Observa. Andy and Janet are in Chiclayo, a city in northern Peru. Their challenge is to make a famous Peruvian dish: el ceviche. Ceviche is seafood that is cooked using the juice from citrus fruits like limes. Continuará… 44. Observa Completa. Use words from the Punto de partida to complete these sentences. 1. ¿Cocinamos el pescado sin en la estufa? 2. Tengo que para . 3. ponemos jugo de limón o de lima y también un poco de sal. 4. Sí, ponemos al final. 5. Ahora corto el pescado y pongo en el jugo. 6. ¿ ponemos un plato a Mack? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Un ceviche para todos ¿Cocinamos el pescado sin ponerlo en la estufa? ¿Cómo? ¡Tengo que verlo para creerlo! Le ponemos jugo de limón o de lima y también un poco de sal. ¿Le ponemos un plato a Mack? Sí, la ponemos al final. Sí. Mack come con nosotros. ¿Necesitas pimienta? Muy bien. Ahora corto el pescado y lo pongo en el jugo. ¿Por qué no pones la mesa? Punto de partida Presentation DESAFÍO 3 224 doscientos veinticuatro Goal: to express actions related to dining Unit 4 224 DESAFÍO 3 EXPANDING LEARNERS • To show comprehension and practice the vocabulary, ask students to write an e-mail to a friend explaining the ceviche recipe that Andy and Janet are preparing. • They can use the main sentences from the dialogue, changing the verbs to the ellos form. They should include an opinion on whether the dish sounds tasty or not. For example: Andy y Janet cocinan un pescado sin ponerlo en la estufa. Usan limón, sal y pimienta. Pienso que puede ser un plato delicioso. Differentiated Instruction Presentation • Andy and Janet are in Chiclayo. They are learning to prepare ceviche, a traditional Peruvian dish. • In this section, students will learn: −Place settings and the verbs associated with kitchen etiquette and condiments. −Verbs with an irregular yo form. −Indirect object pronouns. Activating Prior Knowledge • On the board, draw a picture of four storefronts (a butcher, bakery, supermarket, and fruit stand). Students should list foods that might be displayed in the windows and then write sentences using direct object pronouns. Preparation • Read the introduction to the task aloud to students. Some students may never have heard of food “cooked” by the acid of a citrus juice. • You can make a connection to science by explaining that food cut into small pieces allows the chemical effect to reach more of the food faster because of the greater surface area. Punto de partida Before Reading • Ask students to look at the first picture in the task. What are Andy and Janet looking at? (a cookbook) After Reading • Ask students to look for the verb poner in its various forms. Also, the direct object pronouns are familiar, but there is a new pronoun: le. Activities 44. Answers: 1. ponerlo 5. la 2. verlo 6. lo 3. creerlo 7. Le 4. Le Teaching Suggestions Expresar acciones Interpretive Communication DEVELOPING LEARNERS • Many of the verbs in this Punto de partida are reviewed from past Desafíos. Have students identify the verbs. For each verb, they should identify who the subject is. They can use these verbs (using different subject pronouns) to report what happens in the scene. Observa. Andy and Janet are in Chiclayo, a city in northern Peru. Their challenge is to make a famous Peruvian dish: el ceviche. Ceviche is seafood that is cooked using the juice from citrus fruits like limes. Continuará… 44. Observa Completa. Use words from the Punto de partida to complete these sentences. 1. ¿Cocinamos el pescado sin en la estufa? 2. Tengo que para . 3. ponemos jugo de limón o de lima y también un poco de sal. 4. Sí, ponemos al final. 5. Ahora corto el pescado y pongo en el jugo. 6. ¿ ponemos un plato a Mack? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ¿Cocinamos el pescado sin ponerlo en la estufa? ¿Cómo? ¡Tengo que verlo para creerlo! Le ponemos jugo de limón o de lima y también un poco de sal. ¿Le ponemos un plato a Mack? Sí, la ponemos al final. Sí. Mack come con nosotros. ¿Necesitas pimienta? Muy bien. Ahora corto el pescado y lo pongo en el jugo. ¿Por qué no pones la mesa? Punto de partida Presentation DESAFÍO 3 224 doscientos veinticuatro Goal: to express actions related to dining Differentiated Instruction