S22 Communication Louis Durand Anne Durand 84 quatre-vingt-quatre I CAN identify words and phrases related to family, friends, and pets. Entrevue With a classmate, take turns asking each other these questions. Write down your partner’s answers, then report what you learned to the class. 1. Combien de personnes y a-t-il dans ta famille? 2. Comment s’appellent tes parents? 3. As-tu des frères ou des sœurs? 4. Combien de cousins/cousines as-tu? Comment s’appellent-ils/elles? Où habitent-ils/elles? 5. Quel(le) (Which) est ton cousin préféré/ta cousine préférée? 6. As-tu des neveux/des nièces? 7. Comment s’appellent tes grands-parents? Où habitent-ils? 8. Combien de petits-enfants ont tes grands-parents? Qui suis-je? Walk around the class and ask your classmates questions about their families. When a classmate gives one of the answers on the worksheet, write his or her name in the corresponding space. Be prepared to discuss the results with the class. Je suis marié(e). Paul: Est-ce que tu es mariée? Jacqueline: Oui, je suis mariée. (You write “Jacqueline”.) L’arbre généalogique Create a family tree for one side of your partner’s family. Ask questions to determine how many people there are in each generation, then ask their names and fill them in. Switch roles. Étudiant(e) 1: Comment s’appelle ton grand-père? Étudiant(e) 2: Il s’appelle Louis Durand. 5 6 6 7 7 7 5 6 5 Réponse Noms 1. Je n’ai pas de frère. 2. J’ai deux sœurs. 3. Mes parents sont divorcés. 4. Ma grand-mère est veuve. 5. J’ai un demi-frère. 6. J’ai quatre tantes. CONTEXTES Leçon 3A Coup de main Use these words to help you complete this activity. ton your (m.) ➔ mon my (m.) ta your (f.) ➔ ma my (f.) tes your (pl.) ➔ mes my (pl.) Les sons et les lettres L’accent aigu and l’accent grave In French, diacritical marks (accents) are an essential part of a word’s spelling. They indicate how vowels are pronounced or distinguish between words with similar spellings but different meanings. L’accent aigu (´) appears only over the vowel e. It indicates that the e is pronounced similarly to the vowel a in the English word cake, but shorter and crisper. The French é lacks the y glide heard in English words like day and late. étudier réservé élégant téléphone L’accent aigu also signals some similarities between French words and English words. Often, an e with l’accent aigu at the beginning of a French word marks the place where the letter s would appear at the beginning of the English equivalent. éponge épouse état étudiante sponge spouse state student L’accent grave (`) over the vowel e indicates that the e is pronounced like the vowel e in the English word pet. très après mère nièce Although l’accent grave does not change the pronunciation of the vowels a or u, it distinguishes words that have a similar spelling but different meanings. la là ou où the there or where Prononcez Practice saying these words aloud. 1. agréable 4. faculté 7. déjà 10. poème 2. sincère 5. frère 8. éléphant 11. là 3. voilà 6. à 9. lycée 12. élève Articulez Practice saying these sentences aloud. 1. À tout à l’heure! 4. Voilà mon père, Frédéric et ma 2. Thérèse, je te présente Michèle. mère, Ségolène. 3. Hélène est très sérieuse et réservée. 5. Tu préfères étudier à la fac demain après-midi? Dictons Practice reading these sayings aloud. quatre-vingt-cinq 85 À vieille mule, frein doré.2 Tel père, tel fils.1 1 Like father, like son. 2 For an old mule, a golden bit. Interactive Pronunciation Tutorial UNITÉ 3 La famille et les copains CONTEXTES has a page devoted to communication activities. Les sons et les lettres presents the rules of French pronunciation and spelling. Communication activities allow you to use the vocabulary creatively in interactions with a partner, a small group, or the entire class. Practice real-life skills in communicative activities like polls, Information Gap activities, games, and more. Coup de main provides handy, on-the-spot information that helps you complete the activities. Audio icons indicate when an explanation or activity is recorded for convenient use in or outside of class. Explanation Rules and tips to help you learn French pronunciation and spelling are presented clearly with abundant model words and phrases. Practice Pronunciation and spelling practice is provided at the word and sentence levels. The final activity features illustrated sayings and proverbs so you can practice the pronunciation or spelling point in an entertaining cultural context. • Textbook activities • WebSAM Workbook and Lab Manual activities • Chat activities for conversational skill-building and oral practice • Additional online-only practice activities • Les sons et les lettres Pronunciation Tutorials with speech recognition • Record and compare audio activities Supersite features vary by access level. Visit to explore which Supersite level is right for you. PROMENADES AT-A-GLANCE f. f. . . , it 1 Like father, like son. 2 S22