Rain is Helpful and Harmful A Read the informational text. Rain helps people in many ways. Farmers need rain to grow crops. Rain helps plants grow. Without rain, plants and animals die. But too much rain is also a problem. Too much rain causes floods. Floods hurt people and animals. A C B D CONNECT TO Social Studies 192 UNIT 5 CON22_1_SE_U05_192-193_CSS.indd 192 30/10/2020 11:46 B Look at the pictures on page 192. 1. What is happening in each picture? 2. Is the rain helpful or harmful? C Talk with a classmate. • Tell how rain is helpful. • Tell how it is harmful sometimes. • List your ideas in a chart like this one. D Draw a seasons calendar. Draw pictures to show the weather. helpful rain harmful rain helps plants grow spring summer fall winter UNIT 5 193 CON22_1_SE_U05_192-193_CSS.indd 193 30/10/2020 11:46 Poetry A Read. Sun Song by Pat Mora Birds in the branches hear the sun’s first song. Ranitas in the rocks hear the sun’s first song. Bees in the bushes hear the sun’s first song. Wind in the willows hears the sun’s first song. Birds in the branches chirp their morning song. Ranitas in the rocks croak their morning song. Bees in the bushes buzz their morning song. Wind in the willows whirrs its morning song. Sun song. Sun song. Sun song. TEXT GENRE A poem uses words in a special way. Sometimes, words give the poem its rhythm, a beat like music. CONNECT TO Language Arts 188 UNIT 5 CON22_1_SE_U05_188-189_CLA.indd 188 30/10/2020 11:48 B Listen again. Clap your hands to the rhythm of the poem. C Point to the animals. Say the sounds they make. D Read the poem again. 1. What time of day is it? 2. What animals are in the poem? 3. Which words does the poet repeat? E Act out the poem. UNIT 5 189 CON22_1_SE_U05_188-189_CLA.indd 189 30/10/2020 11:49 STEP 1 Ask a question. STEP 2 Predict the answer. Scientists in Action A Read about science experiments. Let’s Find Out! with Dr. Miro and Dr. Aprendo STEP 3 Do an experiment. STEP 5 Answer the question. STEP 4 Watch what happens. Find out what they know. Do the experiment on the next page. Plants need soil, water, and sunlight. I think that plants will not grow without them. Now we know that ... Aha! I think that ... What happens when a plant does not have what it needs? seeds CONNECT TO Science 190 UNIT 5 CON22_1_SE_U05_190-191_CS.indd 190 30/10/2020 11:47 B Do an experiment. Read the question. Follow the steps. Question What happens when a plant does not have what it needs? 4 cups 4 seeds soil water marker STEP 5 Answer the question. Steps 1. Label cups: 1 (sunlight, water) 2 (no sunlight) 3 (no water) 4 (no soil) 2. Fill cups 1, 2, and 3 with soil. Plant a seed in the soil. Put a seed in the bottom of cup 4. 3. Put cups 1, 3, and 4 in a sunny place. Put cup 2 in a dark place. 4. Water cups 1, 2, and 4 every day for two weeks. Do not water cup 3. C Answer the question. What happens when a plant does not have what it needs? sunlight water no sunlight no water no soil sunlight water no sunlight no water no soil UNIT 5 191 CON22_1_SE_U05_190-191_CS.indd 191 30/10/2020 11:48 Graph Information A Read about graphs. We use graphs to organize data. We read the graph to understand the data. Our class collected data about our favorite weather. We recorded our data on a bar graph. B Answer the questions. 1. How many students are in the class? 2. How many students like windy weather? 3. How many students like sunny weather? 4. What weather do most students like? 5. What weather do the fewest students like? 6. How many more students like windy weather than like rainy weather? CONNECT TO Mathematics 194 UNIT 5 Our Favorite Weather Students 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 windy sunny rainy CON22_1_SE_U05_194-195_CM.indd 194 30/10/2020 11:46 C Look at the calendar for two weeks. Make a bar graph for the weather. Week 1 Week 2 D Look at your bar graphs. 1. How many days were sunny? 2. How many days were windy? 3. How many days were rainy? 4. What was the weather on the most days? 5. How many more rainy days were there than windy days? Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. UNIT 5 195 CON22_1_SE_U05_194-195_CM.indd 195 30/10/2020 15:25 Students can listen to audio recordings of the content-area texts. Connect to Mathematics • Math content and skills align with grade level standards. Connect to Science • Science content and skills align with grade-level NGSS standards. Connect to Social Studies • Social studies content and skills align with the National Council for the Social Studies Ten Themes. Connect to Language Arts • A variety of text genres help develop reading skills. ACADEMIC CONTENT CONNECTIONS The four content sections—Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Mathematics—focus on building academic literacy. WALK-THROUGH Txii Connect to Phonics PLUS (For Grades 1-3) Connect to Phonics PLUS is the perfect component for Connect users who benefit from additional opportunities to learn the foundational literacy skills that lead to success in reading and writing. Grounded in the Science of Reading, this workbook aligns to all phonics and foundational literacy standards to ensure all learners get the support they need. Consonants, vowels, and digraphs are presented explicitly and in context. Skills are learned and practiced using a combination of listening, speaking, reading and writing activities. More ways to unlock foundational literacy skills for your multilingual learners! 1 onnect to PLUS PHONICS, PHONEMIC AWARENESS, SPELLING 2 Connect to PLUS ect to Phonics PLUS is designed to provide multilingual rs with comprehensive and explicit phonics instruction and ce. Grounded in the Science of Reading, this workbook aligns to all phonics and foundational literacy standards ure all learners get the support they need. 2 Connect to Phonics PLUS 29/02/24 11:10 AM 3 FIRST EDITION Connect to PLUS Connect to Phonics PLUS is designed to provide multilingual learners with comprehensive and explicit phonics instruction and practice. Grounded in the Science of Reading, this workbook series aligns to all phonics and foundational literacy standards to ensure all learners get the support they need. 3 Connect to Phonics PLUS Connect to PLUS 3 PHONICS, PHONEMIC AWARENESS, SPELLING CTP25_CVR_level-3_Perfect-Bound.indd All Pages 26/01/24 2:53 PM 1 Connect to Phonics PLUS is designed to provide multilingual learners with comprehensive and explicit phonics instruction and practice. Grounded in the Science of Reading, this workbook series aligns to all phonics and foundational literacy standards to ensure all learners get the support they need. Connect to PLUS Connect to PLUS 1 Connect to Phonics PLUS PHONICS, PHONEMIC AWARENESS, SPELLING 1 CTP25_CVR_level-1_Perfect-Bound.indd All Pages 26/01/24 2:54 PM Name Date Matt and the Bat Look at that! Matt has a bat. Matt sat with the bat. Look at Matt and the bat! IN THIS UNIT Consonants s m b t Short Vowel a Digraph th Unit 1 1 © by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Unit 1 CTP25_L1_SE_U01_001-012_DR.indd 1 7/02/2024 2:22:24 p. m. Name Date map six s, m Consonants Listen to the letter sounds. Repeat. Listen to the words. Repeat. S s M m sun moon A Listen. What is the beginning sound? Choose the letter. 1. s m 2. s m 3. s m 4. s m B Listen. What is the beginning sound? Choose the letter. Say the word. 1. s m mop 2. s m say 3. s m sit 4. s m man C Look around. Say words that begin with s and m. 2 Unit 1 © by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Unit 1 CTP25_L1_SE_U01_001-012_DR.indd 2 7/02/2024 2:22:24 p. m. 22