T16 Authenticity in pronunciation and spelling Explanations of German pronunciation and spelling are presented clearly, with abundant model words and phrases. The red highlighting feature focuses students’ attention on the target structure. Practice pronunciation and spelling at the word- and sentence-levels. The final activity features illustrated sayings and proverbs that present the target structures in an entertaining cultural context. The audio icon at the top of the page indicates that the explanation and activities are recorded for convenient use in or outside of class. • Audio recording of the Aussprache und Rechtschreibung presentation • Record-and-compare activities Teacher’s Edition • Walkthrough 55 fünfundfünfzig 1 All that glitters is not gold. 2 Ignorance is bliss. (lit. What I don’t know, doesn’t bother me.) Was ich nicht weiß, macht mich nicht heiß.2 Es ist nicht alles Gold, was glänzt.1 Aussprechen Practice saying these words aloud. 1. Garten 4. Jahr 7. Vater 10. Wasser 2. Essig 5. Journalist 8. verstehen 11. zwischen 3. Weg 6. joggen 9. Violine 12. weil Nachsprechen Practice saying these sentences aloud. 1. Wir wollen wissen, wie wir das wissen sollen. 2. In vier Wochen wird Veronikas Vater wieder in seiner Villa wohnen. 3. Gestern war Gregors zwanzigster Geburtstag. 4. Jeden Tag soll ich Gemüse und Grünzeug wie Salat essen. 5. Meine Schwester studiert Jura an der Universität Jena. 6. Viele Studenten jobben, um das Studium zu finanzieren. Sprichwörter Practice reading these sayings aloud. 1 2 3 The German letter g has three different pronunciations. At the end of a syllable or before a t, it is pronounced like the k in the English word keep. In the suffix -ig, the g is pronounced like the German ch. Otherwise, g is pronounced like the g in the English word garden. Tag belegt schwierig gehen fragen The German letter j is pronounced very similarly to the letter y in the English word young. However, in a small number of loanwords from other languages, j may be pronounced like the j in job or the g in mirage. jung Januar ja jobben Journal The German letter v is pronounced like the f in the English word fable. In a few loanwords from other languages, v is pronounced like the v in the English word vase. vier Vorlesung Vase Universität Volleyball The German letter w is pronounced like the v in the English word vote. wissen Mittwoch Wirtschaft Wort Schwester Consonant sounds Aussprache und Rechtschreibung More activities vhlcentral p. 12 LM Kapitel 2 Schule und Studium Audio Walkthrough