209 SUPPORT FOR BACKWARD DESIGN Pour commencer •Comment sont ces personnes? •Font-elles du ski nautique ou du kayak? Essential Question How does culture affect the way we plan our free time and invite others to join us? Can-Do Goals By the end of this unit you will be able to: •Talk about activities •Tell how often and how well you do things •Talk about seasons and the date •Discuss the weather Culture • Sports and pastimes in the francophone world • Geography and culture of les Pays de la Loire, le Centre-Val de Loire, la Normandie, and la Bretagne Strategies •Listening: Identifying key words •Reading: Skimming for general meaning •Project: Freewriting Unité 5 Les loisirs sportives, courageuses Elles font du kayak. Forums on vhlcentral.com allow you and your students to record and share text and audio messages. Use Forums for presentations, oral assessments, class discussions, exit tickets, etc. Encourage students to reflect weekly on what they’ve learned about the different cultural elements. Ask more advanced students to dig deeper and investigate a particular topic. This will facilitate the creation of their Dossier culturel. Unité 5 Integrated Performance Assessment Before teaching the chapter, review the Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA) and its accompanying scoring rubric provided in the Testing Program. Use the IPA to assess students’ progress toward proficiency targets at the end of the chapter. IPA Context: Students will compare their own loisirs with those of adolescents in France, and create an infographic detailing their hobbies, specific to each season, as well as the amount of time they spend on electronic devices. Dossier culturel Throughout the unit, your students will identify and compare cultural realities from the francophone world. These important observations can be added to their Dossier culturel. Essential Question Go over the Essential Question as a class. Ask guiding questions to facilitate the discussion: How do our choices in sports and activities define us? How do weather, climate, and geography affect the activities we do? Can-Do Goals • Review the list of communicative goals with your students. Point out that this lesson will provide them with the tools necessary to achieve these goals. • Tell your students that they will learn about pastimes in French-speaking countries in Roman-photo, Culture, and Le Zapping. Throughout the unit, they will also learn more about the geography and the culture of les Pays de la Loire, le Centre-Val de Loire, la Normandie, and la Bretagne. Pour commencer The photo is a view of sea kayakers in front of Le Mont St-Michel, in Normandy, France. Ask these additional questions based on the photo: Pensez-vous qu’elles aiment le sport? (Oui, elles aiment le sport.) Et vous, aimez-vous le sport? Quel(s) sport pratiquez-vous? (Answers will vary.) Initiative and Self-Direction Students can monitor their progress online using the activities and assessments on vhlcentral.com. 21st Century Skills