Lektion 2A 64 Interrogative words Startblock Use interrogative words to ask for information. Was ist mit Meline? Wie viele Menschen leben dort? interrogatives wann? warum? was? welcher/welche/welches? wer/wen? when? why? what? which? who/whom? wie? wie viel(e)? wo? woher? wohin? how? how much/many? where? where (from)? where (to)? • To ask an information question (one that cannot be answered with ja or nein), begin the question with an interrogative word. Wann beginnen wir? When do we start? Warum machst du das? Why are you doing that? Wo ist Frau Schultz? Where is Mrs. Schultz? • Use wer when the person you’re asking about is the grammatical subject of the verb and wen when the person is the direct object of the verb. Wer begrüßt der Lehrer? Who is greeting the teacher? Wen begrüßt der Lehrer? Who(m) is the teacher greeting? • The form of welcher depends on the gender and number of the noun it modifies. Its three forms (welcher/welche/welches) have the same endings as the masculine, feminine/plural, and neuter forms of the definite article (der/die/das). Welche Lehrerin lehrt Mathematik? Which professor teaches mathematics? Welcher Schüler belegt Mathematik? Which student is taking math? • Use woher to ask people where they are from and wohin to ask where they are going. —Woher kommen Sie? —Ich komme aus Wien. —Where are you from? —I’m from Vienna. —Wohin geht ihr? —Wir gehen in die Bibliothek. —Where are you going? —We’re going to the library. 1. (Woher / Wer) kommst du? 2. (Wohin / Wann) haben wir Deutsch? 3. (Was / Wohin) reisen wir? 4. (Wer / Wo) braucht ein Blatt Papier? 5. (Welche / Woher) Fächer sind einfach? 6. (Wer / Wen) liebst du? Jetzt sind Sie dran! Select the appropriate interrogative for each question. Expansion Have students take turns asking each other the questions and giving logical answers, where possible. Suggestion Ask students additional questions using interrogatives from the list, and have students answer. Ex.: Was ist das? Wer ist sie?, etc. Students will learn more about wohin, woher, and related words in Vol. 2, 2A.2. Welcher is a der-word. Students will learn about der-words in Vol. 2, 4B.2. QUERVERWEIS Answers to questions that ask Wie…? or Wo…? may require the dative case. You will learn about the dative in 4B.1 and 4B.2. ACHTUNG In 1B.3, you learned to use wie viel with a singular noun and wie viele with a plural noun. Wie viel Zeit haben wir? Wie viele Bücher kauft er? The word viel(e) by itself means a lot (of)/many. Ich belege viele Fächer. Du arbeitest viel. 2A.2 Interactive Grammar Tutorial Strukturen Communicative Goal Ask and answer questions about daily life More activities vhlcentral pp. 21–22 p. 14 WB LM vierundsechzig