K-12 Catalog Language • Literacy • Culture 2024 – 2025 English Literacy & Language Development Spanish for Dual Language
Expand your students’ cultural perspectives with Vista’s Enrichment Libraries Choose from our carefully curated libraries of authentic Spanish-language trade books and high-quality translations correlated to our K–12 Spanish programs’ unit themes. Our Enrichment Libraries not only expand unit themes, they also develop vocabulary and build essential literacy skills in authentic contexts. Titles in each library are subject to change. Available for a wide range of programs: world language, heritage speaker, and native speaker Look for the following callout: ENRICHMENT LIBRARIES Spanish-language trade books expand unit themes and build literacy skills. a veces son tan dulces como simpáticas como un cocodrilo de bromas y travesuras es para antes de la historia de amor más Por si no te lo he dicho o transparencia y emotividad lo que significa as infantiles hasta los abrazos eternos. Es un María Fernanda Heredia Ilustraciones de la autora 7/16/2019 9:52:37 AM Otros títulos de la colección: A LOMO DE CUENTO por Argentina A LOMO DE CUENTO por Cuba A LOMO DE CUENTO por México A LOMO DE CUENTO por Perú A LOMO DE CUENTO por Puerto Rico El hijo del Sol y de la Luna Sergio Andricaín • Antonio Orlando Rodríguez Móntate en un relato folclórico para recorrer lugares maravillosos. Visita el reino del jaguar, una de las selvas más increíbles del planeta, hogar de miles de especies de plantas y animales, y de más de cincuenta pueblos indígenas. También verás las pinturas en rocas más antiguas del continente americano, y, desde las alas del gran cóndor de los Andes, divisarás montañas majestuosas, ciclistas que trepan como escarabajos y muchas otras maravillas que hacen de Colombia un país fascinante. Como si fuera poco... también podrás hacer unas deliciosas arepas de queso y aprender una canción infantil afrocolombiana. ¿Vienes? A LOMO DE CUENTO COLOMBIA POR ILUSTRADO POR ESTELÍ MEZA CYA23_NEW_ALC-Colombia_CVR.indd Todas las páginas 23/08/2023 11:50:50 a. m. Mario Moreno, más conocido por el nombre de su personaje ficticio más famoso, “Cantinflas”, fue un actor cómico mexicano, tan inmensamente popular y querido en todo el mundo hispanohablante que se le considera “el Chaplin mexicano”. De joven, Mario Moreno se desempeñó en varios oficios, algunos muy peligrosos y otros algo aburridos, hasta que descubrió que lo suyo era hacer reír a la gente. ¿Quieres conocer a Cantinflas? ¡Abre este libro y empieza a leer! h Personajes del Mundo Hispánico g José Ignacio Valenzuela es un galardonado escritor de narrativa y teatro, guionista de cine y televisión y conferencista chileno que reside actualmente en Estados Unidos. Mejor conocido como “Chascas” (que significa “cabello enmarañado” en varias regiones del Cono Sur), Valenzuela ha publicado más de quince libros para niños y jóvenes, muchos de los cuales se han convertido en best sellers. En 2016, la revista About.com del periódico The New York Times lo seleccionó como uno de los diez mejores escritores jóvenes de Latinoamérica. Conoce a José Ignacio Valenzuela Ilustraciones de Manuel Monroy PMH19_conoce-mario-moreno-cantinflas_CVR.indd Custom H 11/14/2019 3:53:38 PM OTROS PREMIOS NOTABLES OTORGADOS A ESTE LIBRO Mejor libro infantil del año de The New York Times Mejor libro infantil del año de The Washington Post Mejor libro infantil del año de la Biblioteca Pública de Nueva York Mejor libro infantil del año de Publishers Weekly, BookPage, School Library Journal, Kirkus Reviews, Publishers Lunch, Shelf Awareness Mención de honor de The Boston Globe-Horn Book Libro notable para estudios sociales de CBC/NCSS Mejor libro infantil del año de la Biblioteca Pública de Chicago Mejor libro infantil del año de The Wall Street Journal Mejor libro infantil del año de The Boston Globe ¡Y MUCHOS MÁS! ANDREA WANG ILUSTRACIONES DE JASON CHIN BERROS Medalla Caldecott y Mención de Honor Newbery 2022 2022_S-TR_berros_CVR.indd A medida H 02-Nov-22 8:43:40 AM
ICONS The symbols below are used throughout the catalog. TABLE OF CONTENTS Dual Language Online Student Edition Downloadable eBook Online Teacher Resources Prime Supersite Online Workbook The Vista Experience 2 Vista Solutions 3 Why Vista? 4 What’s New 6 Technology 8 Professional Development 14 Funding 16 ENGLISH LITERACY & LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT 18 WIDA Proficiency Chart 20 Newcomers/Beginners 22 Literacy & Content 30 Phonics 42 Targeted Literacy Supplement 46 Content-Area Readers with Multiple Levels 50 Anthologies 54 SPANISH FOR DUAL LANGUAGE 56 Targeted Literacy Supplement 58 Foundational Literacy 62 Literacy & Language Arts 66 Language Arts 74 Dictionaries 79 Collections – Easy to Read 81 Collections – Content Literacy/Language Arts 82 Content Literacy – Language Arts 83 Content Literacy – Social Studies 84 Content Literacy – Social Studies and Science 93 Content Literacy – Science 94 Young Adult Novels 99 Libraries – Latinx Authors and Themes 100 Libraries – Authentic Literature 102 Social – Emotional Learning 104 Start – Up Libraries 109 Leveled Libraries 114 How to Order 118 Pricing 120
02 THE VISTA EXPERIENCE Investing in the Future of Language, Literacy, and Cultural Education Independent, specialized, and privately owned, Vista’s singular focus is on creating the highest-quality integrated print and digital solutions that meet the needs of all language learners—those learning a new language, improving a second language, or perfecting their native language. At Vista, we dedicate 100% of our resources and energy to developing content and technology that supports your passion to empower all learners to be successful in school and beyond.
