K-12 Catalog 2024 – 2025

128 Supersite Prime Online Student Edition Downloadable eBook Online Workbook Online Teacher Resources K–2 Lesson Plan CYA23_TSM_LP_K-2_princesa_agua_01-07.indd 1 1/12/2024 3:56:54 PM STANDARDS SLAR CCSS: RL.2.1; RL.2.5-6, RL.1.5, W.1.3, W.K.3 SLAR TEKS: K.7.A–D, K.9.A, 1.8.A–D, 1.10.A, 2.8.A–D, 2.9.D, 2.10.A Science TEKS: K.11, K.12.A, K.12.B, 1.8.A–C Social Studies TEKS: K.4.A, K.4.B, 1.5.A, 1.5.B, 2.5.A–C NGSS: K-LS1-1, K-ESS3-1, K-ESS3-3, K-ESS2-1 SEL: Social Awareness by Susan Verde illustrations by Peter H. Reynolds ISBN: 9786070133282 Literary & Informational Text / GRL: L THEMES: Family Africa / Water / Advocacy / Making a Change / Survival Stories KEY READING STRATEGIES: Connections: Text to Self La princesa del agua Book Summary With its wide sky and warm earth, Princess Gie Gie’s kingdom is a beautiful land. However, clean drinking water is scarce in her small African village. Try as she might, Gie Gie cannot bring the water closer; she cannot make it run clearer. Every morning, she rises before the sun to make the long journey to the well. Instead of a crown, she wears a heavy pot on her head to collect the water. After the voyage home, after boiling the water to drink and clean with, Gie Gie thinks of the trip that tomorrow will bring. Purpose for Reading Tell students you will read this book together to learn about how water is a scarce resource in many countries. Reading Comprehension Activity After reading and discussing the book, have students complete the worksheet Actividades para después de leer. Before Reading Questions • ¿Qué crees que está haciendo la niña que aparece en la cubierta del libro? • ¿Cuáles son algunas cosas para las que usamos el agua? • ¿Cómo consigues el agua que necesitas? • ¿Es agua limpia y se puede beber? Discussion Questions • ¿Crees que tu vida es más simple o más complicada que la de Gie Gie? ¿Por qué? • ¿Qué detalle de las ilustraciones te hace pensar que el camino hasta el pozo es difícil? • ¿Por qué crees que Gie Gie y su mamá cantan cuando hacen los viajes al pozo? • ¿Conoces algún problema que necesita resolverse en tu comunidad? Explica. 2 © by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. CYA23_TSM_LP_K-2_princesa_agua_01-07.indd 2 1/12/2024 3:56:54 PM Organizing the Ideas Based on the reading, ask students to use the Author’s Message Chart (Graphic Organizer #20, at the end) to reflect on what they learned while reading the story. Writing about the Topic • Help students write a song they think Gie Gie and her mother could sing when they go to collect water. Science Ask students to look at the flora and the terrain shown in the illustrations throughout the book. Have students look up information to answer the following question: What is the weather like in Burkina Faso year round? Social Studies This story was inspired by the real childhood experiences of Georgie Badiel, a New York City supermodel who grew up in an African country called Burkina Faso. Have students look up information about Burkina Faso. Ask them to mark the country on a map and write some sentences about their findings regarding the country. Connection with Content Areas Social and Emotional Learning SEL Competence: Social Awareness Consider showing students a short informational video about water access around the world. Have students reflect on Gie Gie’s everyday life activities. Have them talk about the differences between the characters in the story and themselves, then have them design their own fundraising campaign to help the Georgie Badiel Foundation. 3 © by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. CYA23_TSM_LP_K-2_princesa_agua_01-07.indd 3 1/12/2024 3:56:55 PM © by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. © by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Nombre Vocabulario Encierra con un círculo la palabra correcta. Completa las oraciones. 1. Quiero salir a la Luna. 2. Vamos a en autobús a la escuela. 3. Podemos viajar a lugar en avión. 4. Me viajar a Australia. viajar cualquier encantaría explorar 1. 2. 3. 4. avión autobús tren velero velero metro bote avión explorar cualquier viajar encantaría 25 Quiero viajar TSM21_G1_A+_SPAN-LIT_019-028_quiero-viajar.indd 25 22/11/2021 9:47:25 a. m. © by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. © by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Nombre Comprensión lectora Compara los medios de transporte. Avión Yate 1. ¿En qué se parecen? 2. ¿En qué se diferencian? Imagina que estás viajando. ¿En qué medio de transporte viajas? Dibuja lo que ves por la ventana y explica a dónde vas. Possible answers: Los dos llevan muchas personas. Los dos se usan para ir de vacaciones. Possible answers: El avión tiene alas y viaja por el aire. El yate viaja por el mar y flota. Answers will vary. 26 Quiero viajar TSM21_G1_A+_SPAN-LIT_019-028_quiero-viajar.indd 26 22/11/2021 9:47:27 a. m. A+ Spanish Literacy Kits offer a library of high-quality Spanish-language trade books— informational and literary—with standards-based lesson plans. • Authentic works in various genres (folktales, narrative, poetry, biographies, and drama) and levels of text complexity • An array of classic and contemporary literature • Twenty books per grade level—ten informational and ten literary • Standards-based lesson plans • Vocabulary and reading comprehension worksheets • Downloadable, printable, and projectable teacher resources, worksheets, and graphic organizers Each grade level provides access to: A+ Spanish Literacy Kits WITH DIGITAL TEACHER RESOURCES! PRICING GRADES K–5 LITERACY & LANGUAGE ARTS