T21 Authentic cultural media for interpretive communication Zapping presents TV commercials from the German-speaking world. Post-viewing activities check comprehension. Summary provides context for each video clip. Activities help you recognize aspects of cultural information, discuss a topic, and present information. Teacher’s Edition • Walkthrough Zapping Richtig oder falsch Watch the video about the Petrischule in Mühlhausen and decide whether the following statements are richtig or falsch. Correct the false statements. Richtig Falsch 1. The open position is for a music teacher. 2. The teachers enjoy teaching at this school. 3. Students at this school stand up when they want to answer a question. 4. The Petrischule is a school for boys and girls. Diskussion Discuss these questions with a partner. 1. Do you have a favorite teacher? Why is he or she your favorite teacher? 2. What is your favorite subject? Why? Präsentation Write a job description for a new teacher at your school. Use these questions to guide your writing. Wo ist Ihre Schule? Welches Fach unterrichtet der neue Lehrer / die neue Lehrerin? Welches Beifach ist wünschenswert? Ist die Lehrerstelle in Vollzeit? 2 3 4 The Petrischule in Mühlhausen has an opening for a permanent teaching position. The perfect new colleague enjoys teaching and possesses curiosity and optimism. The new teacher will be working with an open-minded team and will have opportunities to share new ideas. Vorbereitung Answer the following questions. 1. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good teacher? 2. Can you imagine becoming a teacher? Why or why not? 1 Ein guter Lehrer hat Spaß am Unterrichten. Nützliche Ausdrücke das Beifach second, supplementary area of study erziehen to educate, to teach der Fachbereich, -e area of study der Lieblingslehrer, - / favorite teacher die Lieblingslehrerin, -nen teilen to share in Vollzeit full-time identify and reflect on the qualities of a good teacher. I CAN Lehrer gesucht einundsiebzig 71 Communicative Goal Identify and reflect on the qualities of a good teacher Kapitel 2 Schule und Studium Video • Streaming video of the TV clip with teacher-controlled subtitle options • Textbook activities