T18 Culture presented in context Im Fokus presents an in-depth reading about the lesson’s cultural theme. Full-color photos bring to life important aspects of the topic, while charts support the main text with statistics and additional information. Porträt spotlights notable people, places, events, and products from the German-speaking world. This article is thematically linked to the lesson. Deutsch im Alltag presents additional vocabulary related to the lesson theme, showcasing words and phrases used in everyday spoken German. This vocabulary is not tested. Die deutschsprachige Welt focuses on the people, places, dialects, and traditions in regions where German is spoken. This short article is thematically linked to the lesson. Im Internet boxes, with provocative questions and photos, feature additional cultural explorations online. Übungen activities include comprehension questions, each followed by a discussion question. • Kultur reading • Im Internet research activity expands on the chapter theme • Textbook activities Teacher’s Edition • Walkthrough DEUTSCH IM ALLTAG PORTRÄT Kapitel 2 59 1 älteste oldest 2 bietet offers 3 Gründung founding 4 Studienfächer courses of study 5 Artistenfakultät school of arts 6 Grundwissen basic knowledge 7 vorbereitet prepares 8 Mittlerweile now 9 wesentlichen essential 10 Veränderungen changes 11 Forschungen research 12 im Bereich in the area 13 Vernetzung networking 1 Bildungsminister secretaries of education 2 treffen… erstmals meet for the first time 3 Ziel goal 4 einheitliche standardized 5 hohe hi gh 6 müssen must 7 Hochschulbildung higher education 8 gemeinsame common 9 Hochschulraum Higher Education Area 10 eröffnet opened 11 Mitgliedsländer member countries 12 nehmen... teil participate Uni Basel Die Uni Basel ist die älteste 1 Universität der Schweiz. Sie bietet 2 schon seit ihrer Gründung 3 im Jahr 1460 die Studienfächer 4 Theologie, Jura und Medizin an. Zudem gibt es die Artistenfakultät 5, die Grundwissen 6 vermittelt und dadurch auf das Studium der anderen Fächer vorbereitet 7. Diese wird später zur Philosophischen Fakultät. Mittlerweile 8 kann man hier auch Geschichte, Naturwissenschaften und Psychologie studieren. Der Bologna-Prozess führt auch hier zu einigen wesentlichen 9 Veränderungen 10. Heute ist die Uni Basel unter anderem bekannt für ihre Forschungen 11, vor allem im Bereich 12 der Life Sciences, in dem sie auch von ihrer guten internationalen Vernetzung 13 profitiert. Der Bologna-Prozess Die Bildungsminister 1 der Europäischen Union treffen sich erstmals 2 1999 in Bologna in Italien. Das Ziel 3: international einheitliche 4 Universitäts-Abschlüsse in ganz Europa und hohe 5 Mobilität für Studenten. In Europa müssen 6 Universitäten die Hochschulbildung 7 standardisieren. Im März 2010 wird der gemeinsame 8 europäische Hochschulraum 9 in Budapest und Wienoffiziell eröffnet 10. 47 Mitgliedsländer 11 nehmen daran teil 12. der Besserwisser, - der Mitbewohner, - / die Mitbewohnerin, -nen das Referat, -e das Schwarze Brett das Studentenwohnheim, -e die Studiengebühr, -en büffeln know-it-all roommate presentation bulletin board dormitory tuition fee to cram (for a test) Die Uni IM INTERNET Österreichische Universitäten. Wie ist das Studium in Österreich? Ist es mit dem (with the) deutschen System vergleichbar (comparable)? Find out more at vhlcentral.com. identify and reflect on cultural products and practices related to education in my own and other cultures. I CAN Im Fokus Indicate whether each statement is richtig or falsch. Correct the false statements. Then discuss the last question with a partner. 1. Most universities in Germany are public. 2. German students have embraced the changes to make the curriculum more similar to the curriculum in other countries. 3. There are more options for German students to choose their courses than at American universities. Diskussion Do you think college students should choose a major before they begin their studies? Why or why not? Die deutschsprachige Welt Indicate whether each statement is richtig or falsch. Correct the false statements. Then discuss the last question with a partner. 1. Viele Länder müssen ihre Hochschulbildung standardisieren. 2. Die neuen Abschluss-Standards begannen schon 1999. 3. Studenten sollen in ihren Heimatländern studieren. Diskussion Why is mobility important for European students? Porträt Indicate whether each statement is richtig or falsch. Correct the false statements. Then discuss the last question with a partner. 1. Die Uni Basel existiert schon seit 1600. 