[email protected] | Customer Support 1-800-269-6311 43 Written for advanced grammar and composition or advanced composition and conversation classes, Repase y escriba combines solid grammar coverage with contemporary readings from a variety of sources, including literature, magazines, and newspapers. The units are organized by contemporary themes that are varied, current, and interesting. In the 8th edition users will experience a brand new design. This new 4-color design is not only visually exciting, but it supports the learning experience: It improves navigation and it organizes information in a way that is clear and easy to find for faculty and students. Learn more at learn.vistahigherlearning.com/repase-y-escriba What is new to this edition? Repase y escriba Curso avanzado de gramática y composición María Canteli Dominicis 8th Edition | ©2024 | 14 lessons • Updated chapter themes that include more contemporary topics There are nine new chapter themes including ones that capture important public discussions going on in society nowadays. For example, new Chapter 4 “Derribando estereotipos” addresses stereotypes around gender and Chapter 8 “Ética, tecnología y sociedad” discusses the role of ethics in new technology and its implications on humanity. • Readings with Contemporary Topics Ten brand-new readings to support the chapter themes. These readings are level appropriate and are also very engaging. We made sure to offer a wider variety of genres such as literature excerpts, journalistic articles and interviews, blogs, and academic essays. • Supersite We continue to offer an improved online learning experience by adding those new features: • Mobile-friendly Supersite with vText • All readings with audio-sync and two new hybrid readings include video and images • An updated WebSAM (formerly Workbook) • Assessment Builder with Testing Program online—all assignable • News and Cultural Updates SPANISH ADVANCED