38. ¡Lo necesitamos! Escucha y elige. Chef Ayaca is handing out ingredients to each team for their Peruvian recipes. According to what they tell him, can you figure out which of the two items each character is referring to? 1. TIM: las papas / el arroz 3. DIANA: el pescado / las verduras 2. TESS: la carne / las frutas 4. ANDY: los huevos / la sal (salt) 39. Predicciones Escribe y habla. Look at the pictures and write a question about what each person is doing and why. Then ask your partner, who will say what each one is doing with the ingredients. Use a direct object pronoun. Modelo A. ¿Por qué compra Andy seis huevos? B. Los compra porque tiene que preparar el desayuno. 1. Mack y Tim 2. Tim 3. Patricia 4. Tess comprar pan (sándwiches) cortar verduras (sopa) mezclar leche y azúcar (postre) cocinar carne (seco de carne) CONEXIONES: CIENCIAS ¿Textiles o plástico? Las bolsas de plástico de los supermercados causan problemas ambientales. En los Estados Unidos botamos (throw away) más de cien mil millones (one hundred billion) de bolsas de plástico al año. Las bolsas textiles son mejores para el medio ambiente; puedes usarlas muchas veces. 40. Investiga. Use the Internet to find out how plastic bags harm the environment. Write your opinion about how to avoid these problems. I CAN refer to previously mentioned items in a conversation using practiced structures. doscientos veintiuno 221 38. ¡Lo necesitamos! Escucha y elige. Chef Ayaca is handing out ingredients to each team for their Peruvian recipes. According to what they tell him, can you gure out which of the two items each character is referring to? 1. TIM: las papas / el arroz 3. DIANA: el pescado / las verduras 2. TESS: la carne / las frutas 4. ANDY: los huevos / la sal (salt) 39. Predicciones Escribe y habla. Look at the pictures and write a question about what each person is doing and why. Then ask your partner, who will say what each one is doing with the ingredients. Use a direct object pronoun. Modelo A. ¿Por qué compra Andy seis huevos? B. Los compra porque tiene que preparar el desayuno. 1. Mack y Tim 2. Tim 3. Patricia 4. Tess comprar pan (sándwiches) cortar verduras (sopa) mezclar leche y azúcar (postre) cocinar carne (seco de carne) CONEXIONES: CIENCIAS ¿Textiles o plástico? Las bolsas de plástico de los supermercados causan problemas ambientales. En los Estados Unidos botamos (throw away) más de cien mil millones (one hundred billion) de bolsas de plástico al año. Las bolsas textiles son mejores para el medio ambiente; puedes usarlas muchas veces. 40. Investiga. Use the Internet to nd out how plastic bags harm the environment. Write your opinion about how to avoid these problems. I CAN refer to previously mentioned items in a conversation using practiced structures. doscientos veintiuno 221 Unit 4 221 DESAFÍO 2 HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS • Tell students that one context in which direct object pronouns are used often is when giving instructions to prepare a recipe. Have students present a simple recipe preparation in Spanish (how to make a sandwich, for example), using direct object pronouns whenever possible. The students listening to the instructions can give a signal (thumbs-up, for example) when they hear a direct object pronoun. Audio script: 1. ¡Gracias! Las necesito para el paiche. 2. ¡Muchas gracias! La necesitamos para el seco de carne. 3. No, no lo necesitamos, porque tenemos que hacer un postre. 4. ¡Qué bien! La necesitamos para el ceviche. Answers: 1. las papas 3. el pescado 2. la carne 4. la sal 39. Review questions in Spanish before completing this activity. Have students go through each picture and write the verb and the name of the object that receives the action. For example, in the model it is comprar huevos. Answers will vary. Sample answer: 1. A. ¿Por qué compran Mack y Tim el pan? B. Lo compran porque tienen que preparar unos sándwiches. 40. Answers will vary. ¿Textiles o plástico? According to data from the Environmental Protection Agency, over 500 billion plastic bags are used by consumers worldwide every year. Although it is true that plastic bags are reused as lunch bags and trash liners, millions do not go to landfills but end up in the oceans and in the stomachs of sea animals. Plastic decomposes very slowly, and it releases toxins that seep into the soil, the rivers, and the oceans. In recent years, many organizations have attempted to take on the problem of removing plastics from the world’s oceans. CONEXIONES: CIENCIAS Additional Practice Online Fans Online Activities Cuaderno de práctica ACQUISITION-DRIVEN INSTRUCTION • In the grammar tutorial, show the example sentences at 1:57 and read them aloud. Ask: −¿Qué quiere Camila? (café) −¿Qué palabras refieren a lo que quiere Camila? (café, lo) −¿Es femenina o masculina la palabra “café”? (masculina) −¿Es singular o plural? (singular) −¿Dónde aparece “lo” en las oraciones? (Before conjugated verbs and attached to infinitives.) • Then show the complete grammar tutorial. Interpretive Communication Making Connections