GAME DIFFERENTIATION 238 Teacher’s Edition • Lesson 5B Section Goals In this section, students will learn: • numbers 101 and higher • mathematical terms Scaffolding • Review numbers 0–100. Write a number on the board and have students state what it is. Then ask questions that call for a number in the answer. Examples: Combien d’élèves y a-t-il dans la classe? Quel âge avez-vous? Quel âge a votre grand-mère? Anne a trois crayons. J’ai quatre boîtes de vingt crayons. Combien de crayons avons-nous? (quatrevingt-trois) • Write on the board: quatre cents élèves, neuf cents personnes, deux mille livres, onze millions de voyageurs. Help students deduce the meanings of the numbers. • Model pronunciation of example numbers. Write other three-to seven-digit numbers on the board and have students read them. • Go over the example sentences containing cent, mille, and million and the rules for agreement. • Point out that a space may be used instead of a period to indicate thousands and millions. • Assign the Vérifiez activity. • Go over the bullet points about writing the year. Write several years on the board and have students read them aloud and write them out. Successful Language Learning Tell students that to count from 101–199, they should say cent followed by 1–99. So, 101: cent un, 102: cent deux, 103: cent trois, and so forth up to 199: cent quatre-vingt-dix-neuf. Tell them to use the same strategy after deux cents, trois cents, etc. Auditory Learners Ask students to work in pairs. One student thinks of a number between 100 and 1000 and writes it down without showing it to his/her partner, who should guess what the number is. The first student uses the expressions plus and moins to help the other guess the number. Dictée numérique Ask for two volunteers and station them at opposite ends of the board so neither one can see what the other is writing. Say a number for them to write on the board. If both students are correct, continue to give numbers until one writes an incorrect number. The winner continues on to play against another student. Leçon 5B Communicative Goal Express years and large quantities Structures Leçon 5B Point de départ You have already learned how to express quantities between 0 and 100. Now you will learn how to express years and large quantities. Numbers 101 and higher 101 125 198 200 245 1.000 cent un cent vingt-cinq cent quatre-vingt-dix-huit deux cents deux cent quarante-cinq mille 1.100 2.000 100.000 550.000 1.000.000 8.000.000 mille cent deux mille cent mille cinq cent cinquante mille un million huit millions • In French, a comma (une virgule) is used instead of a decimal point and a period (un point) is used instead of a comma to indicate thousands and millions. 5.419,32 5,419.32 cinq mille quatre cent dix-neuf virgule trente-deux five thousand four hundred nineteen point thirty-two Agreement with cent, mille, and million • The word cent, when used in multiples of one hundred, takes a final -s. However, if followed by another number, cent drops the -s. J’ai quatre cents bandes dessinées. I have 400 comic books. but Il y a deux cent cinquante jours de soleil. There are 250 sunny days. Il y a cinq cents animaux dans le zoo. There are 500 animals in the zoo. but Nous allons inviter trois cent trente-huit personnes. We’re going to invite 338 people. • The word mille is invariable. It never takes an -s. Mille personnes habitent le village. One thousand people live in the village. Onze mille élèves pratiquent les sports. Eleven thousand students play sports. • The word million takes an s when used in multiples of one million. Million and millions are followed by de/d’ when used before a noun. Un million de personnes sont ici. One million people are here. Il y a seize millions d’habitants dans la capitale. There are 16,000,000 inhabitants in the capital. Writing out years • When writing out years, the word mille is often shortened to mil. mil huit cent soixante-cinq eighteen (hundred) sixty-five • In French, years before 2000 may be written out in two ways. Notice that in English, the word hundred can be omitted, but in French, the word cent is required. mil neuf cent treize one thousand nine hundred (and) thirteen or dix-neuf cent treize nineteen (hundred) thirteen Vérifiez 5B.1 Numbers 101 and higher À noter Cent and mille do not take the number un before them to mean one hundred and one thousand. À noter Years after 2000 can only be written in one way. deux mille vingt-deux two thousand (and) twenty two 238 deux cent trente-huit Interactive Grammar Tutorial Grammar Tutorial