75 fünfundsiebzig Aussprache und Rechtschreibung 1 Stick with what you know. (lit. Cobbler, stick with your shoe lasts (shoe stretchers).) 2 Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Einem geschenkten Gaul schaut man nicht ins Maul.2 Schuster, bleib bei deinen Leisten.1 Aussprechen Practice saying these words aloud. 1. laufen 4. Maus 7. Mainz 10. freuen 2. Kaufhaus 5. mein 8. reiten 11. Leute 3. Rauch 6. Wein 9. treu 12. läuft Nachsprechen Practice saying these sentences aloud. 1. Die Mäuse laufen einfach im Zimmer herum. 2. Tausende Leute gehen an uns vorbei. 3. Am Freitag habe ich leider keine Zeit. 4. Paul macht eine Europareise mit Freunden. 5. Meine Frau kauft ein neues Haus außerhalb von Mainz. 6. Für den Sauerbraten brauchen wir Rotweinessig. Sprichwörter Practice reading these sayings aloud. 1 2 Cultural Comparisons 3 When one vowel sound glides into another vowel sound in the same syllable, the complex sound produced is called a diphthong. In German, this complex sound is said quickly and is not drawn out as it is in English. There are three diphthongs in German: au, ei/ai, and eu/äu. faul aus Leine Mais neun täuschen The German diphthong written au begins with the vowel sound of the o in the English word pod and ends with a sound similar to the oo in the English word loose. auf Frau Bauch Haus auch The German diphthong written as ei or ai is pronounced very similarly to the i in the English word time. Remember that the German ie is not a diphthong, but simply a way of writing the long i sound, as in the word sieben. Freitag Zeit Mai Eis schreiben The German diphthong written as eu or äu is pronounced very similarly to the oi in the English word coin. Zeugnis Freund Häuser Europa Deutsch Diphthongs: au, ei/ai, eu/äu Suggestion Have students look at the sample words and sentences on this page to identify cognates and words they already know. Tell students the meanings of any unfamiliar words or phrases. More activities vhlcentral p. 17 LM Kapitel 2 Schule und Studium Audio