03 VISTA SOLUTIONS Vista’s goal is to create powerful, memorable teaching and learning experiences for you and your students. Promoting bilingualism, biliteracy, and biculturalism Empowering students of all ages and all proficiency levels See pg. 18 ENGLISH LITERACY & LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT See pg. 56 SOCIAL STUDIES Get Reading! Discover the Supersite—the only online learning environment created specifically for language acquisition. SOCIAL STUDIES Soar Reader Level: C Get Reading! Soar C Social Studies and You You learn about social studies at school. But what is social studies? What do you learn about? Welcome to the Get Reading! Leveled Readers. This library of 144 readers can be used with the Get Ready! series or as a Leveled Reading Library for any elementary English Learner program. The Get Reading! library makes content area connections with language arts, science, social studies, and math at three levels—Newcomer/Beginning, Low Intermediate, and High Intermediate. Students can choose the level they want to read or start with one level and progress to higher levels as their reading skills improve. Level A Level B Level C • For Entering/ Emerging/Beginning readers • Up to 650 words per reader • Readability levels of approximately 110–350L • Picture glossary • For Developing/Low Intermediate readers • Up to 950 words per reader • Readability levels of approximately 300–600L • Picture glossary • For Expanding/High Intermediate readers • Up to 1750 words per reader • Readability levels of approximately 500–800L • Key word glossary Social Studies and You ELL22_4-6_U01_LR_SSC_Social-Studies-and-You_CVR.indd 4-1 3/2/21 7:26 PM SPANISH FOR DUAL LANGUAGE Get Reading! Anyone can be a scientist! Scientists are all around us. There are scientists in schools. There are scientists under water. Where else do we find scientists? Welcome to the Get Reading! Leveled Readers. This library of 120 readers can be used with the Get Ready! series or as a Leveled Reading Library for any English learner program. The Get Reading! library makes content area connections with language arts, science, social studies, and math at three levels—Newcomer/Beginning, Low Intermediate, and High Intermediate. Students can choose the level they want to read or start with one level and progress to higher levels as their reading skills improve. SCIENCE Reader Level: A Level A Level B Level C • For Entering/ Emerging/Beginning readers • Up to 600 words per story • Readability levels of approximately 200-400L • Picture dictionary • For Developing/Lowintermediate readers • Up to 1000 words per story • Readability levels of approximately 400-600L • Key word vocabulary list • For Expanding/Highintermediate readers • Up to 2000 words per story • Readability levels of approximately 600-800L • Key word vocabulary list SCIENCE Discover the Supersite—the only online learning environment created specifically for language acquisition. Get Reading! A ELL21_R02_A_Anyone-Can-Be-Scientist_Cover.indd 4-5 12/17/2019 11:13:49 AM Anyone can be a scientist!
04 Why Vista? Don’t take our word for it. See for yourself what K–12 educators across the country have to say about Vista. With the Vista programs we are seeing our students become more active in their learning. There is more participation, they’re more willing to speak, and they’re more willing to engage in conversations because we are giving them resources that allow them to be able to tie all the pieces together. We chose Get Ready! for our newcomers because of its versatility and the fact that it's really an English language development program specifically designed for newcomer students. The teachers’ experience with vhlcentral is phenomenal. There is tons of support built in— whether it is a webinar for them to view or someone to help when they reach out for support. There is never an issue when it comes to making sure that they can navigate the tools with ease. Dr. Joshua Perdomo Director of Multilingual Programs, CCSD 59, Elk Grove, IL Maeghan McCormick District Language Learner Coach Santa Fe Public Schools, NM Noemi Rodriquez Supervisor of World Languages & ESL, Pascack Valley Regional High School District, Montvale, NJ
orders@vistahigherlearning.com | Customer Support 1-800-269-6311 05 We have been using Vista products in our school district for three years now. With the user-friendly digital platform, teaching has become more efficient for our teachers and more effective for our English language learners. Since we have implemented Vista programs, we have seen almost 4% growth in our WIDA access scores. Erika Hanson EL Specialist, Wilkes-Barre Area School District, PA With Connect, we are able to bring some continuity across our district. It’s also so exciting just to watch our students being able to engage with the materials, being able to use [the program] electronically, being able to see, speak to it, and hear themselves in that language-rich environment. [Students] seeing themselves in a lot of the stories is also just something that's very powerful and inspiring. Dr. Joshua Perdomo CCSD 59, Elk Grove, Illinois I love Galería, and I don't say that about many textbooks. All of our heritage speaker classes find it an engaging, comprehensive program for native Spanish speakers. My students are learning so much! Michelle Gonsalves Department Chair, East Avenue Middle School Vista is the best publisher out there. Your customer service is outstanding! Corey Henderson, Spanish Teacher, Viewpoint School, Calabasas, CA One of our greatest difficulties teaching a language is being relevant. The vocabulary we teach and the cultural readings need to be relevant and useful in order to engage students and keep them interested. That's one of the main things that I love about Vista. We learn words that we can really use. We hear them used in TV news broadcasts and read them in magazines and books. They are very REAL—not limited to, nor bound by the walls of a classroom. Tina Gonzalez-Mohn Spanish Teacher, Terra Linda High School, San Rafael, CA
