Assessment Program 1 Assessment Program FRENCH FOR A CONNECTED WORLD 1 NEW DRAMATIC VIDEO CHE26_V1_ASP_CVR.indd All Pages 18/03/24 14:13 Assessment Program The Chemins Assessment Program offers quizzes for each vocabulary and grammar section, Lesson Tests, Unit Exams with listening and reading comprehension and speaking and writing skills assessment, Cumulative Exams, IPAs with rubrics for every unit, oral testing suggestions with grading rubrics, audio scripts for listening comprehension activities, and all answer keys. The quizzes, tests, and exams may be administered online or printed for in-class assessment, and may be customized by adding, eliminating, or moving items according to your classroom and student needs. Assessment As you use the Chemins program, you can employ a variety of assessments to evaluate progress. The program provides comprehensive, discrete answer assessments, as well as more communicative assessments that elicit open-ended, personalized responses.