DESAFÍO 4 dulce salado picante agrio amargo 73. ¿Cómo está la comida hoy? Escribe. Describe these foods and drinks. Modelo El jugo de maracuyá está frío. 1 2 3 4 5 el chocolate las papas el refresco la torta la naranja ¿Cómo está la comida? La temperatura Los sabores ¿Te gusta? el helado frío la sopa caliente ¡Cuidado! El plato está caliente. ¡Qué rico! Está malo. Está bueno. Está delicioso. Vocabulario Presentation 236 doscientos treinta y seis Unit 4 236 DESAFÍO 4 DEVELOPING LEARNERS • To practice flavors, have students come up with word association pairs in which the first letter of the flavor and the first letter of the food are the same. For example: 1. picante – pimiento 2. salado – sopa EXPANDING LEARNERS • Have students work in pairs to describe foods and drinks to each other. Partners guess what is being described. For example: −Es una cosa roja. La ponemos en los sándwiches y las hamburguesas. (el tomate) −Es una bebida caliente. La tomamos por la mañana. (el café) Activating Prior Knowledge • Students write five sentences with the words and expressions related to eating, drinking, and the dining table. Using the preposition con, the sentences will tell what one uses. For example: Tomamos agua con un vaso. You may set up a transparency with a word bank such as servilleta, tenedor, cuchillo, vaso, cuchara, cortar, carne. Preparation • Go over the vocabulary with the class, using the pictures. Bring in foods, salt, honey, hot chocolate, and so on, or pictures of these. • Act out some examples of each flavor and make gestures that will stand as your signal for the description of foods. • Mention other foods and have students use facial expressions and the corresponding words. Use volunteers to see who does the best faces and makes the best sounds to express each description. Activities 73. Answers will vary. Sample answers: 1. El chocolate está caliente. 2. Las papas están picantes. 3. El refresco está frío. 4. La torta está dulce. 5. La naranja está deliciosa. 74. Play the audio three times. The first time students will listen for the true answers. The second time students will verify their answers. The third time students will listen to correct the false statements. Presentation • In this section, students will learn about adjectives that describe temperature, taste, and flavors of food. Teaching Suggestions Differentiated Instruction Vocabulario – ¿Cómo está la comida? AP* Course Theme: Contemporary Life DESAFÍO 4 dulce salado picante agrio amargo 73. ¿Cómo está la comida hoy? Escribe. Describe these foods and drinks. Modelo El jugo de maracuyá está frío. 1 2 3 4 5 el chocolate las papas el refresco la torta la naranja ¿Cómo está la comida? La temperatura Los sabores ¿Te gusta? el helado frío la sopa caliente ¡Cuidado! El plato está caliente. ¡Qué rico! Está malo. Está bueno. Está delicioso. Vocabulario Presentation 236 doscientos treinta y seis Differentiated Instruction