60 Regular verbs Startblock Most German verbs follow predictable conjugation patterns in which a set of endings is added to the verb stem. Ich studiere Architektur. Lernst du Philosophie mit Meline? • To form the present tense of a regular verb, drop the -en or -n ending from the infinitive and add -e, -st, -t, or -en/-n to the stem. lernen (to study) wandern (to hike) ich du Sie er/sie/es lerne lernst lernen lernt I study you study you study he/she studies wandere wanderst wandern wandert I hike you hike you hike he/she hikes wir ihr Sie sie lernen lernt lernen lernen we study you study you study they study wandern wandert wandern wandern we hike you hike you hike they hike Lernst du Physik? Are you studying physics? Sie wandern im Sommer. They go hiking in the summer. • Regular verbs whose stems end in -d or -t add an -e before the endings -st or -t for ease of pronunciation. arbeiten (to work) ich arbeite du arbeitest Sie arbeiten er/sie/es arbeitet I work you work you work he/she/it works wir arbeiten ihr arbeitet Sie arbeiten sie arbeiten we work you work you work they work Lena arbeitet in München. Lena works in Munich. Findest du Mathematik interessant? Do you find math interesting? Wartet ihr auf eure Freunde? Are you waiting for your friends? Die Hefte kosten zu viel. The notebooks cost too much. 2A.1 Suggestion Tell students that infinitives consist of a stem and an ending. Reinforce this idea by writing infinitives on the board and modeling the conjugation patterns. Ask students to identify the stem of each verb. Teaching Tip You may want to assign the grammar tutorial 2A.1 Regular verbs on the Supersite for students to watch before they come to class. QUERVERWEIS In Kapitel 1, you learned the irregular verbs sein and haben. You will learn more about irregular verbs in 2B.1. ACHTUNG Depending on the context, sie lernt can be translated as she studies, she is studying, or she does study. QUERVERWEIS As in English, the simple present can sometimes be used to talk about a future action. You will learn more about this usage in 2B.2. Language Comparisons Interactive Grammar Tutorial Strukturen Communicative Goal Describe familiar actions and daily activities sechzig Lektion 2A