Instructional Support Resources Cahier de l’élève 2 FRENCH FOR A CONNECTED WORLD 2 Cahier de l’élève NEW DRAMATIC VIDEO ll Pages 18/03/24 15:23 Workbook The workbook provides additional practice of the vocabulary and grammar for each textbook lesson (including the Unité preliminaire and Reprise), plus additional reading and writing activities. Additionally, you’ll find each lesson’s audio and video activities for building student’s listening comprehension, speaking, and pronunciation skills. The Dossier culturel section helps students keep a journal of observations and reflections of what they learn in the unit. All workbook activities are also available online. The Teacher’s Edition of the workbook provides answers for all content, as you’ll see in the sample provided. Continuous practice, review and reinforcement helps students stay on track! Now that you’ve had a chance to review the Teacher’s Edition of Level 2, Unit 3, take a moment to view a sample of additional core resources to further support instruction and encourage student learning.