30. Aplicar Lee y habla. Read the yer below. Then tell a partner ve things you want to buy from this supermarket. Modelo A. Quiero comprar pan para el desayuno. B. Y yo quiero comprar leche y yogures para el desayuno. Habla. Now discuss how much you spend on the ve items. Add up your purchases with the discount card (con tarjeta) and without it (sin tarjeta). Modelo A. ¿Cuánto gastas con la tarjeta? B. Gasto trece soles y ochenta y cinco céntimos. ¿Y tú? La comida rápida En Perú hay muchos restaurantes, pero mucha gente prefiere comprar comida rápida (fast food) en la calle. Los vendedores ambulantes tienen maíz, papas, jugos de frutas y platos preparados. 31. Piensa. Answer the questions. 1. What alternatives to traditional restaurants exist in your area? 2. Why do people choose to eat from street vendors or food trucks instead of traditional restaurants? TU DESAFÍO Search online for recipes for typical Peruvian street food (anticuchos, picarones, salchipapas, etc.). CULTURA I CAN understand a dialogue regarding shopping for and preparing a traditional dish from Cuzco. El Rincón Leche fresca Clavel Súper Light 1 litro sin tarjeta S/.3.29 Yogur con cereal Laila 125 ml sin tarjeta S/.3.79 Yogur bebible Entero / Light Yodair 1 litro sin tarjeta S/.4.79 Tostadas El horno sabores variados 140 gramos sin tarjeta S/.3.69 Pan de molde sin corteza Doña Paty blanco / marmoleado 560 gramos sin tarjeta S/.9.89 Margarina Omega 453 gramos sin tarjeta S/.6.79 Kekes Paty sabores variados 400 gramos sin tarjeta S/.11.59 Huevos de codorniz Pastura 18 unidades sin tarjeta S/.4.39 Leche entera Laila 1 litro sin tarjeta S/.3.09 doscientos diecisiete 217 30. Aplicar Lee y habla. Read the yer below. Then tell a partner ve things you want to buy from this supermarket. Modelo A. Quiero comprar pan para el desayuno. B. Y yo quiero comprar leche y yogures para el desayuno. Habla. Now discuss how much you spend on the ve items. Add up your purchases with the discount card (con tarjeta) and without it (sin tarjeta). Modelo A. ¿Cuánto gastas con la tarjeta? B. Gasto trece soles y ochenta y cinco céntimos. ¿Y tú? La comida rápida En Perú hay muchos restaurantes, pero mucha gente prefiere comprar comida rápida (fast food) en la calle. Los vendedores ambulantes tienen maíz, papas, jugos de frutas y platos preparados. 31. Piensa. Answer the questions. 1. What alternatives to traditional restaurants exist in your area? 2. Why do people choose to eat from street vendors or food trucks instead of traditional restaurants? TU DESAFÍO Search online for recipes for typical Peruvian street food (anticuchos, picarones, salchipapas, etc.). CULTURA I CAN understand a dialogue regarding shopping for and preparing a traditional dish from Cuzco. Leche fresca Clavel Súper Light 1 litro sin tarjeta S/.3.29 Yogur con cereal Laila 125 ml sin tarjeta S/.3.79 Yogur bebible Entero / Light Yodair 1 litro sin tarjeta S/.4.79 Tostadas El horno sabores variados 140 gramos sin tarjeta S/.3.69 Pan de molde sin corteza Doña Paty blanco / marmoleado 560 gramos sin tarjeta S/.9.89 Margarina Omega 453 gramos sin tarjeta S/.6.79 Kekes Paty sabores variados 400 gramos sin tarjeta S/.11.59 Huevos de codorniz Pastura 18 unidades sin tarjeta S/.4.39 Leche entera Laila 1 litro sin tarjeta S/.3.09 doscientos diecisiete 217 Unit 4 217 DESAFÍO 2 HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS • In Latin America and parts of Spain, the letters s, z, and c (before e or i) are pronounced the same. This can cause confusion when writing. • Ask students to study these words for two minutes to prepare for a dictation: zapato, ceviche, cebolla, Cecilia, aceitunas, aceite, cocido, azul, garbanzos, César. −A Cecilia le gustan las aceitunas. −El ceviche lleva cebolla. −Sergio sirve carne cocida con garbanzos y aceite. −César compra unos zapatos azules. Answers: 1. los (los ingredientes) 2. La (la carne) 3. Las (las verduras) 4. Lo (el arroz) 30. Before students complete this activity, go over the items pictured in the flyer. Have students create a chart separating desayuno, almuerzo, and cena. Then they will work with a partner to ask ¿Qué quieres comprar? and answer following the model. Answers will vary. Go over the phrases sin tarjeta and con tarjeta. Tarjeta in this context refers to a savings card that entitles customers to lower prices. Answers will vary. 31. Tell students that street vendors are another form of fast food. Ask students where they would normally see street vendors. Some examples: fairs, outdoor concerts, and outside an office building in a large city. Answers will vary. Additional Practice Online Fans Online Activities La comida rápida Fast food has become more popular in Latin America and Spain as more people live in cities. There are sandwich and hamburger chains such as McDonald’s that have adapted to local preferences, such as serving rice and beans and national-brand beverages. The idea of fast-food restaurants has become increasingly appealing for families who like informal dining. CULTURA Interpersonal Communication Making Connections Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives Cultural Comparisons Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives Acquiring Information & Diverse Perspectives COMPREHENSIBLE INPUT • Read the dialogue aloud to students. After each sentence or two, ask questions, focusing on the key vocabulary and grammar structures in the statement. For example: “Compramos la carne en la carnicería.” Clase, ¿dónde la compramos? ¿La compramos en el supermercado o en la carnicería? (la carnicería) ¿Qué vende una carnicería? (carne)