Observa. The teams meet in Lima, Peru. Chef Ayaca, their host, will help them with their next task: to cook a typical Peruvian dish. But before heading to different regions of the country, they have to find the best recipe in Lima for sancochado. En Lima Necesitamos la receta del sancochado. No. Nosotros servimos café y chocolate. No hacemos sancochados. Lo siento. ¿Tienen sancochado? ¿Qué lleva el sancochado? El sancochado es una sopa. Contiene verduras y carne o pescado. Presentation LA LLEGADA 202 doscientos dos Unit 4 202 LA LLEGADA DEVELOPING LEARNERS • In many Hispanic cultures, it is polite to wish someone Buen provecho or Que aproveche when you see them eating, as well as to compliment the person who prepared your food with ¡Qué rico! Have students practice these expressions at each meal for one week. What reaction do they get? EXPANDING LEARNERS • Have students act out the La llegada dialogue in groups, filling in the dialogue in at least five places. They should clearly show the meaning of the dialogue through their actions and the lines they add. Have the class vote on which group’s interpretations were the most creative, contained the most correct and understandable Spanish, and was the best acted. Differentiated Instruction Presentation • This section presents the arrival of the characters in Lima, Peru. Each team gets the task of preparing a typical Peruvian dish. • Before beginning their individual tasks, the teams must find the best recipe for a typical Peruvian soup called sancochado. • The context of these typical Peruvian dishes will help students learn about Peruvian culture and traditions. Activating Prior Knowledge • To recycle the conjugation of -ar, -er, and -ir verbs, have students change the subjects and verbs in the sentences below. −Necesitamos los ingredientes. tú …, ustedes …, yo … −Comemos pescado. tú …, nosotros …, él … −Escribimos la receta. tú …, ellos …, yo … Preparation • Ask students to read the introduction to La llegada silently and then look over the illustrations. Do students think the individual teams went to the right places to find the most famous recipe for sancochado? • The word sancochado comes from the verb sancochar (cocho = cocido), which originally meant “cook lightly.” The verb has many synonyms such as cocer, guisar, and cocinar. Teaching Suggestions Observa. The teams meet in Lima, Peru. Chef Ayaca, their host, will help them with their next task: to cook a typical Peruvian dish. But before heading to different regions of the country, they have to find the best recipe in Lima for sancochado. Necesitamos la receta del sancochado. No. Nosotros servimos café y chocolate. No hacemos sancochados. Lo siento. ¿Tienen sancochado? ¿Qué lleva el sancochado? El sancochado es una sopa. Contiene verduras y carne o pescado. Presentation LA LLEGADA 202 doscientos dos Differentiated Instruction