Observa. Tim and Mack are in Iquitos, the capital of the Peruvian Amazon. There, people will show them how to make a typical meal. Some of the ingredients are familiar to Tim and Mack, but many are new to them. Which ones do you recognize? Continuará… 6. Observa Completa. Using the Punto de partida, choose the word that best completes each sentence. 1. Una fruta / comida completa tiene bebidas. 2. El paiche es un tipo de pescado / fruta. 3. El postre / jugo de maracuyá es una bebida. 4. La comida termina con un postre / pescado. 5. A Mack le gusta más el jugo / café que los postres. ¡A cocinar pescado! ¿Qué preparamos para el plato principal? El jugo de maracuyá es muy popular. Es ideal para acompañar una comida típica. También podemos hacer un jugo de naranja. Tenemos que preparar una comida completa, con bebidas de frutas. El paiche es un pescado del Amazonas. Es muy típico. ¡Abuelo! ¿Qué tal un helado de postre? ¡Qué rico! A mí me gusta más terminar la comida con un café. Punto de partida Presentation DESAFÍO 1 206 doscientos seis Goal: to express varying degrees of food likes and preferences Unit 4 206 DESAFÍO 1 EXPANDING LEARNERS • Using the information about Iquitos as a guide, have students write a short paragraph describing their own city or town. They should tell if it is a major city in the state or region, how one can travel there, if there are any rivers nearby, and what the typical foods of the area are. Differentiated Instruction Presentation • Tim and Mack are in the Amazonian town of Iquitos, where they will learn to cook a Peruvian meal that includes paiche. • In this section, students will learn the language related to a three-course meal, food vocabulary, adverbs of quantity, and the verbs gustar, preferir, and querer. Warm-Up • Ask students to review the Expresiones útiles. Have them give an example of a circumstance in which they would use each expression. Preparation • Display a map of Peru where students can see the location of the town of Iquitos on the northeastern edge of the country. Explain that this sequence takes place in this Amazonian town. Punto de partida Before Reading • Ask a volunteer to read the introduction to the task. Ask students to look at the illustrations and tell where Tim and Mack find ideas for typical dishes. After Reading • Point out that some fruits such as maracuyá are native to South America, whereas other fruits like oranges (naranjas) were imported because they could adapt to the climate. Activities 6. Answers: 1. comida 4. postre 2. pescado 5. café 3. jugo Teaching Suggestions Expresar preferencias y gustos en distinto grado Interpretive Communication DEVELOPING LEARNERS • Have students preread to identify cognates and familiar phrases in the Punto de partida in order to more clearly understand the reading. They should classify these words into the following groups: verbos, adjetivos, nombres (nouns), otras palabras, and expresiones. Observa. Tim and Mack are in Iquitos, the capital of the Peruvian Amazon. There, people will show them how to make a typical meal. Some of the ingredients are familiar to Tim and Mack, but many are new to them. Which ones do you recognize? Continuará… 6. Observa Completa. Using the Punto de partida, choose the word that best completes each sentence. 1. Una fruta / comida completa tiene bebidas. 2. El paiche es un tipo de pescado / fruta. 3. El postre / jugo de maracuyá es una bebida. 4. La comida termina con un postre / pescado. 5. A Mack le gusta más el jugo / café que los postres. ¿Qué preparamos para el plato principal? El jugo de maracuyá es muy popular. Es ideal para acompañar una comida típica. También podemos hacer un jugo de naranja. Tenemos que preparar una comida completa, con bebidas de frutas. El paiche es un pescado del Amazonas. Es muy típico. ¡Abuelo! ¿Qué tal un helado de postre? ¡Qué rico! A mí me gusta más terminar la comida con un café. Punto de partida Presentation DESAFÍO 1 206 doscientos seis Goal: to express varying degrees of food likes and preferences Differentiated Instruction