T28 Teacher’s Edition • Walkthrough Walkthrough The Structures sections include two grammar points per lesson, each with an explanation and practice activities. Carefully designed charts and diagrams call out key grammatical structures and forms, as well as important related vocabulary. Essayez! offers students their first comprehensive practice of each new grammar point. Photos from the Roman-photo show the grammar in context. Assign Vérifiez activities online to give students practice with discrete grammar concepts before they move on to the main practice sequence. Grammar as a tool not a topic Animated Grammar Tutorials feature guided instruction with interspersed quick checks to keep students on track and ensure comprehension. Le professeur provides a humorous, engaging, and relatable twist to grammar instruction. • Courir is used to express the action of running. courir je cours tu cours il/elle/on court nous courons vous courez ils/elles courent Elles courent souvent le week-end. They often run on weekends. Vous courez vite! You run fast! • Dormir means to sleep. dormir je dors tu dors il/elle/on dort nous dormons vous dormez ils/elles dorment Elles dorment jusqu’à midi. They sleep until noon. Nous dormons bien en camping. We sleep well while camping. Les joueurs courent après le ballon. Chloé dort. Essayez! Complétez les phrases avec la forme correcte du verbe. 1. Nous sortons (sortir) vers neuf heures. 2. Je (courir) super vite! 3. Tu (partir) quand pour le Canada? 4. Nous ne (dormir) pas en cours. 5. Ils (courir) tous les week-ends. 6. Tu toujours aussi tard? 7. Vous (sortir) avec des copains ce soir. 8. Elle (partir) pour Dijon ce week-end. Vérifiez Unité 5 Les loisirs deux cent vingt-cinq 225 Point de départ You already know how to conjugate regular -ir verbs. However, some of the most commonly used -ir verbs are irregular in their conjugation. Je pars en Normandie avec mon père. On sort célébrer? • Sortir is used to express leaving a room or a building. It also expresses the idea of going out, as with friends or on a date. sortir je sors tu sors il/elle/on sort nous sortons vous sortez ils/elles sortent Tu sors souvent avec tes copains? Do you go out often with your friends? Quand sortez-vous? When are you going out? Mon frère n’aime pas sortir avec Chloé. My brother doesn’t like to go out with Chloé. Mes parents ne sortent pas lundi. My parents aren’t going out Monday. • Use the preposition de after sortir when the place someone is leaving is mentioned. L’élève sort de la salle de classe. The student is leaving the classroom. Nous sortons du restaurant vers vingt heures. We’re leaving the restaurant around 8:00 p.m. • Partir is generally used to say someone is leaving a large place such as a city, country, or region. Often, a form of partir is accompanied by the preposition pour and the name of a destination. partir je pars tu pars il/elle/on part nous partons vous partez ils/elles partent À quelle heure partez-vous? At what time are you leaving? Nous partons à midi. We’re leaving at noon. Je pars pour l’Algérie. I’m leaving for Algeria. Ils partent pour Genève demain. They’re leaving for Geneva tomorrow. Vérifiez 5A.2 Irregular -ir verbs À noter As you’ve already learned, quitter is used to say that someone leaves a place or another person: Tu quittes Montréal? Are you leaving Montreal? Je vais quitter ma femme. I’m going to leave my wife. Leçon 5A Structures 224 deux cent vingt-quatre Communicative Goal Discuss everyday activities like leaving, running, and sleeping Interactive Grammar Tutorial