher’s Edition • Point-of-use teaching suggestions • Differentiated instruction • Formative assessment • Lesson plans • Instructional routines • Phonics and Phonemic awareness instruction Online tools for whole group and small group instruction Practice Book and Connect ot Phonics PLUS • Writing and listening activities that practice and reinforce concepts and skills • Phonics worktext with activities to learn and practice foundational literacy skills Engaging interactive online activities VISTA HIGHER LEARNING Connect LANGUAGE, LITERACY, CONTENT 3 TEACHER’S EDITION CON22_TE_CVR_Coil.indd 7 11/11/20 12:58 PM Assessment • Section Quizzes and Unit Tests • Writing and speaking prompts and rubrics • Online proficiency assessments Vocabulary Cards Thematic Readers 3 FIRST EDITION Connect to PLUS Connect to Phonics PLUS is designed to provide multilingual learners with comprehensive and explicit phonics instruction and practice. Grounded in the Science of Reading, this workbook series aligns to all phonics and foundational literacy standards to ensure all learners get the support they need. 3 Connect to Phonics PLUS Connect to PLUS 3 PHONICS, PHONEMIC AWARENESS, SPELLING CTP25_CVR_level-3_Perfect-Bound.indd All Pages 26/01/24 2:53 PM Vocabulary cards provide a springboard to vocabulary and oral language development. • Leveled readers tied to the unit themes and content areas • A variety of reading genres that build literacy skills • Sixteen titles per level (two per unit) Audio files for listening and pronunciation practice Our Solar System Vista Higher Learning Thematic Library The Terrible, Horrible Itch Vista Higher Learning Thematic Library 15

CONNECT TOTHE THEME The people in this community are working together. Look at the picture. 1. Who do you see? 2. What are they doing? 3. Is there a mural (wall painting) in your school or community? Describe it. MY GOALS for this unit Reading • Read historical fiction • Use sequencing Language Arts • Read an opinion text • Identify fact and opinion Science Describe animal groups Social Studies Recognize the three branches of the government Math Use metric units of measurement Music Listen and sing Art Draw a cityscape Writing Write about your community UNIT 4 125 CON22_3_SE_U04_124-125_UO.indd 125 30/10/2020 13:56 My Community BIG Idea People can work together to help their community. UNIT 4 124 Unit 4 CON22_3_SE_U04_124-125_UO.indd 124 30/10/2020 13:56 Community Buildings Use Prior Knowledge Cities and towns have community buildings. For example, usually there is a public library, a post office, a police station, and a town hall. A Make a list of community buildings. What activities happen in each building? The Colonial Theater Build Background You are going to read a story about a historic theater in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. The theater opened in 1903. It had shows, such as magic shows. It also had movies. It closed in 1995. After that, people worked together. They wanted to open the theater again. Today, the theater has live performances and movies again. A Discuss the questions. 1. When did the theater open? 2. What do they have at the theater now? Image BEFORE YOURead UNIT 4 126 CON22_3_SE_U04_126-129_BR.indd 126 30/10/2020 13:55 Sequence Reading Strategy A sequence is an order of events. The sequence in a story tells which events happen in the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Some words that give you information about the the story’s sequence are: first next then after that finally Try Out the Strategy A Look at the pictures of Cesar. What does Cesar do after school? B Copy the graphic organizer. Write the sentences in order. • Cesar has a snack. • Cesar does his homework. • Cesar walks home. C Write sentences about Cesar. Use sequencing words First, Then, and After that. D What do you do after school? Write three sentences with sequencing words. First, Cesar …. Cesar … ACADEMIC VOCABULARY sequence(verb) Definition to put actions or events in order Example You can sequence the events in a story. UNIT 4 127 CON22_3_SE_U04_126-129_BR.indd 127 30/10/2020 13:55 local The local stores in my town are small. community The people in my community are from many countries. stage The stage has red curtains. town hall Our community has meetings in the town hall. mayor The mayor is the leader of a town or city. reporter The TV reporter gives the news. performed The students performed in a school play. fix My mother will fix the broken table. train station The train is at the train station. Vocabulary in Context The story The Show Must Go On! includes these words. Which words do you already know? Tutorial UNIT 4 128 BEFORE YOURead CON22_3_SE_U04_126-129_BR.indd 128 30/10/2020 13:55 b. sign, noun words or pictures that give information a. sign, verb to write your name on something Use the Vocabulary A Answer the questions. 