Un chin de ensalada @AdriN@Na ¿Sabes qué comida rápida y saludable se puede preparar con simples ingredientes? ¡Descúbrelo en este video! #recetas #comidasaludable #¡guácala! @AdriN@Na UN CHIN DE... Antes de ver What kind of ingredients do you enjoy in your salads? Would you choose to include meat in your salad? Why? En este video... In this video, Jaime and Adriana will be preparing a salad with orange sauce, with the assistance of a vegetarian chef. Their objective is to blend sweet and savory flavors into one dish. 89. ¿Qué tanto recuerdas? Contesta. After watching the video, answer these questions in pairs or small groups. 1. ¿Qué se celebra en el video? 2. ¿Qué tipo de plato preparan? 3. ¿Qué papel cumplen los vegetales en la receta? 4. ¿Por qué Adriana menciona la chinola o maracuyá? 5. ¿Por qué Jaime muestra más interés en la torta que en la ensalada? 90. Vocabulario sobre cocina Ve y escribe. After watching the video, list ten vocabulary words you recognize in the dialogue. For each term, draw a picture to represent the word’s meaning. 91. Opiniones compartidas Habla. It’s your turn to create an interesting salad recipe. Make a list of seven ingredients you would use in an innovative salad, looking up any new words if needed. Share your list with a partner. What do they think: ¿Deliciosa? ¿O no? Video doscientos cuarenta y tres 243 @AdriN@Na ¿Sabes qué comida rápida y saludable se puede preparar con simples ingredientes? ¡Descúbrelo en este video! #Recetas #ComidaSaludable #¡Guácala! @AdriN@Na Antes de ver What kind of ingredients do you enjoy in your salads? Would you choose to include meat in your salad? Why? En este video... In this video, Jaime and Adriana will be preparing a salad with orange sauce, with the assistance of a vegetarian chef. Their objective is to blend sweet and savory flavors into one dish. 89. ¿Qué tanto recuerdas? Contesta. After watching the video, answer these questions in pairs or small groups. 1. ¿Qué se celebra en el video? 2. ¿Qué tipo de plato preparan? 3. ¿Qué papel cumplen los vegetales en la receta? 4. ¿Por qué Adriana menciona la chinola o maracuyá? 5. ¿Por qué Jaime muestra más interés en la torta que en la ensalada? 90. Vocabulario sobre cocina Ve y escribe. After watching the video, list ten vocabulary words you recognize in the dialogue. For each term, draw a picture to represent the word’s meaning. 91. Opiniones compartidas Habla. It’s your turn to create an interesting salad recipe. Make a list of seven ingredients you would use in an innovative salad, looking up any new words if needed. Share your list with a partner. What do they think: ¿Deliciosa? ¿O no? Video UN CHIN DE... doscientos cuarenta y tres 243 Unit 4 243 UN CHIN DE... COOPERATIVE LEARNING • Have students work in groups to prepare a page from a recipe book for a traditional Peruvian dish. They can divide the preparations among the group members and then come together to assemble and check the final product. • When appropriate, students can prepare the dish as a group, using photos from the process as the illustrations for their page. They can then serve the food to the class. • You may wish to give students some of the choices and information from the Desafíos in order to avoid duplication. HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS • Have students who are familiar with another culture’s foods and traditions present some of the traditional holiday foods to the class. They can include what the flavors are like, what the food is paired with, and if there are any special rituals associated with this food. • The presentations can focus on Hispanic cultures or on any world culture. Multiple students can present these traditions in Spanish, thus enhancing the exchange of cultural information for all students. Un chin de... Before Viewing • Ask students the Antes de ver questions. If they do not normally eat salads, ask them to think about ingredients that a friend or family member enjoys. After Viewing • Ask students to identify what they think the purpose of the video is. What clues make them think so? Activities 88. Answers will vary. 89. To extend this activity, ask students to identify specific details from the video that support the main idea. Encourage them to pinpoint key moments in the dialogue, ingredients used, and actions taken. Answers will vary. Sample answers: 1. Se celebra haber alcanzado los 1000 suscriptores. 2. Preparan una ensalada. 3. Los vegetales son la base de la ensalada. 4. Es una alternativa para la salsa. 5. Duda porque no le gustan las verduras. 91. Answers will vary. Additional Practice Online Fans Online Activities Interpretive Communication Interpretive Communication Interpersonal Communication 90. Bring in a newspaper article about restaurants in your city or town. Ask students to write their own review of one of the places using the vocabulary from this activity. Answers will vary.