PASO 3 Exposición de cartas y dramatización • Display all the menus. Then visit another restaurant. • Use their menu to order food and drinks from the server. Ask questions to find out what characteristics each food or drink has. Modelo A. ¿Qué quiere beber? B. Un jugo de maracuyá. Es dulce, ¿verdad? C. Sí. Es dulce. ¿Lo quiere frío? PASO 4 Escribe una crítica • Take notes on each restaurant you visit. Use these criteria to guide your note taking: – Nombre y tipo de restaurante – Especialidades – Precios: ¿caro? ¿normal? ¿barato? – El servicio: ¿malo? ¿regular? ¿bueno? ¿excepcional? – Los meseros: ¿simpáticos? ¿antipáticos? • Write a review of one restaurant, using your notes. Modelo El restaurante Tip y Tap es un chifa. Las especialidades son las carnes y... I CAN I CAN identify the foods that are available in restaurants in my own culture and in Peru. prepare a menu and interact in a dining situation in my own or another culture. Unidad 4 Autoevaluación Do the following activities to reflect on your progress toward this unit’s goals. Communication a. I can express different degrees of preference about foods in my own and other cultures. Ask your partner what he or she prefers to eat and drink for each meal. b. I can say which food items I need and ask where to buy them. Tell your partner three food items you need to buy and ask where you can get them. c. I can express actions related to dining in my own and other cultures. Describe the steps necessary in preparing a simple dish. d. I can describe foods and eating habits in my own and other cultures. Ask a server (your partner) three questions about the menu. Intercultural Communication a. I can identify culturally significant foods and cooking practices in my own and other cultures. b. I can interact with others in shopping- and dining-related activities in my own and other cultures. doscientos cincuenta y cinco 255 PASO 3 Exposición de cartas y dramatización • Display all the menus. Then visit another restaurant. • Use their menu to order food and drinks from the server. Ask questions to find out what characteristics each food or drink has. Modelo A. ¿Qué quiere beber? B. Un jugo de maracuyá. Es dulce, ¿verdad? C. Sí. Es dulce. ¿Lo quiere frío? PASO 4 Escribe una crítica • Take notes on each restaurant you visit. Use these criteria to guide your note taking: – Nombre y tipo de restaurante – Especialidades – Precios: ¿caro? ¿normal? ¿barato? – El servicio: ¿malo? ¿regular? ¿bueno? ¿excepcional? – Los meseros: ¿simpáticos? ¿antipáticos? • Write a review of one restaurant, using your notes. Modelo El restaurante Tip y Tap es un chifa. Las especialidades son las carnes y... I CAN I CAN identify the foods that are available in restaurants in my own culture and in Peru. prepare a menu and interact in a dining situation in my own or another culture. Autoevaluación Do the following activities to reflect on your progress toward this unit’s goals. Communication a. I can express different degrees of preference about foods in my own and other cultures. Ask your partner what he or she prefers to eat and drink for each meal. b. I can say which food items I need and ask where to buy them. Tell your partner three food items you need to buy and ask where you can get them. c. I can express actions related to dining in my own and other cultures. Describe the steps necessary in preparing a simple dish. d. I can describe foods and eating habits in my own and other cultures. Ask a server (your partner) three questions about the menu. Intercultural Communication a. I can identify culturally significant foods and cooking practices in my own and other cultures. b. I can interact with others in shopping- and dining-related activities in my own and other cultures. doscientos cincuenta y cinco 255 Unit 4 255 PROYECTO Content Organization Presentation 5 points Relevant, interesting information. Many details and significance are highlighted. Spanish is used exclusively. Class time is used wisely. Information and content are clearly organized visually and logically. Clear communication. Correct and complete vocabulary and grammar. Paso 3 • This part of the project is where the menus and restaurants are put to the test. Have students copy the criteria from Paso 4 on a sheet of paper to take notes as they visit the other restaurants. Then choose half of the groups to try out the new restaurants. Those students who are not chosen play the role of the server. When the allotted time has passed, the other groups get to try out different restaurants. Paso 4 • Have each student work individually to write a review of one of the restaurants. Evaluation • Discuss the rubric chart before beginning the project. Encourage students to refer to the rubric as they prepare their projects. Content • Explain the importance of using complete sentences in their conversations in Spanish. Organization • Every part of the outline in the instructions should be included in the presentation. Presentation • Students should use as much Spanish as possible. They should check grammar and vocabulary. Encourage creativity and a presentation style that will hold their classmates’ attention. Integrated Performance Assessment See the online Resources for a complete Integrated Performance Assessment for this unit, including an Interpretive, Interpersonal, and Presentational section as well as scoring rubrics for each mode of communication. You can use this IPA as a cumulative assessment at the end of the unit or present it at the outset of the unit and have students work on each section gradually as they progress.