distinguish between open and closed vowel sounds. I CAN 1 An offense admitted is half pardoned. 2 You reap what you sow. (lit. He who sows the wind reaps a storm.) Les sons et les lettres Open vs. closed vowels: Part 1 You have already learned that é is pronounced like the vowel a in the English word cake. This is a closed e sound. étudiant agréable nationalité enchanté The letter combinations –er and –ez at the end of a word are pronounced the same way, as is the vowel sound in single-syllable words ending in –es. travailler avez mes les The vowels spelled è and ê are pronounced like the vowel in the English word pet, as is an e followed by a double consonant. These are open e sounds. répète première pêche italienne The vowel sound in pet may also be spelled et, ai, or ei. secret français fait seize Compare these pairs of words. To make the vowel sound in cake, your mouth should be slightly more closed than when you make the vowel sound in pet. mes mais ces cette théâtre thème Prononcez Répétez les mots suivants à voix haute. 1. thé 4. été 7. degrés 10. discret 2. lait 5. neige 8. anglais 11. treize 3. belle 6. aider 9. cassette 12. mauvais Articulez Répétez les phrases suivantes à voix haute. 1. Hélène est très discrète. 2. Céleste achète un vélo laid. 3. Il neige souvent en février et en décembre. 4. Désirée est canadienne; elle n’est pas française. Dictons Répétez les dictons à voix haute. 1 2 3 Qui sème le vent récolte la tempête.2 Péché avoué est à demi pardonné.1 Unité 5 Les loisirs Communicative Goal Distinguish between open and closed vowel sounds deux cent trente-trois 233 PROFICIENCY GAME 233 Les sons et les lettres Section Goals In this section, students will learn about open and closed vowels. Teaching Tips • Model the pronunciation of these open and closed vowel sounds and have students watch the shape of your mouth, then repeat each sound after you. Then pronounce each of the example words and have students repeat them. • Mention words and expressions from the Vocabulaire on page 230 that contain the open and closed vowels presented on this page. Alternately, ask students to recall such vocabulary. Then have them repeat after you. Examples: février, Il fait frais, etc. See if a volunteer is able to recall any expression from previous lessons. Examples: seize, vélo, cinéma. • Dictate five familiar words containing the open and closed vowels presented on this page, repeating each one at least two times. Then write them on the board and have students check and correct their spelling. • Remind students that ai and ei are nasalized when followed by m or n. Compare the following words: français / faim, seize / hein. 2 Expansion Here are some sentences to use for additional practice with these open and closed vowel sounds. 1. Il fait soleil. 2. En janvier, il neige et il fait mauvais. 3. Toute la journée, j’aide ma mère. 4. Didier est français, mais Hélène est belge. 3 Expansion Ask students if they can think of sayings in English that are similar to «Qui sème le vent, récolte la tempête.» (Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.) Comparisons: Language Point out that, unlike English, there is no diphthong or glide in these vowel sounds. To illustrate this, contrast the pronunciation of the English word may with that of the French word mai. Spelling Bee Have a spelling bee using words that contain the two open and closed vowel sounds featured on this page. Pronounce each word, use it in a sentence, and then say the individual word again. Tell students that they must spell the words in French and include all diacritical marks. Audio Cultural Comparisons Cultural Comparisons