1. Which vocabulary words are people? 2. Which vocabulary words show actions? 3. Which vocabulary words are places? 4. What is a local business in your community? Develop Vocabulary Multiple-meaning Words Multiple-meaning words have more than one meaning. Use pictures and context (other words in the sentences) to find the word’s meaning. A Match the sentences to the correct meaning for the word sign. 1. One day Sonia walks past the theater with her mom. There is a sign on the door. It reads: SAVE ME! 2. People sign their names on the paper. UNIT 4 129 CON22_3_SE_U04_126-129_BR.indd 129 30/10/2020 13:55 WALK-THROUGH Unit Opener •A Big Idea introduces the unit’s central concept. • A striking visual and Explore the Image questions activate prior knowledge. • My Goals introduce learning outcomes. Before You Read • An introduction to the reading activates prior knowledge and builds background. • A Reading Strategy supports reading comprehension. • Key words from the reading are introduced and practiced. • Vocabulary strategies are introduced. A Connect to the Theme video introduces the theme. • Vocabulary Tutorials provide practice and reinforcement. • Video Virtual Chats encourage students to develop listening and speaking skills. Tix 16

Preview To preview a text, look at the title and the pictures. Look at words in the pictures. 1. Read the title. What is a “show”? 2. Look at the pictures and the words in the pictures. What do they tell you about the story? 3. Predict What do you think the story is about? TEXT GENRE Historical Fiction The story The Show Must Go On! is historical fiction. It is an imaginary story (fiction). It also includes history or real events that happened in the past. In historical fiction there are: • real events from history • a mix of real and imaginary events • real settings • characters that seem real How can a community work together to solve a problem? ? ESSENTIAL QUESTION Reading UNIT 4 The Show Must Go On! 130 Reading CON22_3_SE_U04_130-139_RD.indd 130 30/10/2020 13:53 Sonia lives in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. Phoenixville is an old town. It is more than 100 years old. There are many old buildings in Phoenixville. The train station is old. The post office is old. The Colonial Theater on Bridge Street is old. Sonia loves the old buildings. Sonia is sad because the theater is closing. Her mother tells her, “The theater needs repairs. The owner doesn’t have money to fix it. So, he has to sell it.” by Betsy Tecco The Show Must Go On! CHECK IN 1. Sequence What happens first in the story? 2. Facts What is one fact you learn on this page? GLOSSARY repairs something you do to fix things that are broken UNIT 4 The Show Must Go On! 131 High Frequency Words because old show tell want CON22_3_SE_U04_130-139_RD.indd 131 30/10/2020 13:53 Apply the Reading Strategy Sequence A Look at the pictures from the story. What happens first? What happens next? What happens after that? What happens last? B Copy the graphic organizer. Write notes about the sequence of events. C Tell a classmate about each event in your sequence chart. D Write a summary of the events. Use the notes from the graphic organizer. Use sequence words (First, Then, Next, After that, Finally). Picture A Picture B Picture C Picture D AFTER YOURead UNIT 4 140 CON22_3_SE_U04_140-141_AR.indd 140 30/10/2020 13:53 Discuss the Reading A Discuss the questions. 1. Revisit your prediction Before you read the story, you made a prediction. What was correct? What was incorrect? 2. Recall details Sonia goes to the library. What does she learn about the theater? 3. Describe There is an event to save the theater. Who is in the street outside the theater? 4. Use text features Look at the pictures on pages 134–135. What do the signs say? 5. Problem and solution What is the problem with the theater? Who helps to solve the problem? 6. Characters How does Sonia feel at the beginning of the story? How does she feel at the end? 7. Assess How does Sonia’s plan help the community? 