T9 Teacher’s Edition • Technology For teachers Time-Saving Tools No need to spend your time hunting down authentic materials…finding the perfect video…crafting scaffolded activities…creating assessments…or grading homework. We’ve done the heavy lifting for you, providing everything you need to plan, prepare, teach, and assess. Powerful Course Management Choose what you use and how you use it. With the Supersite, you can easily shape our curriculum to fit “Everything about VHL’s online learning environment is tremendously engaging and appealing to the students.” Richard McMullan Wylie E. Groves High School your instructional goals and teaching preferences. Plus, you can monitor student progress, communicate securely with individual students or the entire class, and track and report on student effort and outcomes. Enhanced Support Get all the guidance you need to use the Supersite to its fullest potential—from face-to-face presentations and training webinars by fellow educators to pre-recorded videos on a variety of topics. Technology with Options Our commitment is to help you teach languages and literacy with the best digital products and integrations services available, and we are proud to have vhlcentral listed as a 1EdTech Certified platform. Learn more. TRY IT FOR YOURSELF! vistahigherlearning.com/support/ supersite-trial