EXTRA PRACTICE 242 Teacher’s Edition • Lesson 5B Section Goals In this section, students will learn -er verbs with spelling changes. Scaffolding • Model the pronunciation of all forms of acheter and espérer. Have students practice the difference between closed é and open è. • Go over the conjugations of all three verbs. Guide students to notice that, like regular -er verbs, spelling-change -er verbs are “boot verbs.” • Point out that infinitives often follow forms of espérer. Example: Il espère gagner. • Ask questions using verbs from this section, encouraging student responses. Examples: Où est-ce que vous achetez du pain? Que préférez-vous: du lait ou de l’eau? Combien de SMS envoyez-vous par jour? Have students provide both oral and written responses. Individual Write a pattern sentence on the board. Ex: Elle envoie une lettre. Have students write down the model, and then dictate a list of subjects (Ex: Pascal, nous, mon frère), pausing after each one to allow students to write a complete sentence using the model verb. Ask volunteers to write their sentences down on the board. Pairs Ask students to prepare five questions containing spelling-change -er verbs and interview one of their classmates. Ex: Élève 1: Est-ce-que tu préfères l’hiver ou l’été? Élève 2: Je préfère l’été. Leçon 5B Structures Leçon 5B Point de départ Some -er verbs with regular endings have spelling changes in the verb stem (what remains after the -er is dropped). • For many infinitives with an unaccented e in the next-to-last syllable, the e changes to è in all forms but nous and vous. acheter (to buy) j’achète tu achètes il/elle/on achète nous achetons vous achetez ils/elles achètent Où est-ce que tu achètes des skis? Where do you buy skis? Ils achètent beaucoup sur Internet. They buy a lot on the Internet. Achetez-vous une nouvelle maison? Are you buying a new house? Je n’achète pas de lait. I’m not buying any milk. • For infinitives with an é in the next-to-last syllable, the é changes to è in all forms but nous and vous. espérer (to hope) j’espère tu espères il/elle/on espère nous espérons vous espérez ils/elles espèrent Elle espère arriver tôt aujourd’hui. She hopes to arrive early today. Nos profs espèrent avoir de bons élèves en classe. Our teachers hope to have good students in class. Espérez-vous faire la connaissance de Joël? Are you hoping to meet Joël? J’espère avoir de bonnes notes. I hope to have good grades. • For infinitives ending in -yer, the y changes to i in all forms except nous and vous. envoyer (to send) j’envoie tu envoies il/elle/on envoie nous envoyons vous envoyez ils/elles envoient J’envoie une lettre. I’m sending a letter. Tes amis envoient un e-mail. Your friends send an e-mail. Nous envoyons des bandes dessinées aux enfants. We’re sending the kids comic books. Salima envoie un message à ses parents. Salima is sending a message to her parents. Elle achète quelque chose. Ils répètent. Vérifiez Communicative Goal Talk about bringing, buying, sending, and other actions 5B.2 Spelling-change -er verbs Boîte à outils Use a conjugated form of espérer + [infinitive] to mean to hope to do something. Tu espères jouer au tennis samedi. You hope to play tennis on Saturday. 242 deux cent quarante-deux Interactive Grammar Tutorial Grammar Tutorial