8. Respond to the essential question How can a community work together to solve a problem? B Making connections Make a connection between the story and yourself. • What do you want to change in your school or community? • Who can help you make this change? Our local playground is old. I want to change this. I want to … UNIT 4 141 CON22_3_SE_U04_140-141_AR.indd 141 30/10/2020 13:53 What choices lead to wellness? ? ESSENTIAL QUESTION Preview To preview a text, look at the title, images, captions, diagrams, and charts. 1. What does the title tell you about the text? 2. What do the captions, diagrams, and charts tell you about the text? 3. Predict Look at the images. Predict what facts you are going to learn in the text. TEXT GENRE Informational Text The blog called Healthy Choices is an informational text. Informational texts include facts and information that teach you about a topic. When you read Healthy Choices, you will find: • facts and information about wellness • charts • pictures Reading 90 Reading UNIT 3 Healthy Choices CON22_3_SE_U03_090-099_RD.indd 90 11/5/20 3:41 PM Healthy Choices Monday, November 8 Welcome to my blog! This is my little sister. Her name is Eva. She’s a great kid. Every afternoon she chooses a snack. Does she always choose a healthy snack? No! She likes big portions of salty snacks. After she eats a snack, she watches TV or plays video games. She doesn’t run around outside. She makes unhealthy choices. Learn about healthy choices and wellness in my blog posts this week! GLOSSARY snack food that you eat between meals by Sarah Worthington CHECK IN 1. Main idea and details What is the main idea on this page? 2. Analyze language choices What specific words does the writer use to describe unhealthy choices? UNIT 3 Healthy Choices 91 High Frequency Words another mean name too well CON22_3_SE_U03_090-099_RD.indd 91 11/5/20 3:41 PM Students follow along with an audio recording of the text. The recording provides a model for pronunciation and fl uency. Reading • Students read literary and informational texts. • The text genre is introduced, followed by a preview of the reading selection. • Preview high frequency words. • Systematic Check In questions provide ongoing evaluation. After You Read • Apply the Reading Strategy and Discuss the Reading sections support reading comprehension and encourage students to express their ideas. WALK-THROUGH Tx 17

Oral Language Sequence A Write the events in the correct sequence. The students shared their ideas with the parents. The school bought new playground equipment. The students shared their ideas with the principal. The students noticed a problem. The students chose four ideas. The students made a petition. 1. The students noticed a problem. B Retell details using the language frames. C In the cafeteria, students must clean up before recess. Discuss the steps they should take. Write the steps down together. Present the steps to another group. recycle paper and plastic put our trays away pick up our trash wipe the tables push in our chairs First, we pick up our trash. Then, … What happened first? First, the students noticed a problem. LANGUAGE FRAMES What happened (first / next / after that / at the end)? First, . Then what happened? Then / Next / After that, . Finally, . UNIT 4 143 CON22_3_SE_U04_142-143_COL.indd 143 30/10/2020 13:52 list bored Come present your petition at the parent-teacher meeting! recess equipment petition LISTENING STRATEGY Sequence Listen for sequencing words. first after that then next finally These words help the listener understand the order of events. Presentation A Listen to three students give a presentation. The presentation is about a change they made at their school. B Use the pictures. Retell the story. CONNECT TO Oral Language UNIT 4 142 CON22_3_SE_U04_142-143_COL.indd 142 30/10/2020 13:52 Grammar in Action A Read the realistic fiction story. Trees for a Community Park Mateo lives near a park. The park doesn’t have any trees. Mateo wants beautiful trees. He writes a letter to the mayor. The mayor listens to his idea. Today, people in the community work together in the park. They plant new trees in the park. There are ten trees to plant. One person brings the trees in a truck. Men and women carry the trees from the truck to the park. Mateo plants one tree. Everyone claps for Mateo and his good idea. Then people dig holes in the ground for the trees. A man and woman put the trees in the ground. The children cover the holes with dirt. After they plant the trees, the children play in the park. The parents and babies sit under the trees. They watch the children play. Mateo helped make his community better. B Use the vocabulary Look at the picture. Write three sentences. Use three of these words. Words to Use plant dig ground dirt CONNECT TO Grammar 144 Tutorial UNIT 4 CON22_3_SE_U04_144-147_CG.indd 144 30/10/2020 13:51 A Choose the correct answer. 