DIFFERENTIATION 230 Teacher’s Edition • Lesson 5B Section Goals In this section, students will learn and practice vocabulary related to: • the weather • seasons and dates Teaching Tips • Use the digital image for this page to present new vocabulary. Then describe the weather in places around the world. Example: Aujourd’hui à Chicago, il pleut et il fait du vent. • Tell students that most weather expressions use the verb faire, but neiger and pleuvoir stand alone. Point out that they are only used in the third person singular. • Point out that the expressions avoir froid and avoir chaud refer to people, but faire froid and faire chaud describe weather. Bring in photos that include people to illustrate this distinction. • Mention to students that temps in this context means weather, not time. • Using magazine photos of weather conditions and seasons, describe each image. Show photos again one at a time. Then ask: En quelle saison sommesnous? Quel temps fait-il? • Remind students that they have learned the months and how to tell dates in the Unité Préliminaire. Review how to ask and state the date using a calendar. Write the formula C’est le + [chiffre] + [mois] on the board. Explain that the first of the month is le premier + [mois]. Then point to a day on the calendar and ask students the date. Tell them when your birthday is, indicating the date on the calendar. Then ask students when their birthdays are. Connections: Science Tell students that the ISU includes seven main units of measurements: includes the second (the unit of time with the symbol s), metre (length, m), kilogram (mass, kg), ampere (electric current, A), kelvin (thermodynamic temperature, K), mole (amount of substance, mol), and candela (luminous intensity, cd). This system is used by most countries, except the United States, Liberia, and Burma. Visual Learners Distribute a set of illustrations of various weather conditions to pairs of students. Choose images with variety and have students write detailed descriptions of each one. They should describe the weather, the season, and any activities represented. Visual Learners Distribute a calendar that shows les fêtes. First, call out dates and have students give the corresponding name on the calendar. Then call out names on the calendar and have students provide the date. Example: la Saint-Valentin (le 14 février). Il fait chaud. Il fait froid. Il neige. (neiger) Il fait (du) soleil. L’hiver (m.): décembre, janvier, février L’été (m.): juin, juillet, août Vocabulaire Il fait 18 degrés. It is 18 degrees. Il fait beau. The weather is nice. Il fait mauvais. The weather is bad. Il fait un temps épouvantable. The weather is dreadful. Le temps est orageux. It is stormy. Quel temps fait-il? What is the weather like? Quelle température fait-il? What is the temperature? une saison season en automne in the fall en été in the summer en hiver in the winter au printemps in the spring Quel temps fait-il? Connections Les Celsius En France et dans la plupart du monde francophone, on utilise les degrés Celsius pour mesurer la température. Pour convertir des degrés Fahrenheit en Celsius, utilisez cette formule: C = (F – 32) x 0.56 . Et, inversement des Celcius en Fahrenheit, utilisez: F = (C x 1.8) + 32 •Convertissez 18ºC en Fahrenheit. ~64ºF Vocabulary Presentation Leçon 5B Contextes Communicative Goal Talk about seasons, dates, and the weather 230 deux cent trente Making Connections Making Connections