06 NEW FOR 2024–2025 Explore on page 38 Explore on page 46 Engage with Literature and Content This new literacy program is designed to empower high school students—especially multilingual learners and striving readers—to become strong readers, confident writers, and critical thinkers. Boost Boost is the ideal solution to supplement any ELD program and provides targeted support for multilingual learners at all levels of language proficiency. It targets listening, speaking, reading, and writing. LITERACY & CONTENT 9–12 ONLINE LITERACY SUPPLEMENT K–8 ENGLISH LITERACY & LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT Assess to Learn Part of the online digital platform for Connect, Bridges, Engage, and Get Ready!, Assess to Learn helps teachers assess ongoing learning progress, discover skills gaps, and personalize instruction using standards-based lessons and activities. Explore on page 12
orders@vistahigherlearning.com | Customer Support 1-800-269-6311 07 NEW FOR 2024–2025 Explore on page 64 Explore on page 58 SPANISH FOR DUAL LANGUAGE Avanza (Spanish) Avanza is a data-driven biliteracy solution built on the Science of Reading. It helps teachers identify literacy gaps, track students’ progress, and provide targeted instruction through phonics, reading, oral, and writing modules. Avanza Serie Fonética These new decodable readers reinforce phonemic awareness skills and show children examples of how to segment and blend sounds. ONLINE DL LITERACY SUPPLEMENT K–8 FOUNDATIONAL LITERACY PREK–2 Explore on page 93 Explore on page 83 Graphic Novels This new collection merges storytelling and engaging visuals perfectly to encourage even the most reluctant readers. Includes a variety of genres to complement any classroom library. History Files Archivos Históricos Each title of this History Files series is set in a significant era in United States history, bringing each time period to life. CONTENT LITERACY/LANGUAGE ARTS 2–12 SOCIAL STUDIES & SCIENCE 5–8
08 FOR STUDENTS Plenty of Practice Learning a new language and developing literacy skills takes practice. With vhlcentral, students have hundreds of program-specific, thematically based, and carefully scaffolded practice activities right at their fingertips. Engaging Media Episodic storyline videos, authentic short films, synchronous video chat activities, audio-sync readings, and audio by native speakers ... vhlcentral has it all. Safe Environment Language learning can be intimidating for many students. With its uncluttered interface, innovative tools, and seamless textbook-technology integration, vhlcentral will help you reach students, build their love of language, and support their literacy journey in a safe digital space. Responsive and Accessible Accessibility enhancements provide improved access to language learning for all students—whether theyʼre using computers, mobile devices, or screen readers. Account creation, course registration, homework, and practice are now part of an accessible and responsive student workflow. TECHNOLOGY
orders@vistahigherlearning.com | Customer Support 1-800-269-6311 09 FOR TEACHERS My favorite thing about Vista is vhlcentral. It contains every resource a teacher could need. — Dave Campbell Mountain View High School, Mountain View, CA LEARNING IS JUST A CLICK AWAY Discover vhlcentral—the only online learning environment created specifically for language acquisition and literacy development Time-Saving Tools No need to spend your time hunting down authentic materials, the perfect video, crafting scaffolded activities, creating assessments, or grading homework. We’ve done the heavy lifting for you. vhlcentral provides everything you need to plan, prepare, teach, and assess. Powerful Course Management Choose what you use and how you use it. With vhlcentral, you can easily shape our curriculum to fit your instructional goals and teaching preferences. Plus, you can monitor student progress, communicate securely with individual students or the entire class, and track and report on student effort and outcomes. Enhanced Support Get all the guidance you need to use vhlcentral to its fullest potential—from face-to-face presentations and training webinars by fellow educators to pre-recorded videos on a variety of topics. TECHNOLOGY
10 FOR STUDENTS News and Cultural Updates* Receive monthly links to carefully curated authentic resources from across the world—from online newspaper articles to TV news segments. Each selection includes a scaffolded activity sequence leveled for built-in differentiation. Animated Grammar Tutorials* Research shows that a little humor engages students, stimulates the brain, and helps with memory retention. Animated Grammar Tutorials entertain and inform students by pairing grammar rules with fun explanations and examples. Vocabulary Tools* Students can take control of their language learning by working with personalized vocabulary lists for each lesson. Interactive flashcards featuring target-language words with audio and the English translations are available for fast and effective review and practice. Communication Tools* Vista provides a safe social space for students to develop their interpersonal communication skills. • Virtual Chat activities provide students with opportunities to develop their listening and speaking skills and to build confidence as they practice with recordings of native speakers. • Partner Chat activities allow students to carry out synchronous conversations in pairs via video/audio. • Group Chat activities allow small groups of students to work synchronously to record a conversation in the target language. • Forums enable students and instructors to communicate and share audio recordings and text messages. *Available for select programs. Video Partner Chat Grammar Tutorial Return to Activities Lección 1 | contextos | substrand 1 attempts remaining 106 - 113 JAN 9 5:00 p.m. (late) Open vText Vocabulary list Flashcards Activities Return to Dashboard Conversar Choose a partner online. Then, record a conversation between a customer and a salesperson in an open-air market. submit Select reference tools With your partner, plan the conversation. You are the "Cliente" and your partner is the "Vendedor(a)". Use these expressions. Modelo: 0:32 / 0:46 ¿Qué desea? Estoy buscando... Prefiero el/la rojo/a. ¿Qué talla usa? Uso talla grande/mediana/ chica ¿Cuánto cuesta? ¡Es demasiado caro! Está de moda. What would you like? I’m looking for... I prefer the red one. What size do you wear? I wear a large/medium/small How much does it cost? It’s too expensive! It´s in fashion. Expresiones útiles Chat with Rick Ebert together? Can you hear me okay? Rick: Yep, let’s get started! me: Sounds good. Which roll do you want to play? Rick: Huesped. me: I’m hitting record, get ready to go. recording started REC 0:15 Play back Invite | Test settings Show my video | Contextos | Conversar TECHNOLOGY