1. One (child / children) plays on the playground. 2. Four (person / people) carry the trees to the park. 3. There are 20 (tree / trees) in the trucks. 4. Two (baby / babies) play in the grass. 5. One (woman / women) takes pictures of the trees. 6. There are four (park / parks) in our community. B What do you see in your community on the way to school? Write sentences. Use singular and plural nouns. I see a park on the way to school. I see cars. I see buildings. For example, I see the library. C Share your sentences. Write the nouns you hear. Write S for singular or P for plural next to the nouns. man woman person men women people child children GRAMMAR Singular Nouns and Plural Nouns Use a singular noun for one person, place, or thing. Use a plural noun for more than one person, place, or thing. Add -s to make a noun plural. flower flowers For nouns that end in -s, -x, -ch, or -sh, add -es. bus lunch buses lunches For nouns that end in -y, drop the -y and add -ies. baby babies Some plural nouns are irregular. Other Irregular Nouns UNIT 4 145 CON22_3_SE_U04_144-147_CG.indd 145 30/10/2020 13:51 Grammar in Action A Read the journal entry from a third grader in New York City. Hudson River Cleanup Our school studies the Hudson River in third grade. Yesterday, our class learned about the history of the Hudson River. We can walk to the river from our school! Today, we are at the river to clean up trash. Partners share big garbage bags. We walk along the river and pick up garbage. A lot of the waste is plastic bottles. We find lots of plastic bags. There are also plastic containers and straws. Soon our bags are full. We tie the bags closed. We put them in a truck. Tomorrow, a driver will take the bags to the recycling center and landfill. Later, we will talk about other ways we can help keep our river clean. B Use the vocabulary 1. Read and copy. I put my garbage in the garbage bag. • Circle the words about trash. 2. Read and copy. I put the plastic bags, straws, and plastic containers in different bags. • Circle the items the children find along the river. 3. Read and copy. First, we stop at the recycling center. Then, we go to the landfill. • Circle the places where you bring trash. 4. Read and copy. We need to clean up this trash. We need to pick up the plastic bottles and bags. • Circle the verbs that explain what you do with trash. CONNECT TO Grammar 146 UNIT 4 Tutorial CON22_3_SE_U04_144-147_CG.indd 146 30/10/2020 13:51 A Read the schedule. Choose the correct adverb of time to complete each sentence. 1. (Yesterday / Today), we learned about the history of the river. 2. (Now / Tomorrow), we are walking to the river. 3. (Today / Yesterday), we will clean up at the river. 4. (Soon / Tomorrow), we will walk back to school. 5. (Tomorrow / Now), a driver will take the garbage to the landfill. B Think of a cleanup activity you could do in your community. Write sentences. Use adverbs of time. C Share your sentences with a classmate. Write the adverbs of time you hear. Tuesday TODAY Wednesday Thursday • learn about the history of the Hudson River • talk about cleaning up the environment • walk to the river • clean up at the river • walk back to school • take the garbage to the landfill GRAMMAR Adverbs of Time Adverbs of time show when an event happened. They show the time of events. yesterday today tomorrow now soon later UNIT 4 147 CON22_3_SE_U04_144-147_CG.indd 147 30/10/2020 13:51 Connect to Oral Language • Each unit provides opportunities for the development of listening skills and oral fluency. • A listening passage recycles vocabulary and introduces new thematic vocabulary. Animated Grammar Tutorials engage students by pairing grammar rules with fun explanations. Connect to Grammar • Each unit presents two grammar points and provides explicit grammar, usage, and writing instruction. • Writing activities, as well as pair and group work encourage communication. The listening passages are available online. WALK-THROUGH Txi 18