IM FOKUS Lektion 2A ÜBUNGEN 58 1 Büffel-Zeit cramming time 2 Diplom, Magister degrees available before the education reform 3 pro Jahr per year 4 die nach dem who after the 5 weiter studieren continue their studies 6 ins Ausland gehen go abroad 7 Absolventen graduates 8 Arbeit work Historically, university education in Germany has been governmentfunded and free for all students. In the past few decades, some states introduced modest tuition fees—usually 500 Euros per semester. However, the fees proved so unpopular that they have since been abolished. As of October 2014, all public universities are again tuition-free, even for foreign students. Apart from cost, there are other significant differences between German and American university life. German universities typically offer only a limited amount of dormitory housing. Most students live off campus, either commuting from home or renting an apartment shared with other students. Unlike in most American universities, students must decide on a major before they begin their studies, and there is little flexibility in the choice of courses. In the past few decades, there has been an initiative to standardize degree requirements between countries. Part of this restructuring has included a push to transition from 4- to 6-year Diplom and Magister 2 degrees to 3-year Bachelor degrees. This change has been met with resistance from students, including complaints that it simply compresses the original curriculum into a shorter time frame. Many students also object to the shift toward a heavier workload with more frequent testing. The percentage of students studying at private universities remains very small, but it is gradually increasing. Whereas public universities have had problems with overcrowding, private institutions can offer smaller class sizes, giving students more contact with professors. Uni-Zeit, Büffel-Zeit 1 AP* Theme: Contemporary Life Context: Education & Career Im Fokus Indicate whether each statement is richtig or falsch. Correct the false statements. Then discuss the last question with a partner. 1. Most universities in Germany are public. 2. German students have embraced the changes to make the curriculum more similar to the curriculum in other countries. 3. There are more options for German students to choose their courses than at American universities. Diskussion Do you think college students should choose a major before they begin their studies? Why or why not? Die deutschsprachige Welt Indicate whether each statement is richtig or falsch. Correct the false statements. Then discuss the last question with a partner. 1. Viele Länder müssen ihre Hochschulbildung standardisieren. 2. Die neuen Abschluss-Standards begannen schon 1999. 3. Studenten sollen in ihren Heimatländern studieren. Diskussion Why is mobility important for European students? 1 Interpretive Communication Richtig. Falsch. German students are not happy about these changes and the greater workload resulting from the shorter time frame. Falsch. There is little flexibility in the choice of courses at German universities. 2 Interpretive Communication Richtig. Falsch. Nur der Prozess began 1999. Die Standardisierung ist erst seit 2010 Realität. Falsch. Die Mobilität der Studenten in der Europäischen Union ist besonders wichtig. Statistische Informationen zum Thema Studium Neue Studenten pro Jahr 3 ca. 2,7 Millionen Studenten, die nach dem 4 Bachelor weiter studieren 5 78% Bachelor-Studenten, die zum Studieren ins Ausland gehen 6 ca. 7,4% Bachelor-Absolventen 7, die 1,5 Jahre nach dem Abschluss Arbeit 8 haben ca. 25% QUELLE: Der Tagesspiegel Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives Kultur Communicative Goal Identify and reflect on cultural products and practices related to education achtundfünfzig