11 orders@vistahigherlearning.com | Customer Support 1-800-269-6311 FOR TEACHERS Customized Content Tailor your online course to fit your needs. Create open-ended Video Partner Chat activities, add video or outside resources, and modify existing content with personalized notes. Assessment Solutions Expand your testing possibilities with the Assessment Builder, which makes it fast and easy to customize online tests and exams. Grading Tools Convenient options for grading include spot checking, student-by-student, and question-by-question approaches. Plus, in-line editing tools provide additional opportunities for targeted feedback. Easy Course Management A powerful setup wizard lets you customize your course settings, copy previous courses to save time, and create your all-in-one gradebook. In addition to our own Learning Management System (LMS) hosted on vhlcentral, Vista offers students and teachers multiple ways of accessing our content, including rostering, single sign-on solutions, and LMS integrations.* We are here to help, no matter what your goal—from student success to district needs. * Supports LMS integrations for Canvas, Desire2Learn/Brightspace, Blackboard, Moodle, and Schoology. Availability varies by program. SEAMLESS INTEGRATION Vista is committed to helping you teach languages and literacy with the best digital products and integrations services available, and we are proud to have vhlcentral listed as a 1EdTechcertified platform. TECHNOLOGY
12 TECHNOLOGY Assess to Learn helps teachers ASSESS ongoing learning progress, DISCOVER skills gaps, and then PERSONALIZE instruction using standards-based lessons and activities. Assess and Monitor Student Progress Assess and monitor student progress through standards-based progress monitoring and proficiency assessment to check learners’ skills development. Bridge the gap between teaching and learning! Create a personalized learning path for your multilingual learners and striving readers with standards-based progress monitoring and proficiency assessments that tell you exactly where each student needs support and point you to the right resources to provide individualized instruction! ASSESS TO LEARN Personalized Teaching and Learning System for K–12 English Literacy and Language Development Programs
orders@vistahigherlearning.com | Customer Support 1-800-269-6311 13 TECHNOLOGY Analyze and Discover Skills Gaps Analyze and discover skills gaps easily with analytics tools that show student progress toward important learning standards. Monitor ongoing student performance at a glance through comprehensive dashboards. Plan and Personalize Instruction Plan and personalize instruction by assigning standards-based lessons and activities. Easily search for student and teacher resources to customize instruction. Teach or Reteach Skills and Content Teach or reteach skills and content for practice and reinforcement. • Use resources from the Teacher’s Edition, the Student Edition, and the online program to teach or reteach standards-based concepts. • Reinforce skills and differentiate instruction by assigning activities to the whole class, small groups, or individual students. Elementary Middle School High School Newcomers
14 PERSONALIZED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT We know that every district has unique professional development needs. At Vista, we work closely with school districts across the country to provide personalized sessions that support educators in a variety of language and literacy programs, from world language and bilingual/dual-language education to English language development. Why choose Vista for your professional development needs? • Specialized—focused on language acquisition for world language learners and literacy development for multilingual learners—all delivered by a consultant team of nationally recognized language and literacy educators • Personalized—designed to meet your specific district, school, teacher, and student needs (in person and online options) • Flexible—provided as half-day or full-day sessions, online or in person, and delivered in English, Spanish, French, or Chinese • Effective and practical—with immediate classroom application, covering pedagogical strategies, classroom management tips, assessment and growth monitoring, and technology integration PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
orders@vistahigherlearning.com | Customer Support 1-800-269-6311 15 World Language & Heritage/Native Speaker Programs • Developing Proficiency via the Three Modes of Communication • Multiple Pathways to Proficiency: Building Your World Language Program from Novice to Advanced • Authentic Resources for Real-Life Communication in Your Classroom • Meeting the Needs of Heritage and Native Speakers • Supporting All Students: Inclusion & Equity in the World Language Classroom • Fostering Classroom Community through Active Engagement Strategies Bilingual/Dual-Language and English-Language Development Programs • Principles and Best Practices to Successfully Align Instruction with the Science of Reading in the Spanish, English, or Multilingual Classroom • Curriculum and Instruction Differentiation for Multilingual Learners and Cross-Cultural Communication and Understanding • Understanding Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills and Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (BICS and CALP) and Their Impact on Student Academic Achievement • Implementing Asset-Based Instructional Strategies to Enhance Language, Literacy, and Cultural Competency in the Multilingual Classroom • Engaging Multilingual Learners While Creating a Classroom Community Vista provides great support and a personal touch. They have sent representatives to our district numerous times to train our teachers and to answer questions. They are supporting and generous. — Sharon Gordon-Link Del Oro High School, Loomis, CA PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
