25. A preparar paiche Escucha y elige. Mack and Tim are talking about the ingredients for one of the Peruvian dishes they are making for their task. Listen and select the ingredients that they will not use in their dish. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Compara. Compare your answers with a partner’s. Explain why the ingredients were omitted. Modelo Mack no quiere frijoles porque el paiche no lleva frijoles. 26. Todos los días Escribe. What do these people eat or drink every day? Write a description. Modelo Alejandro - frutas Alejandro desayuna frutas todos los días. 1 2 3 4 5 Luz Rosalía Javier Bernine Ángela 27. ¿Qué te gusta comer? Escribe y habla. What do you like to eat during a typical day? Write a paragraph to describe your preferences for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Include things that you do not like to eat, too. Present your work to the class. Mis preferencias Para desayunar me gustan los huevos. Prefiero el jugo de naranja porque me gusta poco la leche. Modelo Comunicación DESAFÍO 1 214 doscientos catorce Unit 4 214 DESAFÍO 1 Warm-Up • Display the following or write them on the board. Have students rewrite each sentence using the new pronouns. 1. Tim prefiere comer papas. (nosotros, ellos) 2. A Tess no le gusta comer postres. (a nosotros, a vosotras) 3. Andy no quiere comer bananas. (tú y yo, ustedes) Preparation • Check students’ answers to the Warm-Up. Confirm that they use correct verb conjugations: 1. preferimos, prefieren; 2. no nos gusta, no os gusta; 3. no queremos, no quieren. • Before beginning the activities in this section, create a chart on the board with the vocabulary for food, adverbs, and the e > ie stem-changing verbs. • Tell students to mark off the words as they use them. That way they can practice all of the new input from Desafío 1. Activities 25. Ask students to write the Spanish words for each picture. They cross off the ingredients as they hear which ones will be used. The words that are left are the answers. Audio script: –Abuelo, ¿quieres unos frijoles para el paiche? –No, Tim. El paiche no lleva frijoles. –¿Y bananas? A mí me gustan mucho las bananas. –No. El paiche no lleva bananas. –¿Y huevos? Comunicación Presentation • In this section, students will review: −The vocabulary for a three-course meal. −Food vocabulary. −Adverbs of quantity. −The verbs gustar, preferir, and querer. Teaching Suggestions Differentiated Instruction EXPANDING LEARNERS • Below is an e-mail that Sergio’s friend writes to give him advice on eating healthy. Ask student pairs to write a brief response with questions from Sergio. Hola, Sergio. Si quieres bajar de peso puedes llevar un régimen un poco estricto. Tienes que desayunar bastante para no tener hambre durante el día. Necesitas beber mucha agua siempre. Puedes almorzar una sopa y una ensalada. Si tienes hambre, come fruta. Para cenar, come poco, pero puedes comer carne o pescado. No puedes tomar refrescos ni jugos. (Script continues, top of facing page.) Interpretive Communication Interpersonal Communication Presentational Communication DEVELOPING LEARNERS • Have students tell how much they like or dislike the food items on these pages. For each item, have them also say whether they want that food right now or if there is something else they prefer. For example: Me gusta bastante el paiche, pero hoy no quiero. Prefiero comer pollo. 25. A preparar paiche Escucha y elige. Mack and Tim are talking about the ingredients for one of the Peruvian dishes they are making for their task. Listen and select the ingredients that they will not use in their dish. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Compara. Compare your answers with a partner’s. Explain why the ingredients were omitted. Modelo Mack no quiere frijoles porque el paiche no lleva frijoles. 26. Todos los días Escribe. What do these people eat or drink every day? Write a description. Modelo Alejandro - frutas Alejandro desayuna frutas todos los días. 1 2 3 4 5 Luz Rosalía Javier Bernine Ángela 27. ¿Qué te gusta comer? Escribe y habla. What do you like to eat during a typical day? Write a paragraph to describe your preferences for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Include things that you do not like to eat, too. Present your work to the class. Mis preferencias Para desayunar me gustan los huevos. Prefiero el jugo de naranja porque me gusta poco la leche. Modelo Comunicación DESAFÍO 1 214 doscientos catorce Differentiated Instruction