PRONUNCIACIÓN La consonante r 4. Práctica Pronuncia. Pronounce each word or phrase, paying attention to the pronunciation of r and rr. 1. Perú 4. arroz 7. restaurante 10. correcto 2. Trujillo 5. verduras 8. carne 11. naranja 3. receta 6. comida rápida 9. preparar 12. cerrar 5. Oraciones y refranes Lee. Read each of the following sentences aloud, paying close attention to the pronunciation of r and rr. Then say each refrán aloud. 1. Roberto cierra el restaurante los martes. 2. A la señora Navarro le gustan las verduras. 3. El cocinero prepara arroz con pollo. 4. La receta para el sancochado es un secreto. 5. ¡Uy, la comida rápida es horrible! 1 A dog’s bark is worse than its bite. 2 Rome wasn’t built in a day. • In Spanish, r has a strong trilled sound at the beginning of a word. No English words have a trill, but English speakers often produce a trill when they imitate the sound of a motor. ropa rutina rico Ramón • In any other position, r has a weak sound similar to the English tt in better or the English dd in ladder. Unlike an English r, the tongue touches the roof of the mouth behind the teeth. gustar durante primero crema • The letter combination rr, which only appears between vowels, always has a strong trilled sound. pizarra corro marrón aburrido • Between vowels, the difference between the strong trilled rr and the weak r is very important, as a mispronunciation could lead to confusion between two different words. caro carro pero perro No se ganó Zamora en una hora2. Perro que ladra no muerde1. doscientos cinco 205 Presentation PRONUNCIACIÓN La consonante r 4. Práctica Pronuncia. Pronounce each word or phrase, paying attention to the pronunciation of r and rr. 1. Perú 4. arroz 7. restaurante 10. correcto 2. Trujillo 5. verduras 8. carne 11. naranja 3. receta 6. comida rápida 9. preparar 12. cerrar 5. Oraciones y refranes Lee. Read each of the following sentences aloud, paying close attention to the pronunciation of r and rr. Then say each refrán aloud. 1. Roberto cierra el restaurante los martes. 2. A la señora Navarro le gustan las verduras. 3. El cocinero prepara arroz con pollo. 4. La receta para el sancochado es un secreto. 5. ¡Uy, la comida rápida es horrible! 1 A dog’s bark is worse than its bite. 2 Rome wasn’t built in a day. • In Spanish, r has a strong trilled sound at the beginning of a word. No English words have a trill, but English speakers often produce a trill when they imitate the sound of a motor. ropa rutina rico Ramón • In any other position, r has a weak sound similar to the English tt in better or the English dd in ladder. Unlike an English r, the tongue touches the roof of the mouth behind the teeth. gustar durante primero crema • The letter combination rr, which only appears between vowels, always has a strong trilled sound. pizarra corro marrón aburrido • Between vowels, the difference between the strong trilled rr and the weak r is very important, as a mispronunciation could lead to confusion between two different words. caro carro pero perro No se ganó Zamora en una hora2. Perro que ladra no muerde1. doscientos cinco 205 Presentation Unit 4 205 ENFOQUE LINGÜÍSTICO TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE (TPR) • The items included in Expresiones útiles are an important part of teaching manners and culture in Spanish. Have the class perform expressions from the list, encouraging students to use appropriate intonation and nonverbal communication such as facial expressions, body language, and gestures. For example: ¡Qué rico!, ¡Qué delicioso! Answers will vary. Sample answers: A. ¿Te gusta el pescado? B. Sí, me gusta el pescado. ¡Qué delicioso! A. ¿Te gustan las verduras? B. Sí, me gustan las verduras. Son saludables. A. ¿Te gusta la carne? B. No, no me gusta la carne. Prefiero el pescado. A. ¿Te gusta el chocolate? B. Sí, me gusta mucho el chocolate. ¡Qué rico! 3. Write key vocabulary on the board to help students listen and identify the missing words. Audio script: –Perdón, ¿qué lleva el sancochado? –Es una sopa. Lleva verduras y carne o pescado. –Pues quiero un plato de sancochado, por favor. –¿De carne o de pescado? –De carne. –Muy bien. Aquí tiene el sancochado, señor. Buen provecho. –Muchas gracias. –¿Qué tal? ¿Le gusta? –¡Hummm! ¡Qué rico! Answers: 1. lleva 4. Buen provecho 2. sopa 5. rico 3. pescado 4. Present the meaning of each word before they complete the activity. Answers will vary. 5. Students can practice saying the sentences and refranes in pairs or small groups. As a follow-up, ask simple questions that elicit the sentences as answers. Ex.: 1. ¿Roberto cierra el restaurante los lunes o los martes? 2. ¿A la señora Navarro le gusta la carne? etc. Answers will vary. Additional Practice Online Fans Online Activities Cuaderno de práctica eCuaderno de comunicación Language Comparisons HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS • Each country has typical food. Ask if any students know of other typical food in Latin American countries. Do they have any favorite dishes?