16 FUNDING RESOURCES FOR LANGUAGE LEARNING School districts and schools can draw on funding from an array of federal and state programs to support language learning. And the good news is that annual funding levels for most programs are at all-time highs. For example, over the past five years: • Title I funding for disadvantaged students has increased by 12% and now totals $18.4 billion annually. • Title III funding for English language–acquisition programs has increased by 13% and now totals $890 million annually. • Title IV block grant funds for academic enrichment increased by 15% and now total nearly $1.4 billion. In addition to annual program allocations, many school districts have COVID-19 relief education funds to spend. This funding supports learning recovery initiatives and many other programs, including language learning. While relief funds must be obligated by Sept. 30, 2024, many districts can spend these funds until early 2025 and in some cases, districts have been granted waivers to extend spending until early 2026. Tune in to Vistaʼs Funding Matters podcast series to learn how funding increases at the federal and state levels can help support your district’s language-learning and literacy programs at this pivotal time in the evolution of K–12 education. Hosted by education policy expert Jay Diskey, this four-part series is designed to inform and support the language-learning community. Join Jay as he speaks with industry leaders about federal support and enrichment grants for education initiatives, including migrant education, English language acquisition, and learning recovery. FUNDING
orders@vistahigherlearning.com | Customer Support 1-800-269-6311 17 FEDERAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS The majority of federal programs that address language literacy and native-language instruction are part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which was last updated and authorized in 2015. ESSA is organized by titles, and the following six program titles have important provisions for language learning. Vista offers a multitude of programs created specifically to support you and your students in a variety of instructional settings, including native-language instruction. ESSA TITLE I ESSA TITLE II ESSA TITLE III ESSA TITLE IV Part A Low-Income Students Part C Migratory Children Part B Comprehensive Literacy Development Part A English Language Acquisition Part A Student Support & Enrichment Grants Part B 21st Century Community Learning Centers ENGLISH LITERACY Boost Bridges to Literature and Content Connect Discover Phonics Engage Get Ready! Get Reading! SPANISH LANGUAGE ARTS / LITERACY DEVELOPMENT Avanza Antología Entre palabras Entre letras Español Yabisí Galería de lengua y cultura En Español La cartilla A+ Spanish Science Literacy Kits A+ Poetry Kits A+ Mentor Texts for Writing Kits Guided Reading Kits Spanish & Bilingual Dictionaries FUNDING
Our teachers LOVE Get Ready and Connect. We had a leading candidate for a new resource and this has far and away surpassed it. We would love to do whatever we can to get it! Jackie Dearth ESOL District Coordinator Blue Valley Unified School District 229 ENGLISH LITERACY & LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT
ENGLISH LITERACY & LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT K123456789101112 WIDA Proficiency Chart p. 20 Newcomers/ Beginners p. 22 Get Ready! Elementary School p. 26 Get Ready! Middle and High School Literacy & Content p. 30 Connect p. 34 Bridges p. 38 Engage Phonics p. 42 Discover Phonics Targeted Literacy Supplement p. 46 Boost Content-Area Readers with Multiple Levels p. 50 Get Reading! Elementary School p. 52 Get Reading! Middle and High School Anthologies p. 54 Anthology IN THIS SECTION Newcomers/Beginners, Literacy & Content, Phonics, Targeted Literacy Supplement, Content-Area Readers with Multiple Levels, Anthologies
20 Level Descriptors Entering Emerging, Low-Expanding Developing, Mid-Expanding, Transitioning Expanding, Bridging,and Reaching Language Levels 1 2 3 4–6 Grades K–3 Get Ready! Sail Get Reading! 1–3 Get Ready! Sail Get Reading! 1–3 Connect Levels K–3 Connect Levels K–3 Kindergarten students may begin with Connect K Kindergarten students may begin with Connect K Designated ELD Course ELD 1 *May be used for ELD 2 based on student need ELD 2 and ELD 3 ELD 4 and up Lexile® Levels 200L 200L Grade 1: 280L–510L Grade 2: 330L–610L Grade 3: 470L–580L Grade 1: 280L–510L Grade 2: 330L–610L Grade 3: 470L–580L Grades 4–6 Get Ready! Soar Get Reading! Get Ready! Soar Get Reading! Connect Levels 4–6 Connect Levels 4–6 Designated ELD Course ELD 1 *May be used for ELD 2 based on student need ELD 2 and ELD 3 ELD 4 and up Lexile® Levels 270L 270L Grade 4: 550L–700L Grade 5: 610L–860L Grade 6: 630L–990L Grade 4: 550L–700L Grade 5: 610L–860L Grade 6: 630L–990L Boost works in conjunction with Get Ready!, Connect, Bridges, and Engage to supplement instruction for students who may need additional targeted support, including students with limited or interrupted formal education (SLIFE) and long-term English learners (LTELs). ELD PROGRAM RECOMMENDATIONS
21 Level Descriptors Entering Emerging, Low-Expanding Developing, Mid-Expanding, Transitioning Expanding, Bridging,and Reaching Language Levels 1 2 3 4–6 Grades 6–8 Get Ready! 6–8 Get Reading! Get Ready! 6–8 Get Reading! Bridges Levels A–C Bridges Levels A–C Designated ELD Course ELD 1 *May be used for ELD 2 based on student need ELD 2 and ELD 3 ELD 4 and up Lexile® Levels 470L 470L Level A: 580L–970L Level B: 620L–1040L Level C: 860L–1120L Level A: 580L–970L Level B: 620L–1040L Level C: 860L–1120L Grades 9–12 Get Ready! 9–12 Get Reading! Get Ready! 9–12 Get Reading! Engage Levels A–D Engage Levels A–D Designated ELD Course ELD 1 *May be used for ELD 2 based on student need ELD 2 and ELD 3 ELD 4 and up Lexile® Levels 470L 470L Level A: 700L–1200L Level B: 800L–1300L Level C: 800L–1400L Level D: 900L–1500L Level A: 700L–1200L Level B: 800L–1300L Level C: 800L–1400L Level D: 900L–1500L Boost works in conjunction with Get Ready!, Connect, Bridges, and Engage to supplement instruction for students who may need additional targeted support, including SLIFE and LTELs.
