UNIT X 124 | UNIT 4 UNIT 4 Connect to the Theme • Activate prior knowledge Say: My Community. Ask: What is a community? Cue students by pointing out the map and the children working together. • Use a semantic organizer Sketch an idea map on the board. Write community in the center circle. Explain to students that a community is a group of people who live in a certain place. Ask: Who lives in your community? Who works there? What buildings do you see? In the outer circles, draw and label what students name. Guide them to understand that people work together in communities. Connect to THE THEME Play the Connect to the Theme video. Ask students to describe what they see. This will help you assess what vocabulary terms students already know. Theme-related Vocabulary Use pictures to identify theme Direct students’ attention to the photo. Ask: What do you see? Let students discover the following terms in context: wall, map, paint, brushes, ladder, boy, girl, group, smile, help, support. Ask students to talk about what the children in the picture are doing together. Assess Language Levels Related to the Theme Answer questions Hold up the book and do a picture walk of Unit 4. Have students identify elements of a community. For example, point to the boy handing the girl a paintbrush. Ask: Are these kids working together? If students respond easily to yes/no questions, progress to simple who, what, and where questions that can be answered with one or two words. For example: What is this? What are they doing? Finally, ask more advanced, open-ended questions that allow discussion. Ask: What do you do with people in your community? How do friends help each other in our school community? Connect to the BIG Idea Develop prior knowledgeSay: People can work together to help their community. What does that mean? Connect this idea to how students work together in the classroom. Say: Yesterday table B helped table A put away books. Students were working together. This helps keep our classroom community neat. Extend this idea to the greater community. DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Scaffold As you introduce the concept of community, provide comprehensible input for new vocabulary. Display images of concepts, such as train station, grocery store, police officer, garbage collector, mayor. Use gesturing to indicate community jobs and places as you discuss. Guide students to use the new vocabulary as they act out jobs and interacting in community places. Allow students to clarify ideas in their home languages. This can lead to increased comprehension of the larger concept. Amplify Have students say more about communities to which they belong and about members of those communities. Model by describing members of the school community. Say: In our school community, we have teachers and students. Who else is in our school community? How do we all work together? My Community BIG Idea People can work together to help their community. UNIT 4 124 Unit 4 CON22_3_SE_U04_124-125_UO.indd 124 30/10/2020 13:56