[email protected] | Customer Support 1-800-269-6311 49 Nuevos mundos Lectura, cultura y comunicación Curso de español para bilingües Ana Roca 4th Edition | ©2025 | 8 lessons Nuevos mundos is an exciting program for Heritage Spanish speakers, revised to match Vista Higher Learning’s standards for student engagement and online learning. Nuevos mundos engages students with cultural and literary readings as well as video and audio that gets them excited about their shared background, culture, and home language of Spanish. Activities, both in print and on the Nuevos mundos Supersite, compel students to express themselves in Spanish by working in pairs and groups to discuss their identities, communities, life experiences, and everyday realities with their peers. Online Workbook activities review and develop students’ knowledge of standard written Spanish, allowing them to become stronger readers and writers of the language. What sets Nuevos mundos apart? What is new to this edition? Learn more at learn.vistahigherlearning.com/nuevos-mundos • Authentic literary texts, articles, and authorcreated cultural texts with topics relevant to heritage students’ lives motivate them to express themselves in pair and group work inside and outside the classroom, all while learning about the history and background behind the diverse groups of U.S. Hispanics. • El arte de ser bilingüe allows Heritage students to express themselves in Spanish with their peers on stimulating and meaningful topics that compel them to examine their linguistic and cultural identities. Extended assignments allow heritage students to become creative with Spanish and to carry out real-world tasks in a functional capacity. • Four-color design easy to navigate and a chapter organization that both supports and facilitates learning. • Sonido y color feature: In this new section of the print book, with extra activities available in the Supersite, authentic media such as films and music provide a sensory bridge to heritage students for accessing Spanish and extrapolating what they see and hear in order to express themselves through speaking and/ or writing activities. • Online Workbook: Heritage students use a variety of discrete and open-ended activity types to practice spelling, grammar, and vocabulary of standard international Spanish. SPANISH HERITAGE SPEAKERS