Supersite Prime Online Student Edition Downloadable eBook Online Workbook Online Teacher Resources 22 COMPLETE PROGRAM FOR NEWCOMER/BEGINNER STUDENTS for Grades 1–3 and 4–6 Get Ready! is written exclusively for younger multilingual learners (MLs) who are identified as newcomers or as students at beginning, entering, or emerging levels. With Get Ready! Sail for students in grades 1–3 and Get Ready! Soar for students in grades 4–6, the curriculum is built on the specialized knowledge necessary for working with culturally and linguistically diverse learners, the assets they bring to the classroom, and the unique academic challenges they face. Get Ready! Sail and Soar for Elementary School ©2022 | Paperback | 2 volumes; 12 units per volume The most comprehensive program for newcomers and beginningproficiency learners. GRADES 1–6 NEWCOMERS/BEGINNERS
orders@vistahigherlearning.com | Customer Support 1-800-269-6311 23 Standards-based content Get Ready! covers a rich, comprehensive, standards-based curriculum. In addition, the program builds proficiency in all language skills areas: vocabulary, reading, listening, speaking, writing, and grammar. No other newcomer program teaches content literacy in an academic way! Text-technology integration Students and teachers are supported with a complete print program, including articulated readers, as well as unprecedented technology built on an online platform created for language learning and literacy development. Differentiated instruction The program is infused with concrete ways teachers can meet the needs of multilingual learners across the range of abilities, within and across proficiency levels and language domains. Program design • Student Book • Practice Book • Vocabulary Cards • Readers with decodability • Content-Area Readers with Multiple Entry Points • Teacher Edition • Assessment Program • Leveled Readers Teacher’s Guide PRINT STUDENT Components PRINT TEACHER Components Leveled readers Reading is critical to improving English language proficiency, which is why Get Ready! is supported with a library of content-area readers with multiple entry points. The Get Reading! libraries include one language arts, one science, one social studies, and one math reader for every unit of the Get Ready! programs (see pg. 108). FULL TEACHER’S KIT See what’s included in this program’s teacher kit on pg. 120. GRADES 1–6 NEWCOMERS/BEGINNERS
Supersite Prime Online Student Edition Downloadable eBook Online Workbook Online Teacher Resources 24 An unparalleled digital learning environment with integrated content, resources, and tools built to support literacy development FOR STUDENTS Plenty of practice The Get Ready! Supersite provides students with hundreds of program-specific, thematically based, carefully scaffolded practice activities right at their fingertips. Safe environment With its uncluttered interface, innovative tools, and seamless textbook-technology integration, the Supersite will help you reach students and build their love for language in a safe digital space. Engaging media Dramatic presentational videos, authentic curated videos, interactive tutorials, and audio-sync readings ... Get Ready! has it all. • Online Student Edition • Live communication practice • Interactive activities • Engaging and original media • Audio-synchronized readings Get Ready! Sail and Soar for Elementary School ©2022 | Paperback | 2 volumes; 12 units per volume THE GET READY! DIGITAL EXPERIENCE GRADES 1–6 NEWCOMERS/BEGINNERS
orders@vistahigherlearning.com | Customer Support 1-800-269-6311 25 • Grading tools and gradebook • Online assessments (placement test, quizzes, end-of-unit tests) • Advanced feedback on student work • Supplemental resources • Ability to customize content FOR TEACHERS Time-saving tools No need to spend time finding the perfect video, crafting scaffolded activities, creating assessments, or grading tons of homework. We’ve provided everything you need to plan, prepare, teach, and assess. Powerful course management Choose what you use and how you use it. Plus, you can monitor student progress, communicate securely with individual students or the entire class, and track and report on student effort and outcomes. Enhanced support Get all the guidance you need to use the site to its fullest—from face-to-face presentations and training webinars by fellow educators, to pre-recorded videos on a variety of topics. PRICING GRADES 1–6 NEWCOMERS/BEGINNERS
Supersite Prime Online Student Edition Downloadable eBook Online Workbook Online Teacher Resources 26 COMPLETE PROGRAM FOR NEWCOMER/BEGINNER STUDENTS for Grades 6–8 and 9–12 Get Ready! is the most comprehensive standards-based program developed specifically to address the unique needs of middle and high school newcomer/ beginner English learners. This multi-level program engages students with age-appropriate, motivating communicative presentations, as well as literary and informational lessons in a range of content areas. And with the new Assess to Learn system, teachers can assess ongoing learning progress, discover skills gaps, and personalize instruction! Rich curriculum developed specifically for middle school and high school newcomer/ beginner students. Get Ready! Middle and High School ©2021 | Paperback | 2 levels, each with intro and 10 units NEWCOMERS/BEGINNERS GRADES 6–12
orders@vistahigherlearning.com | Customer Support 1-800-269-6311 27 Standards-based approach Get Ready! covers a rich, comprehensive, standards-based curriculum. Focused specialization The program is conceived and written exclusively for multilingual learners (MLs) who are identified as newcomers, beginners, entering, or emerging level. Differentiated instruction Get Ready! is infused with concrete guidance on ways teachers can meet the needs of MLs across the range of abilities, within and across proficiency levels and language domains. • Student Book • Practice Book • Content-area Readers with Multiple Entry Points PRINT STUDENT Components • Teacher Edition • Assessment PRINT TEACHER Components Supersite The Supersite is an online learning environment created specifically for literacy development and language acquisition and focused on preparing students to participate in class and transition to the next proficiency level. Engaging multimedia Get Ready! offers a wealth of multimedia, including recordings of literature, authentic video, interactive Grammar Tutorials, Virtual Chat activities, and much more. Get Reading! Library The Get Reading! library includes 120 readers— 1 language arts, 1 science, 1 social studies, and 1 math reader per unit—at three levels of readability each (see pg. 110). NEWCOMERS/BEGINNERS GRADES 6–12
