IM FOKUS ÜBUNGEN Skifahren im Blut 1 In Alpine villages, learning to ski is like learning to walk. Almost everyone does it, starting at a very young age. The beginner slopes are full of preschoolaged children taking their first lessons. Skiing courses were required in Austrian schools until 1995, and many schools in Bavaria and Austria still offer Skiwoche 2, a chaperoned week-long ski trip, as part of their curriculum. Many of the world’s best skiers come from German-speaking countries. Carina Vogt is a German SkisprungWeltmeisterin 3 and Olympiasiegerin 4. Vogt won the first gold medal ever awarded for women’s ski jumping at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games, and in 2015 she won two World Cup gold medals for ski jumping, coming in third overall in women’s events. In honor of her achievements, there is now a street named after her in her home town of Degenfeld in Baden-Württemberg. Austrian Marcel Hirscher specializes in slalom and giant slalom. The son of two ski instructors, Hirscher has been skiing since age 2. In 2015, at the age of 26, he became the first Weltmeister ever to win the overall World Cup title for men’s ski events four times in a row. In 2018, he won the gold medal for giant slalom in Pyeongchang. While the Alpine skiing tradition remains strong, environmental and economic sustainability have become major concerns. Ski tourism has had a serious impact on the ecology of the Alpine regions. With rising temperatures due to climate change, lack of snow is also becoming an issue. Snowmaking is expensive and uses vast amounts of water. And, while large ski resorts continue to draw visitors from all over the world, skiing is becoming less affordable for locals, with some smaller ski areas struggling to remain in business. 1 Blut blood Skiwoche ski week 2 Skisprung-Weltmeisterin ski jump world champion 3 Olympiasiegerin Olympic gold medalist 4 Jährliche Anzahl an Annual number of 5 mehr als more than 6 Einnahmen revenue AP* Theme: Contemporary Life Context: Entertainment, Travel, & Leisure Österreich: Ski-Paradies Jährliche Anzahl an 5 Skitouristen 16,2 Millionen Jährliche Einnahmen 6 durch Skifahren 13,3 Milliarden Euro Skigebiete in Österreich 439 Alpine Skiweltmeisterschaft 2017: Medaillen für Österreich 9 (3 Gold, 4 Silber, 2 Bronze) QUELLE: Statista Im Fokus Indicate whether each statement is richtig or falsch. Correct the false statements. Then discuss the last question with a partner. 1. In Bavaria and Austria, schoolchildren can opt for a week-long hiking trip. 2. There are more than 500 ski resorts in Austria. 3. More than 16 million tourists head for Austria’s ski slopes every year. Diskussion How do sports programs where you grew up compare with those that promote winter sports in Austria and Bavaria? Die deutschsprachige Welt Indicate whether each statement is richtig or falsch. Correct the false statements. Then discuss the last question with a partner. 1. Germans have 5 hours of leisure time per day on average. 2. Bicycling is an important recreational activity in Germany. 3. Germany has many country roads but few bike paths. Diskussion Which sport or other recreational activity do you like to do most in your spare time? 1 Cultural Comparisons Falsch. There are 439 ski resorts in Austria. Richtig. 2 Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives Falsch. They have 6 hours and 34 minutes of leisure time per day on average. Richtig. Falsch. It has a lot of bike paths. Acquiring Information & Diverse Perspectives Falsch. Schoolchildren go on a week-long ski trip. Kultur Communicative Goal Identify and reflect on cultural products and practices related to sports Lektion 2B achtundsiebzig 78