Eine persönliche Beschreibung Write a description of yourself to post on a Web site in order to find a German-speaking e-pal. Your description should include: • your name and where you are from. • your birthday. • the name of your school and where it is located. • the courses you are currently taking and your opinion of each one. • your hobbies and pastimes. • any other information you would like to include. Hallo! Ich heiße Erik Schneider und ich komme aus Köln. Ich studiere Physik an der Technischen Universität in Berlin. Ich fahre Ski, spiele Tennis und fahre Fahrrad... Strategien Brainstorming Brainstorming can help you generate ideas on a specific topic. Before you begin writing, you should spend 10–15 minutes brainstorming, jotting down any ideas about the topic that occur to you. Whenever possible, try to write down your ideas in German. Express your ideas in single words or phrases, and jot them down in any order. While brainstorming, do not worry about whether your ideas are good or bad. Selecting and organizing ideas should be the second stage of your writing. The more ideas you write down while you are brainstorming, the more options you will have to choose from later on, when you start to organize your ideas. describe my school and free-time activities and ask about other people’s studies and hobbies. I CAN laufen campen gehen Tennis spielen kochen tanzen schreiben schwimmen Fahrrad fahren Hobbys... Schreiben Thema Communicative Goal Describe my school and free-time activities and ask about others‘ Schule und Studium Kapitel 2 Kapitel 2 siebenundneunzig 97