Nuestros restaurantes In this project, you will use your ideas to set up a restaurant, write the menu, and role-play a dialogue with your customers. You will also visit your classmates’ restaurants and order food there. Finally, you will write a restaurant review to summarize your opinions of all the restaurants. PASO 1 Decide el tipo de restaurante y la comida • With a group, decide what type of restaurant you will have and what food you will serve. These questions will help you. – ¿Qué tipos de restaurantes conoces? – ¿Cuál prefiere tu grupo? – ¿Qué comidas vas a ofrecer: desayunos, almuerzos, cenas? – Escribe una lista de los platos, bebidas y postres para cada comida. PASO 2 Prepara el menú • Classify the foods on your list. You can use these criteria or others: – Tipo de alimento: frutas, verduras, carnes. – Desayuno, almuerzo, cena. – Saludables para gente con dietas especiales. • Find photos to illustrate each dish you will serve. • Write a brief description of each dish. Include some information from this list: – nombre del plato – forma de preparación – sabores – ingredientes – precio – ... comida rápida americano mexicano italiano peruano Deliciosas papas con queso Papas asadas con una salsa de queso peruano 11 soles PROYECTO 254 doscientos cincuenta y cuatro Unit 4 254 PROYECTO Content Organization Presentation 1 point Limited relevance. Information is incomplete or not based on research. Little Spanish is used. Inefficient use of class time. Information is disorganized or unclear. Communication is unclear. Many errors in vocabulary and grammar. 3 points Basic information is correct. Relevant information but lacks significance. Spanish is used most of the time. Class time is used well. Information and content are mostly organized but lack some clarity. Good communication. Mostly correct vocabulary and grammar. Restaurantes Preparation • Ask students to review the information they learned in this unit about menus, the dining table, food, drinks, and ingredients. Tell them that they will be asked to give opinions on the menu items of their classmates. • Divide the class into groups to work on their restaurant concept. Step-by-Step Instructions Paso 1 • In groups, students can brainstorm the advantages and disadvantages of the type of restaurant they wish to create. Set a time limit for this step so students stay on task. They should have written the answers to the guiding questions when time is up. Paso 2 • Students can select photos from a magazine, use pictures of food they have prepared, or photos from the web or other sources to illustrate images of their dishes. Point out that the expression for “appetizer” is primer plato, aperitivo, or entrada. • Remind students that the Spanish word for “entrée” is plato principal. Encourage them to be creative in their menus. Rubric for Evaluation Teaching Suggestions Presentation • In this section, students will create a restaurant to apply the vocabulary and grammar they have learned in Unit 4. • The project offers an opportunity for students to demonstrate what they have learned. Students will follow step-by-step instructions. Presentational Communication Interpersonal Communication School & Global Communities Nuestros In this project, you will use your ideas to set up a restaurant, write the menu, and role-play a dialogue with your customers. You will also visit your classmates’ restaurants and order food there. Finally, you will write a restaurant review to summarize your opinions of all the restaurants. PASO 1 Decide el tipo de restaurante y la comida • With a group, decide what type of restaurant you will have and what food you will serve. These questions will help you. – ¿Qué tipos de restaurantes conoces? – ¿Cuál prefiere tu grupo? – ¿Qué comidas vas a ofrecer: desayunos, almuerzos, cenas? – Escribe una lista de los platos, bebidas y postres para cada comida. PASO 2 Prepara el menú • Classify the foods on your list. You can use these criteria or others: – Tipo de alimento: frutas, verduras, carnes. – Desayuno, almuerzo, cena. – Saludables para gente con dietas especiales. • Find photos to illustrate each dish you will serve. • Write a brief description of each dish. Include some information from this list: – nombre del plato – forma de preparación – sabores – ingredientes – precio – ... comida rápida americano mexicano italiano peruano Deliciosas papas con queso Papas asadas con una salsa de queso peruano 11 soles PROYECTO 254 doscientos cincuenta y cuatro Rubric for Evaluation