2025 New Release Catalog

e una tarde, mpieza erca u w.vistahigherlearning.com w.loqueleo.com/us Óscar y la polilla Un libro sobre la luz y la oscuridad 24/07/20 4:21 p. m. Geoff Waring Óscar y la rana Óscar es un gatito muy curioso, así que un día, mientras pasea cerca del estanque, empieza a hacerse montones de preguntas sobre el crecimiento. ¡Por suerte, su amiga la rana anda cerca y lo ayuda a responderlas! Geoff Waring Un libro sobre el crecimiento Óscar y la rana www.vistahigherlearning.com www.loqueleo.com/us 9781543329711_TR20_oscar-rana_CVR.indd Todas las páginas 24/07/20 3:30 p. m. ILLUSTRATIONS By the Author Text Complexity (F&P) J Animal Stories / Opposites / Space Science and Exploration 9781543329704 10¼" x 7⅛" / 28 pp $13.95 / PB Informational Text Literary Nonfiction / Science Geoff Waring Óscar y la polilla: un libro sobre la luz y la oscuridad Oscar and the Moth: A Book About Light and Dark ILLUSTRATIONS By the Author Text Complexity (F&P) J Animal Stories / Growing Up / Life Cycles 9781543329711 10¼" x 7⅛" / 28 pp $13.95 / PB Informational Text Literary Nonfiction / Science Geoff Waring Óscar y la rana: un libro sobre el crecimiento Oscar and the Frog: A Book About Growing UK NATIONAL LITERACY ASSOCIATION WOW! AWARD-WINNING TITLE UK NATIONAL LITERACY ASSOCIATION WOW! AWARD-WINNING TITLE Oscar is a curious kitten and one evening, as he watches the sunset, he is full of questions about light and dark. Luckily, Moth is nearby and can help with the answers! Oscar is a curious kitten and when he goes to the pond, he is full of questions about growing things. Luckily, Frog is nearby and can help with the answers! AUTHENTIC TITLE AWARD-WINNER E-BOOK AVAILABLE 29 Beginning Readers K-3 BESTSELLERS