Wortschatz das Studium der Abschluss, ¨-e/ das Diplom, -e das Abschlusszeugnis, -se/ das Diplom, -e das Fach, ¨-er der Lehrer, -/ die Lehrerin, -nen das Stipendium, -en der Unterricht, - die Veranstaltung, -en (die) Wirtschaft belegen gehen studieren Orte das Auditorium, Auditorien das Klassenzimmer, - zum Beschreiben einfach langweilig nützlich/nutzlos schwierig der Stundenplan der Montag, -e der Dienstag, -e der Mittwoch, -e der Donnerstag, -e der Freitag, -e der Samstag, -e der Sonntag, -e die Stunde, -n die Woche, -n das Wochenende, -n die Zeit, -en montags/dienstags/ mittwochs morgens nachmittags abends studies degree diploma subject teacher scholarship class class; course business, economics to take (a class) to go to study; to major in places auditorium classroom to describe easy boring useful / useless difficult schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday hour week weekend time on Mondays/Tuesdays/ Wednesdays in the morning in the afternoon in the evening (die) Biologie (die) Psychologie (die) Mathematik Was lernst du? (die) Kunst, ¨-e art (die) Geschichte history Suggestion Explain that a Diplom is one of the degrees awarded by universities, in addition to others such as the Bachelor, the Magister, and the Staatsexamen. AP* Theme: Contemporary Life Context: Education & Career ACHTUNG Don’t use an article when talking about a school subject or sport, or identifying someone’s profession. Julian studiert Psychologie. Julian is studying psychology. Anna spielt Basketball. Anna plays basketball. Herr Fischer ist Pilot. Mr. Fischer is a pilot. An der Schule Tell students that An der Schule means at school. Point out that der is a feminine article in the dative case, and that the dative is used in certain phrases describing locations, including the expressions in der Schule (at school ) and im Unterricht (in class ) from 1B Kontext. They will learn more about the dative case in Lektion 4B. Suggestion Explain to students that the Abschlusszeugnis is a document similar to a transcript, itemizing the course credits required to obtain a degree, including grades and GPA. Los geht’s! Wörter (die) Architektur die Literatur lernen das Café, -s interessant (die) Medizin (die) Physik die Sporthalle, -n Kontext Lektion 2A 52 zweiundfünfzig Communicative Goal Identify words and phrases related to academic life Vocabulary Presentation