T29 For the Student Component What is it? Student Edition Core instruction for students ✓ ✓ Audio-synced Presentations Audio to accompany La llegada, Punto de partida, Expresiones útiles, Pronunciación, and Vocabulario presentations ✓ ✓ Pronunciation Tutorials Interactive presentation of Spanish pronunciation and spelling with Speech Recognition ✓ Group Chats Small groups of students work synchronously to record a conversation in the target language ✓ ✓ Student Video Recording Create and upload video responses ✓ ✓ Vocabulary Tutorials Lesson vocabulary taught in a cyclical learning sequence— Listen & repeat, Match, Say it—with Speech Recognition and practice activities ✓ Grammar Tutorials Animated tutorials pair grammar explanations with fun examples ✓ ✓ Interactive Grammar Tutorials Interactive tutorials featuring embedded quick checks and multi-part diagnostic with real-time feedback and remediation ✓ Diagnostics Embedded evaluation activities provide immediate feedback to students ✓ VideoMundo Authentic TV clips and short films from across the Spanish-speaking world ✓ ✓ Interactive Videos Interactive versions of Un chin de… and VideoMundo videos to check for understanding ✓ Enhanced Mapa cultural Presentations Bring the geography and culture to life and aid in cross-cultural connections and comparisons ✓ My Vocabulary A variety of tools to practice vocabulary, enhanced by audio ✓ ✓ News and Cultural Updates Monthly posting of authentic resource links with scaffolded activities ✓ ✓ Fans Online Activities Online-only practice activities reinforce concepts and skills throughout the unit ✓ Video Virtual Chats Students create simulated conversations by responding to questions delivered by video recordings of native speakers ✓ Cuaderno de práctica A digital version of the print Cuaderno de práctica; students practice reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar, and intercultural skills ✓ ✓ eCuaderno de comunicación Additional online-only speaking and listening activities aligned to the communicative skills of each desafío and unit ✓