K-12 Catalog 2024 – 2025

50 Supersite Prime Online Student Edition Downloadable eBook Online Workbook Online Teacher Resources Graine de Lecture (K–1) • Le Petit Chaperon Rouge • Merlin l’Enchanteur • Barbe Bleue • Le Chat Botté This two-level print and digital program is a fun and interactive way for young children with little to no previous reading and writing knowledge to develop beginner’s level oral communication skills in French. Students will easily identify with the adventures of Clémentine and her friends. • Supersite with online learning activities, comics, cartoons, and songs to supplement learning • Linguistic models in tune with the emotional maturity and cognitive development of young students • Teacher’s Guides with assessments Lecture Decouverte (3–5) INTRODUCTORY • Chiens et chats • L’arc-en-ciel • JoJo 2e LEVEL 1 • Marée noire • Folie d’ours LEVEL 2 • Trésor de guerre • Au secours Pause Lecture Facile (3–5) • Top Secret • A la recherche de Julie • Vol à Giverny Clémentine Méthode de français pour les petits ©2018 | Paperback | 2 volumes COMPANION READING SERIES Texts from French and International Literature PRICING FRENCH GRADES K–5