Supersite Prime Online Student Edition Downloadable eBook Online Workbook Online Teacher Resources 28 Get Ready! offers unparalleled digital learning environment with integrated content, resources, and tools built to support language learning and the Assess to Learn system for progress monitoring, proficiency assessments, and personalized instruction FOR STUDENTS Plenty of practice The Get Ready! site provides students with hundreds of program-specific, thematically based, carefully scaffolded practice activities right at their fingertips. Safe environment With its uncluttered interface, innovative tools, and seamless textbook-technology integration, Get Ready! will help you reach students and build their love of language in a safe digital space. Engaging media Dramatic presentational video, authentic videos, and audio recordings by native speakers ... Get Ready! has it all. • Online Student Edition • Live communication practice • Interactive activities • Engaging and original media • Cultural content Get Ready! Middle and High School ©2021 | Paperback | 2 levels, each with intro and 10 units Vocabulary activities THE GET READY! DIGITAL EXPERIENCE NEWCOMERS/BEGINNERS GRADES 6–12
orders@vistahigherlearning.com | Customer Support 1-800-269-6311 29 FOR TEACHERS Time-saving tools No need to spend time finding the perfect video, crafting scaffolded activities, creating assessments, or grading lots of homework. We’ve provided everything you need, including: • Online Teacher’s Guide • Assessment Program with Proficiency Assessments • Professional development • School-to-Home Connection Letters with activities in multiple languages Assess to Learn Create a personalized learning path for your multilingual learners and striving readers with standards-based Proficiency Assessments that tell you exactly where each student needs support and point you to the right resources to provide individualized instruction! The Assess to Learn system helps teachers ASSESS ongoing learning progress, DISCOVER skills gaps, and then PERSONALIZE instruction using standards-based lessons and activities. • Assess and Monitor student progress through standards-based proficiency assessments to check learners’ skills development. • Analyze and Discover skills gaps easily with analytics tools that show student progress towards important learning standards. Monitor ongoing student performance at a glance through comprehensive dashboards. • Plan and Personalize instruction by assigning standards-based lessons and activities. Easily search for student and teacher resources to customize instruction. • Teach or Reteach skills and content for practice and reinforcement. Differentiate instruction by assigning activities to the whole class, small groups, or individual students. Enhanced support Get all the guidance you need to use the Supersite to its fullest potential—from face-to- face presentations and training webinars by fellow educators, to pre-recorded videos on a variety of topics. PRICING NEWCOMERS/BEGINNERS GRADES 6–12
Supersite Prime Online Student Edition Downloadable eBook Online Workbook Online Teacher Resources 30 GRADES K–6 LITERACY PROGRAM FOR MULTILINGUAL LEARNERS AND STRIVING READERS For Grades K–6 Connect is a standards-based literacy program designed for multilingual learners and striving readers in grades K–6. This powerful print and digital solution develops academic language and literacy skills through authentic texts and content-driven lessons, while addressing the proficiency needs of every student. And with the new Assess to Learn system, teachers can assess ongoing learning progress, discover skills gaps, and personalize instruction! Connect supports all models of instruction, including push-in and pull-out programs. Connect Language, Literacy, Content ©2022 | 7 levels | 8 units per level LITERACY & CONTENT
orders@vistahigherlearning.com | Customer Support 1-800-269-6311 31 What to expect with Connect • Ensures proficiency in the vocabulary, phonics, reading, listening, speaking, writing, and grammar skills that are vital to success in school and in life • Promotes academic language development and scaffolds reading and writing skills • Engages students with motivating literary and informational texts in science, social studies, math, and the arts • Helps students access grade-level content with scaffolded support • Is accompanied by authentic media and a rich digital learning environment with integrated content, resources, and tools uniquely created to engage students and support learning Unit opener • Student Book • Practice Book • Connect to Phonics PLUS (grades 1–3) • Thematic Readers (two readers per unit) • Decodable Readers (grade K only) • Teacher’s Edition • Vocabulary Cards • Assessment Program • Poster Cutouts (grade K only) • Big Books (grade K only) PRINT PROGRAM Components FULL TEACHER’S KIT See what’s included in this program’s teacher kit on pg. 120. GRADES K–6 LITERACY & CONTENT
Supersite Prime Online Student Edition Downloadable eBook Online Workbook Online Teacher Resources 32 GRADES K–6 Connect offers an unparalleled digital learning environment with interactive, media‑rich student and teacher resources and the Assess to Learn system for progress monitoring, proficiency assessments, and personalized instruction. FOR STUDENTS Plenty of practice With the Connect Supersite, students have hundreds of program-specific, thematically based, carefully scaffolded practice activities right at their fingertips. Safe environment With its uncluttered interface built for young learners, along with its innovative tools and seamless textbook-technology integration, the Connect Supersite will help you reach students and build their skills in a safe digital space. Engaging media Scripted and authentic videos, embedded audio, Vocabulary Tutorials, Grammar Tutorials, and more ... the Connect Supersite has it all! • Interactive vText (online Student Edition) • Online activities with corrective feedback • Interactive tutorials • Video Virtual Chats • Thematic Library eReaders • Decodable eReaders • Integrated audio and video • Phonics lessons and online practice Connect Language, Literacy, Content ©2022 | 7 levels | 8 units per level THE CONNECT DIGITAL EXPERIENCE LITERACY & CONTENT
