Unité 5 Les loisirs • The change of y to i is optional in verbs whose infinitives end in -ayer. Comment est-ce que tu payes? How do you pay? Je paie avec une carte de crédit. I pay with a credit card. Other spelling-change -er verbs like espérer like acheter posséder préférer protéger répéter to possess, to own to prefer to protect to repeat; to rehearse amener emmener to bring (someone) to take (someone) like envoyer essayer (de + [inf.]) payer to try (to) to pay Chloé essaie de réparer sa caméra. Anya préfère rester dans la salle de classe. • Note that the nous and vous forms of the verbs presented in this section have no spelling changes. Vous achetez des sandwichs aussi. You’re buying sandwiches, too. Nous espérons partir à huit heures. We hope to leave at 8 o’clock. Nous envoyons les enfants à l’école. We’re sending the children to school. Vous payez les joueurs? You’re paying the players? Boîte à outils Amener is used when you are bringing someone to the place where you are. J’amène ma nièce chez moi. I’m bringing my niece home. Emmener is used when you are taking someone to a different location from where you are. J’emmène ma grand-mère à l’hôpital. I’m taking my grandmother to the hospital. Vérifiez Essayez! Complétez les phrases avec la forme correcte du verbe. 1. Vous répétez (répéter) les phrases en français. 2. Nous (payer) assez pour les livres. 3. Est-ce que tu (espérer) le beau temps? 4. Vous (essayer) parfois d’arriver à l’heure. 5. Tu (préférer) prendre du thé ou du café? 6. Elle (emmener) sa mère au cinéma. 7. Les parents (protéger) leurs enfants? À noter Use apporter instead of amener when you are bringing an object instead of a person or animal. Qui apporte les cartes? Who’s bringing the cards? payons espères essayez préfères emmène protègent deux cent quarante-trois 243 GAME EXTRA PRACTICE 243 Structures Scaffolding • Go over the meanings of the verbs. Note the number of cognates. Make sure students understand that amener and emmener are only used for people. Ask: What verbs would you use to say to take and to bring objects? (prendre; apporter). • Consider going over the constructions essayer de + [infinitive] and essayer de ne pas + [infinitive] with students and giving some examples. • You may want to introduce other verbs that follow these same patterns: célébrer, employer, nettoyer. • Follow the Game suggestion below. Then have students prepare questions using spelling-change -er verbs and interview a partner. See Extra Practice: Pairs suggestion, p. 242. Essayez! For additional drills with spelling-change -er verbs for the whole class or for those who need extra practice, do this activity orally and on the board with different subjects. Spelling-change -er verbs Divide the class into two teams. Announce one of the infinitives and a subject pronoun. Example: emmener; ils. At the board, have the first member of Team A say and write the given subject and the conjugated form of the verb. If the team member answers correctly, Team A gets one point. If not, give the first member of Team B the same example. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins. Video Replay the video episode, having students focus on -er verbs with spelling changes. Have them note each one they hear, with subjects if conjugated. Find out how many occurrences students heard. Ask for remarks with spellingchange -er verbs that describe the characters. Example: Anya paie trop d’argent pour ses chaussures.