Océano Pací co Brasil Bolivia Chile Colombia Ecuador Lima Cuzco Arequipa Iquitos Chiclayo Trujillo OCÉANO PACÍFICO 0 50 100 millas kilómetros 0 50 100 Perú está situado en América del Sur, en la costa del océano Pací co. Su capital es Lima. La ciudad de Lima está en la costa, en el centro del país. Perú está lleno de restos de culturas anteriores a la llegada de los españoles. Los sitios arqueológicos de la cultura inca son muy importantes. 97. Un nuevo lugar para vivir Lee y habla. Look at the map. What place or city would be the most suitable for the people featured in these sentences? a. Un habitante de Cuzco prefiere vivir en la costa (coast). b. A una persona de Lima no le gusta el mar (sea). c. A una persona de Cuzco le gusta la selva (forest). d. Un habitante de Iquitos prefiere las montañas (mountains). Perú MAPA CULTURAL 246 doscientos cuarenta y seis Unit 4 246 MAPA CULTURAL EXPANDING LEARNERS • Ask students the following questions about Peru and the United States: −Where are the two countries located? How big are they, comparatively? −What kind of climate and topography do they have? −What are the similarities and differences between their histories? −What are some similarities and differences between the cultures? Differentiated Instruction Presentation • This section presents Peru through facts and physical features so learners can see the country from other perspectives. The map of the country serves as a reference point for additional cultural readings and activities that expand on the skills students learned in this unit. Cultural Topics • Los incas, reyes de las montañas. Cuzco was the capital city of the Incas from around 1200 to 1532 AD. It is 10,800 feet above sea level. Today it welcomes about one million visitors a year. Many visitors arrive on the day of the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere during the month of June, when the city of Cuzco celebrates the Festival of the Sun in honor of the god Inti. One popular destination 50 miles northwest of Cuzco is Machu Picchu. • Las líneas de Nazca. The Nazca Lines are drawings on the ground called geoglyphs. The Nazca people made them before the year 700 AD by removing the reddish-brown pebbles that cover the surface of the Nazca desert. When the gravel is removed, the lines contrast sharply with the light-colored earth beneath. There are hundreds of figures, from simple lines to stylized spiders, monkeys, fish, and lizards. The ridges are only about 10 cm to 30 cm deep. The dry, windless climate of the region helps preserve the lines. It is believed that the lines were drawn for religious reasons. Activating Prior Knowledge • Ask students to divide a sheet of paper into three sections with these headings: the map of Peru, the Incas, the Nazca Lines. Then have them look through this section and fill in the information they already have about Peru under each heading. Teaching Suggestions Perú Interpretive Communication DEVELOPING LEARNERS • Ask students the following questions to help them review. −Where is Peru located? How big is it? −What kind of climate and topography does it have? −What are some aspects of Peru’s history? −What are a few notable aspects of Peruvian culture? Océano Pací co Brasil Bolivia Chile Colombia Ecuador Lima Cuzco Arequipa Iquitos Chiclayo Trujillo OCÉANO PACÍFICO 0 50 100 millas kilómetros 0 50 100 Perú está situado en América del Sur, en la costa del océano Pací co. Su capital es Lima. La ciudad de Lima está en la costa, en el centro del país. Perú está lleno de restos de culturas anteriores a la llegada de los españoles. Los sitios arqueológicos de la cultura inca son muy importantes. 97. Un nuevo lugar para vivir Lee y habla. Look at the map. What place or city would be the most suitable for the people featured in these sentences? a. Un habitante de Cuzco prefiere vivir en la costa (coast). b. A una persona de Lima no le gusta el mar (sea). c. A una persona de Cuzco le gusta la selva (forest). d. Un habitante de Iquitos prefiere las montañas (mountains). MAPA CULTURAL 246 doscientos cuarenta y seis Differentiated Instruction