T22 Teacher’s Edition • Walkthrough Walkthrough Pour commencer •Comment sont ces personnes? •Font-elles du ski nautique ou du kayak? Essential Question How does culture affect the way we plan our free time and invite others to join us? Can-Do Goals By the end of this unit you will be able to: •Talk about activities •Tell how often and how well you do things •Talk about seasons and the date •Discuss the weather Culture • Sports and pastimes in the francophone world • Geography and culture of les Pays de la Loire, le Centre-Val de Loire, la Normandie, and la Bretagne Strategies •Listening: Identifying key words •Reading: Skimming for general meaning •Project: Freewriting Unité 5 Les loisirs Pour commencer jump-starts the unit, allowing students to use the French they know to talk about the photo. Each unit provides a thought-provoking Essential Question connecting the lesson’s content to contemporary life. Can-Do Goals introduce the unit’s learning objectives. All units open with images that provide visual context for the unit theme. Beginning with the student in mind