2. Die Schweizer Universitäten machen beim Bologna-Prozess nicht mit (don’t participate). 3. An der Uni Basel studiert man nur Naturwissenschaften. Diskussion Which subjects can you study at the Uni Basel? Would you want to study at Basel once you complete your high school studies? Why or why not? Mein Auslandsjahr (Year abroad) Briefly talk about your plans after high school and how a year in a German-speaking country might fit your plans. What would be your main reason for studying abroad? Where would you consider studying? 1 2 3 4 DIE DEUTSCHSPRACHIGE WELT identify and reflect on cultural products and practices related to education in my own and other cultures. I CAN neunundfünfzig Schule und Studium IM FOKUS Lektion 2A ÜBUNGEN 58 1 Büffel-Zeit cramming time 2 Diplom, Magister degrees available before the education reform 3 pro Jahr per year 4 die nach dem who after the 5 weiter studieren continue their studies 6 ins Ausland gehen go abroad 7 Absolventen graduates 8 Arbeit work H , in Germany has been governmentfunded and free for all students. In the past few decades, some states introduced modest tuition fees—usually 500 Euros per semester. However, the fees proved so unpopular that they have since been abolished. As of October 2014, all public universities are again tuition-free, even for foreign students. Apart from cost, there are other signi cant di erences between German and American university life. German universities typically o er only a limited amount of dormitory housing. Most students live o campus, either commuting from home or renting an apartment shared with other students. Unlike in most American universities, students must decide on a major before they begin their studies, and there is little exibility in the choice of courses. In the past few decades, there has been an initiative to standardize degree requirements between countries. Part of this restructuring has included a push to transition from 4- to 6-year Diplom and Magister 2 degrees to 3-year Bachelor degrees. is change has been met with resistance from students, including complaints that it simply compresses the original curriculum into a shorter time frame. Many students also object to the shi toward a heavier workload with more frequent testing. e percentage of students studying at private universities remains very small, but it is gradually increasing. Whereas public universities have had problems with overcrowding, private institutions can o er smaller class sizes, giving students more contact with professors. Uni-Zeit, Bü el-Zeit 1 Im Fokus Indicate whether each statement is richtig or falsch. Correct the false statements. Then discuss the last question with a partner. 1. Most universities in Germany are public. 2. German students have embraced the changes to make the curriculum more similar to the curriculum in other countries. 3. There are more options for German students to choose their courses than at American universities. Diskussion Do you think college students should choose a major before they begin their studies? Why or why not? Die deutschsprachige Welt Indicate whether each statement is richtig or falsch. Correct the false statements. Then discuss the last question with a partner. 1. Viele Länder müssen ihre Hochschulbildung standardisieren. 2. Die neuen Abschluss-Standards begannen schon 1999. 3. Studenten sollen in ihren Heimatländern studieren. Diskussion Why is mobility important for European students? Porträt Indicate whether each statement is richtig or falsch. Correct the false statements. Then discuss the last question with a partner. 1. Die Uni Basel existiert schon seit 1600. 2. Die Schweizer Universitäten machen beim Bologna-Prozess nicht mit (don’t participate). 3. An der Uni Basel studiert man nur Naturwissenschaften. Diskussion Which subjects can you study at the Uni Basel? Would you want to study at Basel once you complete your high school studies? Why or why not? Mein Auslandsjahr (Year abroad) Briefly talk about your plans after high school and how a year in a German-speaking country might fit your plans. What would be your main reason for studying abroad? Where would you consider studying? 1 2 3 4 Statistische Informationen zum Thema Studium Neue Studenten pro Jahr 3 ca. 2,7 Millionen Studenten, die nach dem 4 Bachelor weiter studieren 5 78% Bachelor-Studenten, die zum Studieren ins Ausland gehen 6 ca. 7,4% Bachelor-Absolventen 7, die 1,5 Jahre nach dem Abschluss Arbeit 8 haben ca. 25% QUELLE: Der Tagesspiegel Kultur Communicative Goal Identify and reflect on cultural products and practices related to education achtundfünfzig Walkthrough