T12 Teacher’s Edition • Walkthrough Beginning with the student in mind Chapter opener photos provide visual context for the chapter theme. Als Erstes jump starts the unit, allowing students to use the German they know to talk about the photo. Essential Questions connect the lesson’s content to contemporary life. Can-Do Goals introduce the chapter’s learning objectives. Supersite resources are available for every section of each chapter at vhlcentral.com. Icons show you which textbook activities are also available online, and where additional practice activities are available. The description next to the icon indicates what additional resources are available for each section: videos, audio recordings, readings, presentations, and more! ALS ERSTES •What are the people in this photo doing? a. Sie tanzen. b. Sie rennen. c. Sie sprechen. •Where is this photo taken? a. In der Schule b. Im Büro c. Zu Hause •Who are these people? a. Frauen b. Jungen c. Rektoren Essential Question How does culture affect our school experience and the way we spend our free time? Can-Do Goals By the end of this chapter, you will be able to: •Exchange information about your classes and life. •Ask and tell the time. •Talk about sports and leisure activities. •Talk about what will happen. •Negate statements and ask negative questions. Culture •College courses and lectures •Popular pastimes in the Alps •Geography and culture of Berlin Skills •Reading: Predict the contents of a reading selection by its format •Listening: Use cognates for comprehension •Writing: Write a brief personal description Kapitel 2 Schule und Studium Walkthrough