orders@vistahigherlearning.com | Customer Support 1-800-269-6311 33 FOR TEACHERS Time-saving tools No need to spend time finding the perfect video, crafting scaffolded activities, creating assessments, or grading lots of homework. We’ve provided everything you need, including: • Online Teacher’s Guide • Assessment Program with Proficiency Assessments • Professional development • School-to-Home Connection Letters with activities in multiple languages Assess to Learn Create a personalized learning path for your multilingual learners and striving readers with standards-based Proficiency Assessments that tell you exactly where each student needs support and point you to the right resources to provide individualized instruction! The Assess to Learn system helps teachers ASSESS ongoing learning progress, DISCOVER skills gaps, and then PERSONALIZE instruction using standards-based lessons and activities. • Assess and Monitor student progress through standards-based proficiency assessments to check learners’ skills development. • Analyze and Discover skills gaps easily with analytics tools that show student progress towards important learning standards. Monitor ongoing student performance at a glance through comprehensive dashboards. • Plan and Personalize instruction by assigning standards-based lessons and activities. Easily search for student and teacher resources to customize instruction. • Teach or Reteach skills and content for practice and reinforcement. Differentiate instruction by assigning activities to the whole class, small groups, or individual students. Enhanced support Get all the guidance you need to use the Supersite to its fullest potential—from faceto-face presentations and training webinars by fellow educators, to pre-recorded videos on a variety of topics. PRICING GRADES K–6 LITERACY & CONTENT
Supersite Prime Online Student Edition Downloadable eBook Online Workbook Online Teacher Resources 34 Bridges to Literature and Content ©2023 | 3 levels | 10 units per level LITERACY PROGRAM FOR MULTILINGUAL LEARNERS AND STRIVING READERS for Grades 6–8 Bridges is a standards-based literacy program designed to empower middle school students to become stronger independent readers. This powerful print and digital solution develops academic language and literacy skills through authentic texts and content-driven lessons, helping striving readers achieve grade-level proficiency. And with the new Assess to Learn system, teachers can assess ongoing learning progress, discover skills gaps, and personalize instruction! We love Bridges because it connects to all the content areas and it has lessons that are related to our students. GRADES 6–8 LITERACY & CONTENT
orders@vistahigherlearning.com | Customer Support 1-800-269-6311 35 What to expect with Bridges • Ensures proficiency in the vocabulary, reading, listening, speaking, writing, and grammar skills that are vital to success in school and in life • Promotes academic language development and scaffolds reading and writing skills • Engages students with multicultural literary texts and content-rich informational texts that address science, social studies, math, and other content areas • Helps students access grade-level content with scaffolded supports • Accompanied by authentic media and a rich digital learning environment with integrated content, resources, and tools uniquely created to engage students and support learning Student Book • Student Book • Practice Book • Teacher’s Edition • Assessment Program PRINT PROGRAM Components LITERACY & CONTENT GRADES 6–8
Supersite Prime Online Student Edition Downloadable eBook Online Workbook Online Teacher Resources 36 Bridges to Literature and Content ©2023 | 3 levels | 10 units per level Bridges offers an unparalleled digital learning environment with interactive, media‑rich student and teacher resources and the Assess to Learn system for progress monitoring, proficiency assessments, and personalized instruction. FOR STUDENTS Plenty of practice With the Bridges Supersite, students have hundreds of program-specific, thematically based, carefully scaffolded practice activities right at their fingertips. Safe environment With its innovative tools and seamless textbook-technology integration, the Bridges Supersite will help you reach students and build their skills in a safe digital space. Engaging media Scripted and authentic videos, embedded audio, Vocabulary Tutorials, Grammar Tutorials, and more ... the Bridges Supersite has it all. • Interactive vText (online Student Edition) • Online activities with corrective feedback • Interactive tutorials • Video Virtual Chats • Integrated audio and video THE BRIDGES DIGITAL EXPERIENCE LITERACY & CONTENT GRADES 6–8
orders@vistahigherlearning.com | Customer Support 1-800-269-6311 37 FOR TEACHERS Time-saving tools No need to spend time finding the perfect video, crafting scaffolded activities, creating assessments, or grading lots of homework. We’ve provided everything you need, including: • Online Teacher’s Guide • Assessment Program with Proficiency Assessments • Professional development • School-to-Home Connection Letters with activities in multiple languages Assess to Learn Create a personalized learning path for your multilingual learners and striving readers with standards-based Proficiency Assessments that tell you exactly where each student needs support and point you to the right resources to provide individualized instruction! The Assess to Learn system helps teachers ASSESS ongoing learning progress, DISCOVER skills gaps, and then PERSONALIZE instruction using standards-based lessons and activities. • Assess and Monitor student progress through standards-based proficiency assessments to check learners’ skills development. • Analyze and Discover skills gaps easily with analytics tools that show student progress towards important learning standards. Monitor ongoing student performance at a glance through comprehensive dashboards. • Plan and Personalize instruction by assigning standards-based lessons and activities. Easily search for student and teacher resources to customize instruction. • Teach or Reteach skills and content for practice and reinforcement. Differentiate instruction by assigning activities to the whole class, small groups, or individual students. Enhanced support Get all the guidance you need to use the Supersite to its fullest potential—from faceto-face presentations and training webinars by fellow educators, to pre-recorded videos on a variety of topics. PRICING LITERACY & CONTENT GRADES 6–8