Texte verstehen Briefly look at the document. What is its format? What kind of information is given? How is it organized? What are the visual components? What types of documents usually contain these elements? Verwandte Wörter You have already learned that you can use cognates, as well as format, to help you predict the content of a document. With a classmate, make a list of all the cognates you find in the reading selection. Based on these cognates and the format of the document, can you guess what this document is and what it is for? 1 ausländische foreign 2 die... wollen who want 3 Anfänger beginner 4 Einführung introduction 5 fortgeschritten advanced 6 Vorbereitung preparation Karlswald-Universität Studienkolleg Mittelhessen 4 Stunden pro Tag (Montag–Freitag) 2 Tutorien pro Woche Kurse  Grundstufe: Anfänger 3  Stufe 1: Einführung 4 I  Stufe 2: Einführung II  Stufe 3: fortgeschritten 5 I  Stufe 4: fortgeschritten II  Stufe 5/6: Vorbereitung 6 auf die DSH-Prüfung Kosten  Einstufungstest: 50 Euro  Stufe 1, 2, 3 und 4: 410 Euro pro Kurs  Stufe 5/6: 620 Euro Unterbringung 7  In Studentenwohnheimen  In Privatwohnungen Studienkolleg Mittelhessen Friedrichstraße 3 | D-35032 Marburg AP* Theme: Contemporary Life Context: Youth Culture Strategien Predicting content through formats Recognizing the format of a text can help you to predict its content. For example, invitations, greeting cards, and classified ads follow easily identifiable formats, which usually give you a general idea of the information they contain. Look at the text below and identify it based on its format. If you guessed that this is a page from a student’s weekly planner, you are correct. You can now infer that it contains information about a student’s weekly schedule, including days, times, classes, and activities. Uhrzeit Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag 7.55 Deutsch Französisch Biologie Religion Mathe 8.40 Englisch Musik Geschichte Physik Mathe 9.40 Sport Geschichte Mathe Französisch Englisch 10.25 Sport Mathe Englisch Französisch Chemie 11.25 Religion Physik Erdkunde Erdkunde Musik 12.10 Sozialkunde Chemie Deutsch Deutsch Bio Interpretive Communication Interpretive Communication Vor dem Lesen Lesen Communicative Goal Use the format of a text to better comprehend words and phrases Weiter geht’s Audio-sync Reading vierundneunzig 94