2025 New Release Catalog

www.whohq.com Who? What? Where? JEWEL ¿Cuáles de estos datos son ciertos? Es un día feriado que conmemora el 19 de junio de 1865, cuando los texanos negros por fin se enteraron de que eran libres. En las reuniones familiares se comen cosas rojas, como el “pastel de terciopelo rojo”, para recordar la sangre derramada en la lucha por la libertad. La activista Opal Lee, de 89 años, caminó unas 1400 millas para pedir que Juneteenth se convirtiera en un día feriado nacional. ¡Todos los anteriores! ¡Aprende más con este libro ilustrado! ¿Qué es Juneteenth? Ilustración de portada de Nancy Harrison Kirsti Jewel ¿Qué es Juneteenth? ¿Qué es Juneteenth? La serie best seller de The New York Times ¡Incluye 16 páginas de fotos! CYA24_TR_que-es-juneteenth_CVR.indd All Pages 31/07/24 2:59 PM ¿Qué fue... ILLUSTRATIONS Manuel Gutierrez Text Complexity (F&P) R Holidays and Celebrations / Discrimination / African Americans / US in the 19th Century / American Civil War 9781669935803 5½" x 7½"/ 124 pp $14.95 / PB Informational Text Literary Nonfiction / History On June 19, 1865, a group of enslaved men, women, and children in Texas gathered around a Union soldier and listened as he read the most remarkable words they would ever hear. They were free. This news was cause for celebration, so they danced, and wept joyfully. They did not know it then, but their celebration of freedom would become a holiday— Juneteenth—observed by more and more Americans each year. Kirsti Jewel ¿Qué es Juneteenth? What Is Juneteenth? NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING SERIES; MULTIPLE AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATOR This engaging series encourages students to relive history through exciting accounts of important historical events. Short chapters and sixteen pages of illustrations and photos motivate even the most reluctant readers to learn about famous events and landmarks. NEW RELEASES 12 Middle Grade Readers 3–5 WWW.LOQUELEO.COM/US