1 Teacher’s Edition • Scope & Sequence T5 Scope & Sequence: Chemins 1 Unité/Leçon Mise en scène/Contextes Structures Culture/Panorama Unité préliminaire Greetings and introductions The French alphabet Popular French names Countries, capitals, and nationalities Classroom objects and school subjects Classroom expressions Days of the week and months of the year Numbers 0–31 The verb être Le français dans le monde Le monde francophone Unité 1 Salut! Leçon 1A Greetings and goodbyes Introductions and expressions of courtesy Nouns and articles Numbers 0–60 Greetings and manners Leçon 1B People and things around the classroom Subject pronouns and the verb être Adjective agreement French identity and diversity La France Unité 2 Au lycée Leçon 2A Academic life Present tense of regular -er verbs Forming questions and expressing negation French school life Leçon 2B Everyday activities Present tense of avoir Telling time Le bac Le Québec Unité 3 La famille et les copains Leçon 3A Family, friends, and pets Descriptive adjectives Possessive adjectives Families in France Leçon 3B Descriptive adjectives Occupations Numbers 61–100 Prepositions of location and disjunctive pronouns Relationships Le Maghreb Unité 4 Au café Leçon 4A Places and activities around town The verb aller Interrogative words Popular leisure activities Leçon 4B Going to a café The verbs prendre and boire; Partitives Regular -ir verbs Café culture La France d’outre-mer Unité 5 Les loisirs Leçon 5A Sports and leisure activities The verb faire and expressions with faire Irregular -ir verbs Soccer in the francophone world Leçon 5B Weather Seasons and months Numbers 101 and higher Spelling-change -er verbs Le Tour de France Les Pays de la Loire and Le Centre-Val de Loire La Normandie and La Bretagne