Ilustraciones de Kim Amate o al aire libre? ar al aire libre eneficios. Por otro alo que se dice de e que sirven para entretenerse. que la otra? Una r en línea y un al aire libre stentándola con debe ser! la colección: na? s tres cerditos”? arne? controlar tu uso pañado? ¿Jugar en línea o al aire libre? Andrés Pi Andreu 23/11/20 2:31 p. m. ILLUSTRATIONS Sandra Lavandeira Text Complexity (F&P) T Imagination and Play / Toys and Games / Teamwork 9781543335446 7" x 9" / 20 pp $9.95 / PB Argumentative Text Opinion Text Andrés Pi Andreu ¿Jugar solo o acompañado? Playing Alone or with Others? MULTIPLE AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR Andrés Pi Andreu ¿Jugar en línea o al aire libre? Playing Online or Outdoors? ILLUSTRATIONS Kim Amate Text Complexity (F&P) O Health and Well-Being / Technology / Toys and Games 9781543333510 7" x 9" / 20 pp $9.95 / PB Argumentative Text Opinion Text It is well known that playing outdoors is beneficial. On the other hand, despite all the negative things being said about playing video games, it seems that they may be good for much more than mere entertainment. Is one option better than the other? A girl who likes to play online and a boy who prefers to play outdoors express their opinions on the matter, each supporting their argument with several reasons. Some say that there is nothing more exciting than getting together with friends to play or putting together a team to participate in a sports competition. There are also people who believe that playing alone offers many more possibilities to have fun and learn new things. A girl who thinks that playing in a group is the best and a boy who thinks that playing alone is ideal express their opinions on the matter, each supporting their argument with several reasons. MULTIPLE AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATOR 39 Short Stories BESTSELLERS 2-5 AUTHENTIC TITLE AWARD-WINNER E-BOOK AVAILABLE