EXTRA PRACTICE Point de départ Savoir and connaître both mean to know. The choice of verb in French depends on the context in which it is being used. Tu connais les appareils ménagers, hein? Ben, je sais les utiliser. savoir je tu il/elle/on nous vous ils/elles sais sais sait savons savez savent • Savoir means to know a fact or to know how to do something. Je sais tout sur lui. I know everything about him. Ils ne savent pas qu’il est parti. They don’t know that he left. Elle sait jouer du piano She knows how to play piano. Savez-vous faire la cuisine? Do you know how to cook? • The verb savoir is often followed by que, qui, où, quand, comment, or pourquoi. Nous savons que tu arrives mardi. We know that you’re arriving on Tuesday. Ils savent comment aller à la gare. They know how to get to the train station. Je sais où je vais. I know where I am going. Tu sais qui a fait la lessive? Do you know who did the laundry? Vous savez quand on part? Do you know when we’re leaving? Elle comprend pourquoi tu es en colère. She understands why you’re angry. • The past participle of savoir is su. When used in the passé composé, savoir means found out. J’ai su qu’il y avait une fête. I found out there was a party. Je savais qu’il y avait une fête. I knew there was a party. 3B.2 The verbs savoir and connaître Vérifiez Leçon 3B Structures 150 cent cinquante Communicative Goal Express familiarity with and knowledge of a variety of subjects Interactive Grammar Tutorial 150 Teacher’s Edition • Lesson 3B Section Goals In this section, students will learn the uses of savoir and connaître. Scaffolding • Go over Point de départ. Model savoir by asking several questions with it. Examples: ____, savez‑vous faire du ski? Et vous, ____, savez‑vous où est la bibliothèque? Next, write connaître on the board and ask questions, such as: ____, connaissez‑vous mon frère? Connaissez‑vous le Burkina Faso? Ask students further questions using both verbs to help them infer the difference in use between the two. • Point out that the context of the phrase will indicate which verb to use. Using examples in English, have students say which verb would be used for the French translation. Examples: I know how to swim. (savoir) He doesn’t know the president. (connaître) • Tell students to use the construction savoir + infinitive to mean to know how to do something. • Go over the conjugations of both savoir and connaître in the present tense. Groups Divide the class into two teams (savoir and connaître), and have them line up. Indicate the first member of each team and call out a sentence in English that uses to know. For example, We know the answer. The team member whose verb corresponds to the English sentence has to step forward and provide the French translation. Individual Prepare dehydrated sentences such as these: tu / savoir / que tu / ne pas connaître / mon meilleur ami; nous / connaître / les nouveaux élèves. Write them on the board one at a time and have students create complete sentences using the fragments.